
The flowers drop on the ground. She is talking. What is she saying? I can't hear her. Something is with Ria, right? I need to go to her. I can save her… but even if I can't I have to talk to her I need to get to her somehow I-


Oh right Dr. Murine is still talking to me. What did she say?

"Come with me. Ria requested to see you. She is in a bad condition, so please go easy on her, okay?"

I nod and walk behind her. I didn't pick up the flowers. I didn't even want to move at all to be honest. Please tell me it's just a joke. A bad, bad joke. She can't die- not the little smug kid that I've met. She has to stay strong please…

As she opens the door to the hospital room I immediately run to Ria, who was still lying in the bed she was in before. She looks worse than before. She looks at me with weak eyes but smiles as if she wasn't going to die today.

I talk to her first

"I just wanted your best."

I stay away a few steps from the bed. I don't know if I am doing it out of respect or if I'm just too afraid to come any closer.

She waves her hand as a sign for me to come closer. I step a few steps forward to be infront of the bed. She whispers something but I can't hear it. I go down with my head to hear her better.

"Don't be sad. Never feel guilty because of this. I know I'm going to die but-"

"You don't have to die! You can stay strong. We… I can save you."

She smiles and shakes her head. She can see through lies.


She coughs and I can see blood running down her chin.

She starts to whisper something in my ear.

"The liars… Don't Trust the liars. Doctor Murine mostly only cares for herself, but she is always honest. The professor is the biggest liar of all. Everytime he speaks I only hear lies. Never and I mean never trust him… Then there is the case 0 he-"

She got interrupted by another cough but she tries her best to continue.

"He tells cruel lies. He is a liar and I don't even know what he has for secrets but… don't trust him. I know you… Want to trust someone but don't trust the liars. Trust Doctor Murine if you must."

I back away and look at her with wide eyes. Shin? A liar? I don't think- Does she mean it?

"Take Care, Jinsei."

She smiles. I grab her hand. Maybe I did that to be closer to her. Or maybe I didn't want to let her go. But as I yell her name Dr. Murine places a hand on my shoulder and shakes the head. It's too late. The little girl with the big smile and the confidence of fife actresses was gone. She stopped breathing.

She died.

"Doctor we can still save her, right?! We have to do something she just needs an-"

"Jinsei… It's too late."

I drop on the ground. I was exhausted. My breath was heavy and I felt like crying. Surprisingly I didn't cry a single tear.

Funny to think of it now. People say sometimes you only realize that someone was important to you after this person disappears. Now I know they were right. She was like the little sister I never had, but now it's too late. I wish I would have said goodbye.

I need to visit Shin. Now.

I stand up from the ground, which was hard, because my body still aches from the session I had with the professor. Doctor murine tries to hold me back, as I want to go through the door, but I push her out of my way and run. I run away from her, the dead body of Ria and all the thoughts that are going through my head right now. I can't think about that now. I need to visit Shin.

After a few minutes of straight running I finally arrive at the room. I don't have a keycard, but the guards recognize my face and let me in. I go straight trough the monitor room and open the door to Shin's room. The lights go on and he looks at me with a surprised face. I look at him with a neutral expression on my face, but I'm sure he can see that I'm injured. Now that the adrenaline kick is gone I can feel the immense pain from the running. The door closes behind me and I make my step in his direction. I'm sure that he can sense that something happened.

"Jinsei? Where were you yesterday? And what is with all the injuries? Did something happen?"

I place myself next to him and burry my face in my arms. I don't want to talk about it at all.

"Jinsei…? Talk with me."

I look up at him. He looks confused. I can see that he wants to help but doesn't know how.

I talk up to him:

"Let's run away, Shin."