Part One - Third Year - Chapter [002]

Only the first week, but off-site campus parties were already happening.

Party's meant having an excuse to not go home - for at least until 3 AM.

My crippling anxiety and ever need to have something or other to do, was not because I'm some kind of mentally deranged individual. 

Mostly because my parents have largely left me unattended since I could feed and walk myself, meaning as a child I had to grow up in the hands of our nannies - my mother, mostly a celebrity star among her friends.

Walked the walk and talked the talk, and for the most part she could deliver. My dad is a heavy chain smoker and addicted to horse racing.

Mostly for fun - as his real job was day trading. Boy did that man know how to make it rain.

He even dabbled in crypto - but said it wasn't worth his time.

My mother had her family trust fund, thanks to her side of the family owning several hospitals around the city, and later selling it to a subsidiary in Texas. Merging the two brands. And well then there's me. 

I didn't have any money as both parents had set up a weekly payout rate that would get delivered into a checking account - which I had given special access to around the age of 14. 

You could imagine how a 14-year-old would go ham with that kind of money. We are talking zeroes in the 8 figures.

Department stores were like candy for me at that time.

It got kinda boring around the 2 second time, there were so many things I didn't need.

Of course, I bought all the candy - and all of the video games.

Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, I had them all.

But after buying at least one copy of every video game and playing through the good ones. I had more video games than the time I knew what to do with. 

Every 2 weeks, a notification would chime on my phone - another deposit. 

82,500 dollars to be exact. Each of them gave me 7K. 

God, was it a lot of money? 

My parents wouldn't dare cut me off - however, they would rather give me money to get me out of their faces. 

I'm sure my mother is having an affair, and so is my father.

But at least they both know about it.

They are also both incredibly busy.

Or so they say.

To my knowledge, they fill their days with meaningless tasks.

I do wonder - are they in love - or just surviving another day?