Where I Stood

I sat there, stunned, in the hand of this mountain of a man who I never took the time to really look at.


When he was sitting in his chair, I knew that he was bigger than the average human. Now that he was standing up, he would easily be 6'7 and 300 plus pounds of pure muscle. I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to tower over Raphael, and he was my biggest mate up to that point.


He had bright white hair that almost looked like it was dyed. It was a bit longer on the top while the sides were shaved close. The shorter hair was black, making me think that maybe the top really was dyed, but I couldn't see this man, who screamed military, dying his hair that white.


Ice blue eyes looked down at me from a flawless face, and he had just a bit of scruff surrounding his mouth and jaw.