7: journey to the village.

Notice:- some last parts of the last chapter have been retconed so please read them again.


A day before Rai kan embarked on his journey:-

There was 17 year boy meditating in a cave focusing his mind on a very crucial question, after a few hours he opens his eye saying,

"From now on my name shall be Rai kan."

At present :-

Rai Kan moved silently through the dense undergrowth, his heightened senses alert to every movement and sound around him. The deep green canopy above filtered the sunlight into soft patches of dappled light, creating shifting shadows that danced across his path. His large box, carrying supplies he had gathered before embarking on his journey, rested securely on his back.

He knew the forest well after years of honing his martial arts in its depths, but the journey ahead was still perilous. Monsters lurked in the shadows, each one presenting a unique challenge. He had faced many of them over the years, adapting his brutal and bloodthirsty style to take down his enemies efficiently. But despite the danger, Rai Kan's expression remained calm and focused, a hunter on the prowl.

His ears twitched as he caught the faint sound of rustling leaves nearby. He turned slowly, his keen eyes scanning the area. His enhanced senses quickly detected the source of the sound—a monster he had not encountered before. It was large and covered in iridescent scales, with long, razor-sharp claws and a maw lined with rows of serrated teeth.

The beast let out a low growl, locking eyes with Rai Kan. He responded with a chilling smile, revealing his sharp canines. The sight of his unnerving expression seemed to unsettle the monster, but it didn't back down. Instead, it lunged forward with incredible speed, claws extended to slash at him.

Rai Kan dodged the initial attack with ease, his reflexes honed from years of combat. He countered with a swift strike, his clawed hand slashing across the beast's scaled flank, drawing dark, viscous blood. The creature howled in pain, its disorienting cry echoing through the trees.

As the beast recoiled, Rai Kan pressed his advantage. He lunged forward, using his hardened body to absorb the monster's desperate counterattacks. His fists and claws struck with brutal precision, tearing through scales and flesh. The ground beneath them was splattered with the creature's blood.

The fight continued, but Rai Kan's stamina far outlasted the beast's. His enhanced metabolism kept him strong, allowing him to maintain his relentless assault. The monster's attacks grew weaker as it struggled to keep up with Rai Kan's ferocity.

Finally, with one last powerful bite, Rai Kan clamped down on the beast's throat. The sharp canines punctured the flesh, and he tore away with a savage twist, ending the fight decisively. The monster fell limp, its body crumpling to the ground.

Rai Kan took a step back, his breath steady despite the intensity of the battle. He wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, his gaze returning to its usual calm demeanor. He surveyed the aftermath of the fight, taking in the scene with a hunter's detached observation.

"Another one down," he muttered to himself, his voice low and controlled. "I must remain vigilant. The journey is not yet over."

He paused for a moment, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. His meditation helped him regain control over his bloodlust, the ferocity of combat receding as he centered himself. He knew he had to maintain his focus if he hoped to reach the village beyond the forest.

With his mind clear, Rai Kan continued on his journey after harvesting what he could from the beast. The forest seemed to recognize his dominance, and the creatures he encountered gave him a wide berth. His presence alone was enough to keep them at bay.

Hours passed as he made his way through the dense foliage, navigating around treacherous terrain and avoiding unnecessary confrontations. His enhanced senses alerted him to danger well in advance, allowing him to move through the forest with efficiency.

Finally, as the sun began to set on the horizon, Rai Kan reached the edge of the forest. He emerged from the trees and stepped onto the open plains beyond. The sight of the village in the distance brought a sense of accomplishment to his stoic expression.

He paused for a moment, taking in the serene landscape ahead. The forest's trials had only strengthened him further, and he knew he would carry the lessons he had learned with him on his journey.

With a final glance back at the dense forest, Rai Kan turned his gaze toward the village. His path was clear, and his resolve unwavering. The journey ahead would undoubtedly hold more challenges, but he was ready to face them all.


The contents of the box:-

6 bronze horns(harvested from the bronze horned bull)

Bull meat.

The book that contains the general knowledge about the world.

The scales of the beast.


Just to clarify Rai kan needs to meditate to calm his blood lust from time to time , otherwise he will enter a frenzy,and for those who are wondering why his blood lust is so high it's because of continued combat for years against ferocious beast.