When The Smoke Cleared  

I looked at the woman with a big smile on my small face. Letting out a squeak to let her know I approved, I jumped onto her outstretched arm the second she approached Luther.


"Since when do you use a gun?" asked Luther as the four of us quickly left the building. The countdown clock in my head wasn't getting any quieter. In fact, it was getting louder and louder, timing itself perfectly with my beating heart.


Scarlet remained as impassive as always as she smirked at the man beside her. "Since I learned that it was stupid to limit the ways of protecting yourself based on ego alone. Besides, if the humans can use them, so can I."


"Oh, I wasn't complaining," assured the man. "I was actually really happy and impressed."


"Since when are you not when I am around?" purred Scarlet right before Paul cleared his throat.