
Surprises Revealed

Back at Parker's hollow tree, Amber (whose real name was revealed to be Amanda Anderson) introduced the Paleo Pals to her brother Chris and two best friends Kate Keystar and Emily Evermore. While the three humans were astonished to realize that all four dinosaurs could talk (as well as most other dinosaurs that called DinoIsle home), they were at least relieved to learn that Parker, Flap, Boulder, and Dusk have been able to help Amber with learning how to live in this lost world as well as helping regain most of her lost memories in the weeks since she's been here.

"I still can't believe that all this time you've been on this island since we lost you at sea on Memorial Day," Chris said in disbelief.

"It is a lot to take in," Amber admitted to her brother. "But you know once you have learned to adjust to this primeval paradise…. it is not too different from life back in Maple Hill apart from the extra surprises now and then." 

"For the most part," Parker agreed as he offered a cup of spruce beer to everyone in the living room. "And to tell you the truth, it is quite a neat change to our lives since Amber came to DinoIsle."

"Who's Amber?" Emily asked curiously.

"That's the nickname Parker gave me," Amber explained to her bubbly friend. "Based on the fact that I was wearing my blue amber necklace when he found me."

"Oh," Emily understood. "I guess that does make a bit of sense."

"Though should we still call you Amber or Amanda now?" Boulder asked feeling a little confused.

"Both can work Boulder," Amber giggled at the frilled dinosaur. "Though…. Amber seems to sound better for a name."

"Then I guess we'll have to legally change it once we get home," Chris chuckled a bit.

"Yeah…that's true," Amber replied when a thought occurred to her. "Though, do we have to go right away?"

"What do you mean Amanda?" Kate asked her long-lost friend.

"Well…it's just that I've come to like being here since the weeks I've stayed on DinoIsle," Amber carefully replied as she tried to think of how to explain her reasons to her brother and two human friends. "Especially since Parker, Flap, Boulder, and Dusk came into my life…especially Parker."

Now the little dinosaur was a little astonished at hearing what the young lady said, having a suspicion that he might be the reason that Amber wanted to stay a little longer on DinoIsle, and in some way…he was hoping she would stay as well. However, Parker did not want those thoughts to get the better of him for the little dinosaur knew that eventually Amber would have to head back home. Suddenly, the little dinosaur noticed something in Chris's bag and proceeded to look through it before the young man could stop him. Sure enough, the little dinosaur pulled out a dinosaur egg.

"W…where in the Mesozoic did you three get this?!" Parker asked sternly to Chris, Kate, and Emily.

"Oh, we found that not too long ago at a dinosaur nest," Emily replied while unaware of the seriousness on the four dinosaurs' faces. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh great," Flap rolled his eyes before looking at Amber. "You never told us that your fellow mammals are egg thieves."

"That's because I didn't know they took a dinosaur egg," Amber replied in equal shock. "At least until now!"

"Take it easy sis," Chris tried to assure his sister. "We've only taken one egg from that nest."

"But Chris," Amber scolded her older brother. "The parent dinosaur must be worried sick for that egg right now."

"Oh…boy," Kate solemnly said when she quickly realized the situation, they were in. "guess that would explain why that Tyrannosaurus rex was chasings us earlier."

"TYRANNOSAURUS REX!!!" The Paleo Pals shouted in shock.

Sure enough, a fearsome bellow could be heard from outside the hollow tree as there stood the enraged Tyrannosaurus rex sniffing around for his missing egg. The one that Chris, Kate, and Emily made the mistake of swiping for a meal. As the four dinosaurs and the four humans worried about what to do, Amber thought of something she knew might calm the father T. rex.

"Listen, everyone," Amber said. "We have to give that egg back to the father rex."

"Are you nuts?!" Flap stated to Amber. "That's a fully grown Tyrannosaurus rex out there, he might gobble you up if given the chance."

"And I already lost you once!" Chris added with concern. "I don't want to lose you again Amanda!"

"Amber might be right," Parker said to the group. "She and I will go out there and return the egg."

"For I know how it feels to be separated from a loved one," Amber calmly added.

"Oh…I can't watch," Emily said as she covered her eyes in fear.

"Me either," Boulder added as he covered his eyes as well.

Together, Parker and Amber ventured outside where they came face to face with the angry T. rex. When he saw the egg in the little girl's hands, the father to be, looked upon the young lady before taking a sniff of the stolen egg.

"We're sorry for what my brother and friends did Mr. Rex," Amber said to the father dinosaur. "I just hope you could find it in your heart to forgive him and take your egg back please?" 

Placing the egg close to the T. rex, Amanda and Parker watched as the father examined the egg closely to see if it was all right when it suddenly began to hatch. As the egg cracked, the head of a cute and downy feathered T. rex chick with brown and creamy coloration popped its head out to greet the world for the first time.

"Awe…," Amanda, Kate, and Emily said as they saw how adorable the dinosaur hatchling was.

 Fully emerging from the egg, the baby rex happily nuzzled its father while Parker and Amber looked on knowing that everything would be all right.

"Thank you, young ones," The T. rex said to the pair.

"You're welcome," Parker replied.

When both the T. rex and his hatchling departed, the rest of the Paleo Pals and the three Maple Hill friends walked out in relief that it was all over.

"And to think, we were going to eat that little cutie," Emily said shamefully.

"Easy for you to say," Flap shook his head. "I thought I might lose my feathers after that."

"It's alright little buddy," Boulder assured the proto-bird. "It's normal for most dinosaurs to not have feathers."

"Geeze, thank you for assuring me Boulder," Flap sighed sarcastically.

"Don't mention it Flap," Boulder replied oblivious to Flap's sarcasm.

"That was a brave thing for you to do Amber," said Dusk. "You certainly have the heart of a dinosaur."

"Thank you for that," Amber sweetly smiled before looking at Parker. "Though to be fair, I have all four of you to thank."

Parker smiled at what the young lady said, and the two looked into one another's eyes as something magical seemed to be sparking within him. However, Parker remembered that Amber should be heading home…so he proceeded to tell her something important.

"Amber…," Parker reluctantly said. "Ever since we have met, I have been grateful to have you in our lives here. However, I know that we cannot just keep you here for the rest of your life. Which is why…I think you should head back to Maple Hill with your fellow humans. It is only fair that you do, for they say that if you care about someone a lot…it is only fair that you let them go to enjoy their lives."

"Parker…," Amber said in astonishment at what the little dinosaur said.

"I know it's hard," the little dinosaur admitted. "But it would be self-serving to try and make you stay here with us."

"I see," Amber understood what the little dinosaur was saying. "Then I'm going to miss you Parker… it was really neat to have made some brand-new friends here."

"The same for us," Parker replied.

"You truly are quite a new surprise around this paleo place," Flap added.

"And you're probably the sweetest, kindest, and most caring mammal I have ever met," said Boulder. "Even though I don't know that many mammals around DinoIsle."

"We hope you have a safe trip home," Dusk added. "And we especially hope to see you again in the future."

"Thank you Dusk," Amber quietly said. 

"Farewell for now Amber and have a Jurassic Fantastic day," Parker said as he tried to put on a brave face.

With that said, Amber, Chris, Kate, and Emily departed for the boat while the Paleo Pals looked on; knowing well that they might not see one another again. When they got back to the charter boat, Chris checked to see if the boat's controls were still intact. So far, everything seems to be in working order.

"Well," Chris sighed in relief. "Everything seems to be in good shape."

Just before he could set sail, Chris noticed that his sister does not seem to be her usual self as Amber seems to be feeling quite down.

"Amanda?" Chris asked his sister with concern. "Is something the matter?"

"Oh…I don't know," the young lady admitted. "I guess I'm just really thinking of how much I'm going to miss…"

"Parker?" Chris asked which got a nod from Amber. "You're actually in love with that little dinosaur aren't you."

"I think I am," Amber admitted. "Yet I didn't get the chance to tell him that."

"Wow," Kate said in astonishment. "Of all the things I've seen so far, I never expected a girl like you to develop feelings for a prehistoric creature."

"Though you have to admit," Emily giggled in approval of her close friend's peculiar feelings. "Parker is indeed a cute little dinosaur."

Once he understood what was in his sister's heart, Chris decided to stop the boat, leaving the girls a little confused.

"What's the matter, Chris?" Amber asked her older brother. "Aren't we heading back home?"

"Well, that depends," Chris stated knowingly. "What is your heart telling you?"

While a bit surprised by what her brother is asking her, Amber quickly looks toward the cedar swamp near Saurus Shores as she thought about Parker and the rest of her new dinosaur friends that call DinoIsle home with one question in mind…which place in the world would she rather be? Would she head back to Maple Hill for a quiet life, or decide to stay with Parker and the other dinosaurs that reside here on DinoIsle?