Blow Your Mind

Caleb was practically growling at the fact that Addy had bound herself to Raphael first, the tension in his body rising the more that he thought about it.


He never really considered himself a possessive individual. Normally, things just rolled off him, no matter what they were.


He had been ambushed in the military more often than he could count on missions, had things go FUBAR to the point where he didn't know if he would come out of the situation alive, and had relationships in the past that tried to manipulate him or make him jealous. But not once did anything ruffle his feathers nearly as much as Addy's bonding with Raphael did.


Hell, even his crow was pissed, and that was something that had never happened.


Everything inside of him was demanding that he peck Raphael's eyes and heart out and give them to Addy as a gift.


The only thing stopping him was that he didn't think that she would appreciate it.