Say That Again

Raphael, Caleb, Dominik, Damien, and Lucien sat in the living room of Addy's house, sharing a drink.


"I don't like this," grunted Raphael as he took a sip from his cup. The whiskey burned going down, but he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in a while, so the pain was just enough to wake him up. "It's like we have an axe hanging over our head, and we have no idea when it is going to drop."


Dominik nodded his head in agreement. It had been almost a month since they first heard of shifters disappearing, and only now has the number died down. Before, it was at least five every night, all at shifter hotspots.


But now that almost all shifters have started using the de-scenter products that Addy created, that number had gone down to only five a week.


But still, it was unacceptable. No shifter should be disappearing. They needed to find out who was doing this and put a stop to it.