Everyone Leaves



I slowly woke up, still enjoying the heat coming from the pad I was lying on top of. The feeling of fingers traveling up and down my spine left me with goosebumps, but I was too happy and content to want to move.


Burrowing deeper into the warmth, I could feel the bed under me starting to vibrate.


"I can't figure out if she is cuter as a mouse or as a human. Either way, I could wake up like this every morning and be perfectly content," murmured a low voice as a strand of my hair was pushed back. The nimble fingers pinned it back behind my ear before cradling my cheek in his massive hand.


"I think she is slowly waking up," muttered a different voice from behind me. "I was getting worried."


"Same," grunted the mattress, "I was just about to call one of our doctors."






Oh shit.