Part 36

Part 36

Ah ah

How much it hurt

My head hurt a lot!

Actually, after the toilet wall was damaged and seeing the old man while doing his duty, he ran after me and I ran away, but well...

And the old man caught me and hit me on the head with a few shrapnel....

In short, a day has passed since that incident and I understood what to do...

But there were a few problems...

First of all this skill worked when I was standing still and I couldn't move, it was really hard to move.

This skill took a lot of energy from me and I could only do this move less than three times and I had practically no energy and strength for the rest of the match.

Third, I only had this skill and I had no chance against the main antagonists, especially against Harry who had those two magics, ice and light magic.

Now, practically, I had no chance to be among the first four, and Lucas' words that the results of the entrance exam were manipulated were proven and proved that this hypothesis was true.

What else was left for me to do until I found it?

I had to get help from the old man, he knew for sure how I should trick my brain and focus my energy, he also knew about the other secrets of this skill.

So I had to go to him for training

I left the house and went to the old man who was collecting mushrooms

Finally, he filled his damn basket with mushrooms and left!

What happened

I followed him

Me: Can you teach me?

The old man stopped moving and turned to me and left again

I mean, what should I think, he wanted to make a sign but didn't answer

I followed him again and entered the house

The old man went to the pot, mixed the food and mushrooms, put a bowl and sat on the chair

Old man: Well, what about education?

What about me


Me: Another training, the training of the same magic concentration movement

Ha ha ha started laughing

Laugh at the water, It's funny

Me: What did I say, Jack?

Old man: Ha ha no ha ha I mean your body is not fully recovered then you want to do such a heavy movement

Me: What's wrong with It?

Old man: There's nothing wrong with it, but you'll lose energy again and fall into the swamp, and I'm begging for your life

Ha ha ha

"..." Funny

Me: Yes, it's better to be like this than to fail, at least I know I tried becausee I failed Harry

Old man: Oh, the matter has become interesting. Now tell me the truth so that I can teach you

Me: Well, how can I say it?

Old man: What are you?

Me: Well

(It is better to tell him the truth so that at least his heart will burn for me)

Me: Well, I was Brich, in fact, all the members of my family and ancestors were Brich until I reached the age of ten and it turned out that I have the magic of the wind. Since then, I was supported by the church that I am a miracle of the gods and under the training of a pilgrim.

Until I accepted the entrance training of the elite academy and there it was rumored that I entered the academy under the manipulation of the results by the church and the Hyper family, and even that my father is someone else and that I was born of adultery and the result of my mother having sex with someone other than my father.

In order to prove to everyone that I entered the academy with my own efforts and that I am the real son of Anthony Breach, I must be the first among the four, otherwise their claims will be proven.

Old man: Haha, it was an interesting story, but a lie

It was clear that he did not believe it


I fell on the ground and started begging

Me: I know you don't believe me, I know you think I'm fake, but help me, help me, I left this world, I saw love, peace with you, no, it was wrong, It means just help me, I'll do anything, anything

The old man thought a little and said

Old man: Let me see what you enjoy the most

Minus :?

Old man: You didn't understand what I said, tell me that it is necessary for your education

Me: Ah, well, I really enjoy cooking, cleaning and tidying the house and painting

Old man: Well, from now on, you will not only cook at home, but you will also clean the house and paint.

And went

What did it have to do with it?

Jadu went and brought a handkerchief along with some papers and a pencil

Old man ; You can start your work now

Four days later ..

I took some mushrooms and started chopping them

After that, I took tomatoes and green peppers and made them into rings and sauce from tomatoes.

I decided to make pizza since there was a suitable fire

After making the raw pizza, I put it near the fire on some bricks and decided to clean the house a bit before cooking the pizza.

I took the cloth and after cutting it into pieces I tied one on my face and another on my head and started cleaning and tidying the house.

The house was very dirty and took a long time to complete

It smelled like a pizza that was cooked

I took it and left the other pizza until it was cooked

And continue cleaning the house

After about a few hours, the house was completely cleaned

And I sat on the chair and ate pizza

It was really delicious

Who looked at the mirror

I just opened my bandage today

Since I was afraid of death, my hair was on the verge of turning white and now it has turned silver

There were some lines on my face and stitches near my eyes

On my chest and stomach, which was full of wounds and stitches

I was really close to death

I didn't care to look and after eating another pizza I decided to continue painting

The painting In which I depicted myself

A silver haired boy with a slender body and an academy uniform and a bow in his hand with wind magic

Which was about to end

There was a sound at the door indicating the return of the old man to the house

I decided not to pay attention and continue painting

After seeing me painting, the old man went to the fire and noticed the pizza

He started eating in these few days, that is, in the last four days, I spent my life with the foods I prepared for him

I saw that he did not intend to wake you up

It means that there were less than five days left until the day of the competition, and not only had I not done any special training, but I was cooking! Think I will fight there with my cooking and cleaning skills!

I was really running out of patience, what does cooking have to do with concentrating energy and mana?

Me: Excuse me, can I ask you a question?

The old man was obviously deep in thought and then he noticed me and I continued

Me: You told me that the things I like to do now, what does cooking have to do with concentrating energy? There are less than five days left until the exam and now officially, not only did I not do any special training, I am cooking.

I asked for your help to prove myself to everyone, what should I do now if...

I didn't want to continue...

Old man: Let's go to the yard

What about me ?

The old man went out when I had to go out

I saw him standing waiting for me and pointing to a tall tree where I should go towards the tree

I went and stood in the wood

Old man: Now do whatever I say

First understand what you are doing

Which I did

- Now start attacking the wood

- Which I did

- - Now quickly concentrate your energy and strike!

- That I hit

- Boom...

- It sounded really bad

- When I opened my eyes, half of the wood was destroyed, it was powdered

- I was wondering how It will be

- Old man ; Did you see what happened?

- Me: No, I was blind, I didn't see, only you did

- Old man: Don't be funny in the middle of my speech, I say, did you see the effect of the blow

- Me: Yes, I saw It

- Old man: And you couldn't hit like that before!

- Now do you know why?

- Because now you have peace

- Me: What does it matter?

- Old man: I didn't tell you to do what you like

- Me: Yes

- Old man: What happened, you didn't feel calm

- Me: No, I didn't feel anything special, I'm emotionless, well, of course, peace is pleasure

- Me: No, I didn't feel anything special, I'm emotionless, well, of course, peace is pleasure

- Old man: That's why you didn't succeed before, It was because you didn't relax, because you were constantly stressed about the exam.

- And the result was that your energy was depleted and you did not succeed

- In a word, the flow of mana in your body and veins is connected to your brain and heart. When you feel bad, you are stressed, the flow of mana in your body's veins becomes unstable, and the energy does not spread well, and your blows are ineffective.

- But when you are calm, the energy is concentrated evenly and wherever you want, and you can hit powerful shots

Now do you understand what happened?

Me: Um, no, no, yes, why, I understood

Old man ; explain

Me: very brief useful summary calm powerful blows

Old man: Hey, It was really good, now I say, do you understand what happened?

It's me

I quickly knelt down and started begging and apologizing

Old man: Now you understand that you should no longer doubt my decisions

Me: Yes, teacher

Old man: It's good now because you're so sad and I feel sorry for you

Where am I wrong?

Old man: Now, I'm also heartbroken, and I decided to teach you not only that, but also how to concentrate energy in your legs, hands, and body.

.. or God himself, if he really taught, it would be good. Just think, If I learn these things, will anyone be my opponent?

Old man: But you might die this way, are you ready?

Me: Yes, teacher

Old man: Good, and your hard training will start In four days from now