The dream of a child

What do children believe in? Happiness? Freedom? Many friends and not having to worry about anything? When I was a child I never believed in such things. Dreams are childish and I surely was always aware of that.

I Never really was like children in my age, when I was younger. They loved to play, they had many friends and they were happy.

I don't remember a single day of my life were I was truly happy. It's not like I'm a really sad person… I just exist. It's not like I'm never depressed but most of the time you could say I feel almost nothing at all. I just exist and I don't really care about it, I don't mind that.

When I was a child I thought that something is wrong with me, because I can't just play with a football and have fun with kids my age.

I used to spent my days in the lab, at first crying, but later I started to not care. Surely I get anxious everytime, but I'd have to do it anyway, right?

That's what I used to believe, but someone proved me wrong. The professor is dead.

I will never have to do those experiments again and if I just run out the gates I'll be free.

But what about the boy that gifted me this freedom? What happens to him? I know that he is strong and I know that he could make it, but before he disappeared he almost looked… exhausted? Didn't he say his abilities are gone? If yes, then doesn't he need help now? Will he be alright? I couldn't care less if he lives or dies, but he showed me freedom and I'd feel guilty if he sacrifices himself now just like that. Should I turn around now? Should I help him?

"Fuck this shit."

I say to myself as I set my foot behind the other and run in the direction of the flames, while being surrounded by people who fall on the ground. I need to be careful to not get hit by any bullets, but I can't run as fast as Shin and not get hit by at least some of them. My leg, my arm and my belly get hit. It hurts, but it doesn't stop me from running. I bet this bastard needs my help right now.

He really can do nothing without his abilities, so he will need someone who can't die, right?

People are dying and falling on the ground, the crowd is screaming in fear and everyone runs in the direction of the exist.

Everyone, except me.

I don't even know what I'm doing at this point, but everything I can think about right now is to run against the crowd and make my way out of here. There is no way that I'll just walk out of the lab while the bastard who saved me is dying in some corner of a room… hah.

Maybe I am the idiot for running after him, but what should happen? It's not like I can die, he can.

I stop my steps shortly before I would enter the flames, but I don't see a boy with white hair. Where the hell is he?

Just before I wanted to continue searching for him, a woman taps me on the shoulder. Her hair was a bit burned and she had marks from the fire on her skin. Her clothes were dirty from the flames and the soot, but she doesn't look seriously injured.

"Excuse me…"

I stand there looking at her, saying nothing, to wait for her to speak up to me.

"I wanted to save them…"

She says that while almost bursting out in tears. She looks like she is about to completely lose her temper.

"Save who?"

I ask but she doesn't respond.

After a short time of her hesitating to speak, I ask again while shaking her shoulders to get an answer out of her.

"Save who??"

"The children! M-My daughter she is still there… In the building they are still in the building…! The boy… the boy- he just wanted to help them… but now they are all…"

I swear to god if the next thing she says is that the boy had white hair I'm gonna-

"Which building is it? I will save them."

When I said that she looked at me like I am some kind of psychopath to even wanting to try that. The building she was pointing at looks like it could collapse anytime and there is no way a normal person would want to enter that.

"I-It's this one but you can't- you're insane! That's basically suicide if you enter that building. Don't try to play the hero."

I give her a small, confident smile and make my way to the building that she pointed at.

"I'm not a hero. I'm just immortal."

This line sounded much cooler in my head, but it surely did impress her, judging by the look on her face before I enter the building.