Blue haired boy

Laying on green grass and smelling the fresh air of the outside world is so far off from reality, that I must be dreaming again.

Another sign that I'm dreaming is, that the blue haired boy, who always appears in my dreams, is right beside me and quietly stares into the night sky while I just watch how the wind is slightly blowing his beautiful blue hair back. If his face weren't blurry I could see it perfectly.

"I now know who you are, Zyane"

I look at him but he doesn't bother to face me. He just smiles slightly and gives a relived sigh off.

"That's good, because I knew you would find out. Then if you know my name, who am I exactly?"

Now he looks at me, but his gaze feels like it's piercing right through me. More like a gentle pierce, that doesn't want to harm me, but it's still like a pierce.

"What do you mean? You are one of the number zero Coras and your ability is something with mind controlling…? Isn't that right?"

He chuckles slightly and pats my head, as if I am the younger one, even though I've heard that he is a bit younger than me.

"Haha you silly! That's wroong~ You aren't wrong that I'm one of the zeros, but you got the rest wrong. Have you found out who the six flowers are yet? It's easy, really."

I shake my head to deny his question. I totally forgot about the 'Poem' he gave me. Was I really supposed to figure that out? I don't even know in the slightest what he meant by that.

"My name is Zyane, right? Do you know what Zyane means? It's not an usual name."

I think for a while but I can't come up with an answer.

"How about you just tell me? What does Zyane mean?"

He chuckles like a little child as he hears my question.

"Haha c'mon! You're so funny sometimes- ah how do you call yourself these days? Ah right Jinsei! Once you find out who I really am, it won't be hard to find out the rest. Just be aware of the redhead. If this psycho finds you, you'll be definitely dead."

He winks at me a last time before he disappeared. I had more questions to him. I wanted to ask him about his ability and about who he is or what happened. He didn't seem like he was really in danger.

Then the words of Shin come back to my mind: "He can speak with people in their minds, and time isn't important."

Does that mean that… maybe this isn't the Zyane from now, but from a totally different time…? It's insane to think about something like that. Maybe he doesn't know he'll be in danger or maybe he comes from the future and everything that happens now was months ago for him. I really wonder who this boy is. He is so mysterious and yet he acts like an open book. One thing I'm sure about: He is on the good side and I should probably trust him. I have a good feeling about him…