Echoes in the Halls

Evermist High, a timeless sanctuary cloaked in ivy and untold stories, buzzed with the vibrant hum of teenage voices. The bustling corridors served as a canvas for the unfolding high school drama, and in the midst of this bustling tapestry, Ji-Hoon stood as a captivating force, challenging the mundanity of the ordinary.

Ji-Hoon's name murmured through the student body like a gentle breeze, marking him as an enigmatic figure seamlessly blending with the shadows cast by the corners. Tall and lean, his confident gait hinted at a life lived beyond the expected, on the fringes of conformity.

His jet-black hair, intentionally tousled, framed a sharp, angular face. A few wayward strands falling over his forehead betrayed a silent rebellion within. His stormy gray eyes held an untold narrative, depths that seemed to beckon others into a pact of unspoken secrecy.

Wrapped in a well-worn leather jacket adorned with patches and symbols, offering glimpses into a hidden realm, Ji-Hoon leaned casually against lockers bearing the artistic imprints of students. The jacket, both armor and statement, served as a testament to a life transcending the limits of the conventional classroom. His gaze, intense and perceptive, surveyed the rhythmic ebb and flow of high school life with a detachment suggesting a deeper understanding.

The bell chimed, signaling the shift from casual banter to academic pursuits. Yet, Ji-Hoon's focus lingered on the subtle echoes threading through the air. In a secluded alcove, away from prying eyes, he beckoned for his companions to gather. The Forgotten, a clandestine assembly bound by the crucible of shared rebellion, converged around him.

"Something has shifted," Ji-Hoon conveyed, his voice a measured cadence that commanded attention. "The whispers in these halls have gained strength. We are not navigating this struggle alone."

Wary glances were exchanged within the group, a collective gaze reflecting the gravity of Ji-Hoon's words. Shadows danced across their faces, mirroring the enigmatic forces that intertwined their destinies.

"I've witnessed shadows," Marcus, a soul emanating perpetual defiance, voiced. "Not confined to corners, but shadows imbued with purpose. Alive, as if possessing a consciousness of their own."

Ji-Hoon nodded, acknowledging the unsettling truth that bound them together. The Forgotten, each harboring a distinctive supernatural ability, found themselves tethered to the forgotten annals of Evermist High. As the echoes of the bell faded, they embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries woven into the school's essence, unaware of the tragedy awaiting them at the intersection of the supernatural and the trials of adolescence. The shadows deepened, and the whispers intensified, laying the foundation for a narrative defying the ordinary and propelling them into the core of Evermist's enigmatic embrace.