Further Inland... East Territory...

Yara, Val and Sky had finally reached one of the east's major trade villages, Solhaven. It was a hub for activities in the east, like the Ebonspire in the south. It was nighttime, yet the sky was bright with lanterns, lamps and magical artefacts. 

If they were to find a public teleportation array, it would be here. 

The village was alive with colour and noise, a throbbing mesh of activity that felt as strange to Val as it did foreign. Market stalls spilt over everywhere he looked with wares: jewellery glinting in the lamplight, baskets of vegetables and herbs that filled the air with sharp, earthy scents.

Humans bustled around, bartering, chatting, laughing. 

The sheer density of people pressing in from all sides made Val pause in the middle of the road, his jaw tightening.