20: Avoiding the consequences.

In a secluded corner of the city, Rai Kan and Hi Ho huddled together, their voices low as they discussed their next move. The shadows of the surrounding buildings cast a protective cloak over them, but the tension in the air was palpable.

Hi Ho looked at Rai Kan with a concerned face."We need to think carefully about our next step. The Gu family won't let this go."

Rai Kan's expression hardened, his eyes flickering with a dangerous resolve.

**Rai Kan**: "This ends now."

Before Hi Ho could inquire further, a sudden commotion erupted around them. The sound of footsteps and the clinking of metal grew louder, echoing off the narrow alley walls. They turned to see several hundred men, armed to the teeth with swords, spears, and other weapons, surrounding them. At the head of this formidable force stood Gu Sho's attendant, his face set in grim determination.

Gu Sho's attendant, stepped forward, and announced in a booming voice. "Rai Kan, Hi Ho! By order of Master Gu Sho, you are to be captured and brought before him. Surrender now, and your deaths may be swift and merciful."

Hi Ho glanced at Rai Kan, his face a mixture of fear and readiness. He knew their odds were slim, but he trusted Rai Kan's instincts.

Hi Ho,whispers urgently to Rai kan asking"What do we do now?"

Rai Kan's eyes never left the attendant, his body coiled like a spring ready to explode.

Rai Kan, replies calmly."We fight."

The attendant raised a hand, signaling his men to advance. The alleyway erupted into chaos as the armed forces charged forward. Rai Kan sprang into action, his movements a blur of lethal precision. With every strike, he left a path of destruction, his claws tearing through armor and flesh alike.

Hi Ho, though not as physically imposing as Rai Kan, moved with the grace and efficiency of a seasoned warrior. He used his martial arts to redirect the force of incoming attacks, turning the aggressors' strength against them. Each mercenary that fell only seemed to fuel his determination.

The battle was fierce and relentless. The narrow alley became a battleground, echoing with the sounds of clashing steel and cries of pain. Despite their overwhelming numbers, the mercenaries struggled against the combined might of Rai Kan and Hi Ho.

Atendant, seeing the secene in front of him yelled over the din."Press on! They cannot hold forever!"

But Rai Kan's resolve was unyielding. With a roar, he unleashed a flurry of attacks that sent the nearest attackers reeling. Hi Ho, standing back-to-back with him, mirrored his intensity, each movement calculated to maximize the damage to their foes.

Minutes felt like hours as the fight raged on. The ground was littered with the fallen, but Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood their ground, refusing to yield.

Finally, in a moment of stillness amidst the chaos, Rai Kan locked eyes with the attendant.

Rai Kan spoke, his voice a low growl."Tell your master, this ends now."

The attendant, seeing the determination in Rai Kan's eyes and the carnage wrought by their hands, hesitated. The remaining mercenaries, battered and demoralized, began to falter.

The atendant with a wavering voice ordered."Retreat!"

With that, the remaining forces began to pull back, leaving Rai Kan and Hi Ho standing amidst the aftermath of the battle. As the dust settled, they exchanged a weary but resolute glance.

Hi Ho was panting, a small smile forming on his face."I didn't think we'd make it."

Rai Kan nodded, his expression fierce."This is just the beginning."

Together, they knew they had sent a message. The sho family would not forget this encounter, but neither would they. The battle had ended, but the war was far from over.

The next day, the tension in Gu Sho's mansion was palpable. In the grand hall, Gu Sho's attendant was prostrate on the floor, his voice quivering as he explained the failure of the previous night's ambush.

"Master Gu Sho, we were overwhelmed. Rai Kan and Hi Ho fought with a ferocity we couldn't match. I beg your forgiveness."

Gu Sho's expression was a mask of barely contained rage. His son lay crippled, and his authority had been challenged. The attendant's words only fueled his anger, but before he could respond, a thunderous crash echoed through the hall.

The grand doors splintered and shattered as Rai Kan barged in, his presence commanding and fearsome. The guards stationed by the entrance were thrown aside like rag dolls.

He spoke calmly , his voice resonating with authority."I am here to negotiate."

Gasps filled the hall as servants and guards scrambled to regain their composure. Gu Sho's eyes narrowed, his fingers tightening around the armrest of his chair. He signaled for the guards to stand down, his curiosity piqued by Rai Kan's boldness.

Gu Sho, spoke with hostility"You have some nerve, barging into my home. What makes you think I'll negotiate with you?"

Rai Kan stopped a few paces from Gu Sho, his posture relaxed yet intimidating.

**Rai Kan**: "Because continued conflict will only harm your business. I propose we settle this now."

Gu Sho's eyes flicked to his attendant, who still lay trembling on the floor, then back to Rai Kan. His mind raced. He knew that another direct confrontation with these warriors could cripple his operations. Still, his pride burned at the thought of backing down.

Gu Sho,leaned forward, and spoke in a measured voice . "And what terms do you propose?"

Rai Kan glanced around the opulent hall, taking in the wealth and power displayed. He met Gu Sho's gaze unflinchingly.

**Rai Kan**: "Cease all hostilities. Leave us be, and we will leave your family and your business untouched."

Gu Sho's eyes narrowed further, the gears of his mind turning. Externally, he maintained a facade of consideration, but internally, he seethed with the desire for revenge. However, he recognized the wisdom in biding his time.

**Gu Sho, spoke with a slight nod.* "Very well. For the sake of my business, I agree to your terms. But know this, Rai Kan: I do not forget, and I do not forgive."

Rai Kan's eyes flashed, recognizing the veiled threat, but he remained unphased.

**Rai Kan**: "Neither do I."

With the agreement reached, Rai Kan turned and walked out of the mansion, leaving behind a hall filled with tension and unspoken promises of future conflict. As the doors closed behind him, Gu Sho sat back, his expression darkening.

Gu Sho thought to himself, a vow forming in his heart."This isn't over, Rai Kan. One day, I will have my revenge."

After the tense negotiations at Gu Sho's mansion, Rai Kan returned to the inn where Hi Ho was waiting. The weariness of the past days' conflicts was evident in their postures, but there was a resolute calm in Rai Kan's eyes as he approached his companion.

Rai Kan,spoke firmly."It's done. Gu Sho agreed to the truce, but he's not happy about it."

Hi Ho looked up from his preparations, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He nodded, acknowledging the significance of the accomplishment but knowing the peace was fragile.

**Hi Ho**: "Good. That buys us some time."

Rai Kan's brow furrowed slightly, a question lingering in his mind.

**Rai Kan**: "Why did you suggest we negotiate? We could have handled them."

Hi Ho paused, then set down his belongings, turning to face Rai Kan directly.

Hi Ho, explains calmly."It's about power balance. If Gu Sho falls, various groups will start fighting to fill the power vacuum. It will be an all-out war, and we'll get dragged into it even if we don't want to. The chaos will ripple through the entire Claw of the Crow region."

Rai Kan listened intently, his initial frustration giving way to understanding.

Continuing,he further explains that"Plus, with how big and valuable the Claw of the Crow is, there will be backlash on trade. That means other groups will come after us for harming their interests . It's not just about defeating an enemy; it's about the consequences that follow."

Rai Kan nodded slowly, the clarity of Hi Ho's explanation settling in.

**Rai Kan**: "I see. By negotiating, we avoid triggering a larger conflict that could engulf the whole region."

Hi Ho smiled slightly, seeing the realization dawn on his friend.

**Hi Ho**: "Exactly. Sometimes, it's not about fighting the battle in front of you but avoiding the war that follows."

Rai Kan's expression softened, a hint of respect for Hi Ho's wisdom reflecting in his eyes.

**Rai Kan**: "Thank you for explaining. We've avoided big trouble by doing this."

They stood in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of their decisions hanging in the air. Then, with a shared sense of purpose, they continued their preparations, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this ever-turbulent world.