15: Trouble always comes.

As another day came, Hi Ho and Rai Kan prepared for their respective tasks. Hi Ho hitched the cart, looking determined. "I'll take the cart around the city to buy iron tools and some grains for selling," he said.

Rai Kan nodded, adjusting his box. "I'll head to the stables and milk Bi Ji."

Hi Ho climbed onto the cart, glancing back. "Good luck with Bi Ji. I'll meet you back here by midday."

"Understood," Rai Kan replied, his expression calm as always.

Rai Kan made his way to the stables, where Bi Ji was resting. The large bull snorted softly as he approached. "Good morning, Bi Ji," he greeted, placing a gentle hand on her side.

He set up the milking equipment he had purchased the previous day. As he began the task, he noticed how the rhythmic process of milking was strangely soothing. "This is different," he mused to himself. "Calm, methodical... I can see why people find it relaxing."

Bi Ji remained still, content under his careful hands. "You're a good girl, aren't you?" Rai Kan muttered, almost smiling.

Meanwhile, Hi Ho was navigating the bustling city streets. He stopped at a blacksmith's shop first. "Morning," he called out, hopping off the cart. "I'm here to buy some iron tools."

The blacksmith, a burly man with a bushy beard, nodded. "We've got the best quality here. What do you need?"

"Basic farming tools, mostly. Hoes, shovels, and maybe a plow if the price is right," Hi Ho responded, inspecting the wares.

The blacksmith laid out the tools. "These should suit your needs. Let's discuss price."

Hi Ho haggled skillfully, securing a good deal before moving on to the grain trader. "Need to buy some grains for selling," he said to the trader, a woman with sharp eyes.

"How much are you looking for?" she asked.

"Enough to fill half the cart. Wheat, barley, and a bit of rice," Hi Ho specified.

They negotiated, and soon Hi Ho's cart was loaded with sacks of grain. "Perfect," he said, satisfied. "Rai Kan will be happy with this haul."

Back at the stables, Rai Kan had finished milking Bi Ji. He carefully transferred the milk into the containers. "This should sell well," he thought, appreciating the quality of the milk.

As he was cleaning up, a stable hand approached. "Is that a Raging Horn Bull?" he asked, eyes wide.

Rai Kan nodded. "Yes, her name is Bi Ji."

The stable hand whistled in awe. "Incredible. You must be quite skilled to handle her."

Rai Kan's eyes flashed with a hint of pride. "She's a good companion."

By midday, Rai Kan returned to the inn with the milk, just as Hi Ho arrived with the cart full of tools and grains. "How did it go?" Hi Ho asked, unloading the cart.

"Successfully milked Bi Ji," Rai Kan replied, holding up the containers. "This should fetch a good price."

Hi Ho grinned. "Great! I got us some iron tools and grains. Let's sell these and see what profit we can make."

They spent the afternoon selling their goods. Rai Kan found a merchant willing to buy Bi Ji's milk at a high price, impressed by its quality. "This is top-notch. I'll take all you have," the merchant said, handing over a pouch of coins.

Hi Ho, meanwhile, sold the grains and tools at a bustling market. "Good quality tools and fresh grains! Step right up!" he called out, attracting buyers quickly.

By evening, they reconvened at the inn. "Made a tidy profit today," Hi Ho said, counting the coins.

Rai Kan nodded, sitting down with a content expression. "We did well. What's next?"

Hi Ho leaned back, thinking. "We keep doing what we do best. Trade, travel, and make money. And maybe... find some more adventures along the way."

Rai Kan smirked slightly. "Sounds good to me."

They shared a quiet dinner, discussing their plans for the next few days.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho returned from buying goods, they noticed a huge crowd gathered around the inn. Rai Kan's eyes narrowed, sensing trouble.

Hi Ho glanced around, worried. "What's going on here?"

A passerby overheard and answered, "The son of the head of the Trade and Money Chamber, Han Sho, is demanding something from the inn."

Rai Kan's expression darkened. "Let's see what's happening."

They pushed through the crowd and saw Han Sho, flanked by guards, shouting at the innkeeper. "You will sell me that Raging Horn Bull, or face the consequences!"

The innkeeper was visibly shaken but held his ground. "I'm sorry, but she belongs to my guests. I can't sell her."

Han Sho's face twisted in anger. "Do you know who I am? I am Han Sho! My father controls this entire city's commerce!"

Rai Kan stepped forward, his calm demeanor replaced by a brutal glare. "Leave her alone."

Han Sho turned, sneering. "And who are you to—"

Before he could finish, Rai Kan flared his murderous aura, a wave of palpable bloodlust that made the crowd gasp and step back. Han Sho and his guards froze, their faces turning pale.

Rai Kan spoke slowly, each word dripping with menace. "She is not for sale. Leave now, or face the consequences."

Han Sho, trembling, managed to stammer, "T-this isn't over. You'll regret this!" He hurried away, his guards following closely.

The crowd began to disperse, whispering about what had just transpired. The innkeeper approached Rai Kan and Hi Ho, bowing respectfully. "I am deeply grateful for your help, but I must ask you to leave early tomorrow. I can't afford trouble with the Trade and Money Chamber."

Hi Ho nodded, understanding. "We will leave before sunrise. Thank you for your hospitality."

As they headed upstairs, Hi Ho whispered, "Han Sho has a big ego. He won't let this go. He'll definitely try something."

Rai Kan's lips curled into a cruel smile. "If they do, I will tear the crow apart and feed it to dogs."

Hi Ho shivered at the cold promise in Rai Kan's voice. "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."

They prepared for an early departure, the tension of the day's events lingering in the air. Hi Ho sighed as he packed, glancing at Rai Kan. "Why do you think people like Han Sho feel the need to throw their weight around?"

Rai Kan, sharpening his claws, replied calmly, "Weak men try to control what they fear. Han Sho fears losing power."

Hi Ho nodded thoughtfully. "And you don't fear him at all, do you?"

Rai Kan's eyes flicked up, a spark of ferocity in them. "I fear nothing that bleeds."

The next morning, before the first light of dawn, they quietly loaded their belongings onto the cart. The innkeeper saw them off, his face lined with worry but also relief.

"Safe travels," he said, bowing deeply.

Hi Ho climbed onto the cart, looking back at the inn. "Thank you for everything."

Rai Kan, leading Bi Ji, nodded. "We'll be fine."

As they left the city gates, Hi Ho turned to Rai Kan. "So, where to now?"

Rai Kan looked ahead, his eyes scanning the horizon. "We find a place where we can trade without interference. And if anyone tries to stop us, they will learn to regret it."

Hi Ho chuckled nervously. "I believe you. Let's just hope we can avoid more trouble."

Rai Kan's expression softened slightly. "Trouble finds us, Hi Ho. But we are strong enough to handle it."

Hi Ho smiled, feeling a bit more reassured. "You're right. Let's keep moving forward."

They traveled on, the road stretching out before them, the rising sun casting long shadows behind. The tension of the previous day began to fade as they focused on their journey ahead, prepared for whatever challenges might come their way.


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 Dismantling tools(bought in the outer city of crow of claw(off-screen))

2 The book given to him by the gods.

3 Red ginsing(that he bought from auction.)