Detective Isabella

A little kid was having a problem playing the trumpet, and our magicians couldn't stand idly without helping.

Alex approached the little kid and asked, "Hey there, looks like you're having problems with that trumpet. I'm Alex. May I know your name?"

The kid responded, "I'm Jackson. Can I call you big brother?"

Alex responded with a smile, "Yes, whatever you like. So what are you mainly having problems with in playing it?"

Jackson responded depressingly, "I don't actually know how I should produce clearer notes."

Alex said, "My beautiful sister can help you with that."

Jackson responded with a smile, "Wait, really? Big sister will help me?"

Alex replied, "Yes! Hehe."

Carmella blushed at Alex's words and took the trumpet, smacking him gently as she said, "Hey Alex, don't just go around everywhere blabbering that I'm that good. I'm not that good."

Alex replied, "But in my eyes, you're the best!"

Carmella once again smacked him, saying, "Keep talking and see, I will kill you, hmph."

Alex sighed, "Okay, okay sister, I'll shut my mouth."

Carmella commanded, "So Jackson, let's start with your positioning. First, hold it here and position the lips, and after that, let's start with some proper breathing techniques."

Jackson responded, "Okay, big sister."

Carmella commanded, "Okay, you're ready now. Breathe slowly, then exhale and inhale on the notes written on your paper. Make sure to adjust the fingers on different notes."

Jackson practiced for almost half an hour, and he somewhat got to the point where it didn't sound bad.

Then Carmella moved on to the next step, "Okay Jackson, now I will teach you the concept of embouchure. In this, you have to shape the lips and facial muscles to produce different tones on the trumpet. For instance, watch me."

Jackson was focusing on every move made by Carmella. Carmella taught him, "Okay, just learn this much and we will take it to the final step."

Meanwhile, Jackson was learning, Alex and Simmy were watching Carmella, and their eyes were sparkling.

Carmella asked, "What happened, Alex?"

Alex responded, "It's nothing, Sister, it's just you look too cool while teaching!"

Carmella threw the trumpet at Alex, saying, "Oh come on, don't say things like that, you're embarrassing me," as she blushed.

Alex mumbled, "When will she stop scolding me bahuhuhu."

Carmella exclaimed, "You're like that because of you!"

Simmy asked, "By the way, Sister Carmella, where did you learn all these instrument thingy?"

Carmella grumbled, "Wait, what's with 'SISTER'? Huh?"

Simmy mumbled, "Well, I thought we might become f-fa-fam-families one day."

Carmella shouted, "Huh? What are you saying? I can't hear you clearly?"

Simmy responded, "Well, nevermind, so tell me, Sister?"

Carmella explained, "So the thing is, I was infatuated with a music video when I was 7 years old, and huh! huh! huh! Alex was into that music too, he liked it very much back then, so I listened to it too, and wanted to play it for him. Seeing my determination, my parents gave me a crowmorph as a present, and from then on, I'm in love with music."

Alex said, "Wait, I didn't know that you liked it because of m-"

Carmella once again smacked Alex.

Alex: "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

While they were talking, Jackson practiced the task given by Carmella and asked her to advance to the next step.

Carmella explained, "So, here's the final step. Now we will pick up a simple tone and practice through it and get better to play the Opera's notes."

Jackson replied, "Okay, big sister!"

Carmella taught Jackson the final step in a way that he could build up his confidence and familiarity with the trumpet by practicing simple and basic notes.

After a while, Jackson was playing pretty good, and he was just doing okay with the Opera's notes. Finally, it was time for the first Opera show.

As the curtains rose in the opulent Opera House, Alex found himself captivated not only by the melodious voices on stage but also by the radiant presence of both Simmy and Carmella.

Alex stole glances at both of them as the soft light and glow on the stage danced in their eyes.

Whenever their hands touched Alex's, it sent a jolt of electricity through him. In that moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the three of them suspended in a timeless embrace.

The first show ended without any fail, giving everyone a gentle smile which set their hearts aflutter.

The next show started, and it was so soothing that nobody blinked their eyes even for a millisecond.

A lady who was in a white dress, her voice's pitch was incredible, sudden increase and decrease and softness made it all worth it just to be present there. Her voice made many people vow. Alex was incredibly intrigued by it.

As Carmella was a music enthusiast, she couldn't let a single moment go without praising. Simmy, who didn't often come to the Opera House, was enjoying it to the heart's content.

Alex asked, "So Simmy, was it this good when you came here with your parents before?"

Simmy responded, "Yes, it was so fun when I came before, but now it's more enjoyable."

Carmella said, "I myself came here a few times thinking that I will be able to join, but still I lack some things, and am still correcting it."

Alex asked, "Wait Sister, you didn't come here to participate and play?"

Carmella replied, "No, I did play, but not in the Opera House. I played in the local Music Arena here. I'll play here too when I'm confident enough."

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, now we will show you a kids Opera, hope you like it."

Kids appeared as the curtain uplifted, and Jackson was in it too.

Alex exclaimed, "Hey Sister and Simmy, look there in the left, Jackson is there!"

Simmy said, "Now that you say it, I can also see him."

Carmella exclaimed, "Hope he does well as I taught him."

Alex said, "Let's root for him, okay?" All three of them encouraged him from the back, "JACKSON, YOU CAN DO IT, KEEP GOING!" Jackson heard it and waved to them.

It was an Opera poem they were playing, as for kids it was unbelievably shocking that they could play it better than some people. Jackson's trumpet was also playing a nice role in making it sound better.

It was over, and they all bowed and showed their gratitude, the audience clapped for them to keep their spirits up.

Another show started, but now it was a mashup of all types of music. A man in between was instructing the students of his, and they were playing the instruments. It was a whole new experience for everyone.

Alex's eyes sparkled as he saw them doing so well. The show was finally over, and it was time for the rankings.

The announcer declared, "So there are only three teams who have been chosen for today's winner announcement. Wait for a while as our judges vote for the right one."

Alex asked, "So who do you guys think will win?"

Simmy replied, "I think it should be the mashup one."

Carmella interrupted, "No, I think the team in the white dress will win."

Alex agreed with Carmella, "I think you're right, Sister. They deserve to win, although the kids' version was also nice, but it was just a heart-fluttering show."

The announcer continued, "So the team names are Red shirt, White beauty, and lastly Green butterfly. Now the judges will choose who is first, second, and third."

The audience was intensely watching and gossiping with each other about the winner's first place.

An announcement came, "Mike testing 1,2,3... I'm ashamed to say that the trophy has been missing due to some reason. Audiences, please, I ask you not to fret, this matter will soon be solved, thank you!"

Alex said in shock, "In this opulent Opera house, how can someone steal a trophy which is heavily guarded from in to the out?"

Carmella exclaimed, "I think it must be someone close to them who stole it."

Simmy countered, "No, I think that other teams must have planned this a while ago if they didn't win."

While the mess was going on, they thought that they should meet Ethan once and see what he was doing. But Ethan was sitting alone.

Alex asked, "Ethan? Why are you sitting alone? Where's Sophia?"

Ethan sighed, "Huh, She said she's going to the washroom but it's been half an hour, and she hasn't returned."

Carmella said jokingly, "I think she must be constipated or something, haha."

When Alex was laughing at Carmella's words, he saw a lady detective running with her crowmorph and her team. Alex ran towards her, and Carmella and Simmy followed along.

Alex asked, "Hello, I'm Alex. May I ask what you're searching for?"

The officer replied, "Hi, I'm Isabella. I'm searching for the trophy's thief."

Carmella asked, "So you're a magic detective?"

Isabella replied, "Yes, I'm a magic detective." Alex didn't quite understand, so Isabella explained, "I think you didn't understand it right? Okay, so our job is to protect magical beings and prevent the misuse of magic. There are levels of prestige among the officers. The first title holds:

Grand Enchanters: They are the top-ranking officials, mastering magic prowess, knowledge, and authority. Their contributions have made the world more peaceful. They are the most skilled magic users within the organization.

High Magistrates: Comes second to Grand Enchanters, a little weaker than them but still holding the second-highest authority. They are responsible for overseeing magical law and justice within the realm and presiding over trials.

Then there are us "Arcane Wardens," who are responsible for looking out for external threats within the realm and observing any difficulties. We are highly trained in magic combat and investigation techniques.

In terms of magical level, Grand Enchanters stand at the pinnacle followed by High Magistrates and Arcane Wardens. Though every position plays a crucial role in the community."

Alex exclaimed in amazement, "Woah!! You're so cool." Isabella blushed at Alex's words, but she forgot something. "Wait, wait, I was in the middle of inspection. I'm sorry, I'll have to go. I'll meet up with you guys later by-"

Alex, Simmy, and Carmella interrupted, "Please, Detective Isabella, take us with you!"

Isabella said, "But it's dangerous, and I can't afford to let you guys get hur-"

The three of them in sync said, "No, we will go."

Isabella sighed, "You guys don't even let me complete my sentence. Okay, let's go together."

All four of them went ahead, but after running for a while, they stopped to take some air. When they were resting for a bit, Alex noticed a stout girl taking the stairs with a bag on her shoulder which looked like a trophy. Alex just took a guess and called out for her, "Sophia?"

She looked back, and when she caught a glimpse, she started running.

Alex asked, "Wait, why is Sophia running from us?"

Simmy said, "Let's follow her."

Carmella exclaimed, "She's taking the stairs, so I think she is running to the rooftop."

They followed her to the rooftop, and when they arrived, Carmella said, "Wait, Sophia, why are you running?"

Sophia smirked, "Huh, looks like I've been caught..."

to be continued...