"Let me get this straight, you left your travel to the north to help this man look for something?" Imar asked, confusion on his face. 

Yara sighed, not missing the way he emphasized the word man. "For the fifth fucking time, yes!" 

"Is he slow?" The dragon asked. Yara tried not to laugh at Imar's expression. 

"You can't allow him to be rude to me like this, Butterfly," Imar whined, collapsing onto her lap. He noticed the dragon's narrowed eyes. 

"There there, don't be such a baby," Yara laughed lightly as she patted his head, "get off. I'm filthy, plus I need to ask a question," she said. 

"No, I want an apology," Imar said, burying his face in Yara's stomach while peeking at the dragon's face.

The glare that met his eyes was fierce and burning. Waah, so scary, he pressed against her. 

She laughed again. "Stop that, you know I'm ticklish." 

Imar yelped as his head got yanked back. He looked up into burning gold eyes.