The Dealer

Damien double checked the location on his phone, making sure he was in the right place.


His sister had sent him the coordinates of the only dealer she 'trusted' to supply both her and her friend with heat suppressants. Damien tried hard not to snort over that statement. No dealer could be trusted, no matter what they said.


Some dealers gave out pills claiming to be suppressants, but they had turned out to be an activator instead. So, instead of the female bypassing her heat, she was forced into one, subjected to the cruel males around her while she was too out of her mind even to know what was going on.


That was the reason he and the rest of the guys from the Silverblood Pack refused to allow dealers onto their lands. And yet, they still kept coming, even knowing what awaited them.


Looking around, he realized that he was in the right place. The streetlight overhead flickered, showing the entrance to the alleyway where the dealer waited.


However, it didn't provide enough light to allow anyone to actually see in.


"Thank you," came a soft voice. The woman who spoke was still too far away to be able to make out what she looked like, but thanks to his wolf, he could hear her. "I owe you."


"No, you don't," came the deep voice of a man.

It must be the dealer. Damien held up his hand, letting the others know he had found their target, but it was not time to act. "Remember, if you can't get them from the company, you have my number. Make sure that you record everything, just in case. If something happens, go directly to the address I gave you. Don't stop for anyone. They can protect you in there."


Damien sneered as he listened to the dealer. He was probably hoping that something would go wrong, and she showed up at the address. He was willing to put a month's worth of income on the fact he had more than a few males waiting for her there.


"Is that one—" the woman started before being cut off.


Damien took a step forward, trying to hear the low murmurings, but he didn't dare. He and the others were currently downwind, protected from those in the alley being able to scent them, but that could change at any moment.


He didn't want to spook his prey before he could get his hands on the male.


Watching the alley now more intently than ever, he saw the wolf running out, her arms clutching something to her chest as if she would never let it go.


He signaled to one of the others to go after her while he waited a moment before entering the alley himself.


Even with his wolf vision, it was hard to see more than a few feet in front of him. The dealer probably picked this alley for that very reason, thinking that it would prevent anyone from being able to take him. But Damien knew that this was nothing more than a dead end; the prey was his for the taking.


"I'm here to get suppressants," he called out, waiting. His sister had given him a whole long spiel about what he could and couldn't say, and he was trying to stick to it as much as possible. But no one in their right mind would think that he was a woman.


"I have never seen an omega like you before," smirked a voice in the darkness, but nothing moved, not even the shadows. Whoever was talking knew how to hide himself well. Too bad it wouldn't be enough.


Everyone knew that while all females, regardless of their rank in a pack or group, went into heat, only males who were omegas were able to do so, too. It was a closely guarded secret since there were so few male omegas that Damien was surprised by the statement.


"You've seen male omegas?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. What he was supposed to say went completely out of the window at that statement.


"A handful," admitted the stranger, but it would have been less surprising if he had said he had seen a handful of unicorns instead. "But you scream enforcer to me."


Damien had to admit that this guy was good. He clearly knew the lay of the land, even if Damien couldn't recognize his scent. But that didn't matter. Now that he had it, it was over for the dealer.


He could no longer hide from him.


"I am. I am here to get some suppressants for my sister. A.M.K Pharma has canceled their contract with us, and now I'm forced to look for… alternative… sources," grunted Damien, letting his unhappiness flow through his voice. Shifters were just as tuned in to sound as they were to any of their other senses.


Maybe the dealer would relax, knowing that he was simply a disgruntled male trying to do what was best for his sister.


"Maybe instead of bitching about it, you should figure out what you did to deserve it," replied the man. His blasé manner rubbed Damien the wrong way, but his words, once again, came as a surprise.


"You talk like you know what is going on," replied Damien, his head cocked to the side as he let his wolf to the forefront a bit more.


"Apparently, more than you," chuckled the man. "What's your sister's name?"


"None of your damn business," growled Damien, the other male's words pulling him out of his musing.


"It is if you want suppressants. Let me guess, you discovered that there was none at the hospital," once again, the dealer chuckled in the darkness, refusing to come into the light. "When A.M.K wants something done, they make sure that there is no way of going against them."


"And once again, you sound like you know exactly what is going on," sneered Damien, not liking the fact that he was behind the eight ball in this situation. He was supposed to be the one in control, and there was nothing more he hated than to be off-balanced.


"Probably because I do. But that is neither here nor there. Either way, the information isn't going to help you in your current situation. Here."


Something was thrown at Damien, and it was only thanks to his wolf reflexes that he didn't drop it.