End Of Prologue

Artis took a moment to register what Alice just said as he was completely engulfed in fear, not able to think of anything. 

"...Hey? You listening to me?" whispered Alice back. 

"That boy is overwhelmed right now. I was wondering how he managed to stand up to my Skill for long enough, but it seems only 5 minutes is his limit for now. Pretty good for him considering his age." chimed the lady in a cold tone as she continued to stare at the siblings. 

Alice looked up, hatred visible in her eyes as her eyes turned red and blocked Artis's ear, she shrieked as loudly as she could. 

The entire room echoed a horrible, loud voice that caused all the metallic creatures to short-circuit as they began falling like flies. 

The lady, taken aback by the shriek took a step back and had a grin plastered on her face. 

"[Dragon's Roar], Eh? Didn't expect someone to learn this skill...But?" 

The lady removed her sunglasses as her deep violet eyes turned red and took a step forward. 

The entire room filled with terror and pressure from that single step as Alice got down to her knees, her eyes and nose bleeding. 

"[Dragon's Might]? A Tier 7 move?" whispered Alice in despair. 

"Heh, it seems you know it's pointless to fight me. Now, are you finally willing to listen to us?" 

Alice...consumed by despair couldn't even respond properly and could only whisper, "Why?" 

"Why are you doing this... Why did you attack this ship? What do you want?" 

"Hmm? If you really want to know?" answered the lady in a sincere tone, "Well, we are only doing this because of you." 

"What?" replied Alice shock visible on her face, "Because of me?" 

"That is correct. It's only because we want something from you. The ship attack was just a casualty we wanted to avoid but it will benefit us in the long run. Well, you know the phrase right?

"'Kill two birds with one stone.' Simply, it was perhaps the best opportunity we could get." 

Alice continued to listen, her thoughts scrambled as she gritted her teeth in anger and frustration glaring angrily at the lady while holding Artis, "Then why did you attack the ship now? Weren't there more opportunities before?" 

"It's simply because we entered Aurosia. That's the only reason you'll get from me." 

Alice continued to struggle, her eyes turning blue as her bleeding stopped and whispered, "Solaro...Lunara...get ready...." 

"What are you trying to do?" asked the lady skeptically, "Anything you do is pointless here. There is no hope for you." 

"...You are right." agreed Alice, "Perhaps there is no hope for this ship anymore," she then looked at Artis who was still scared, and smiled sincerely. 

"I will create a magic called hope! Even if it's for one person that I love, I will give my life away so that I can create a slight glimmer of hope." 

She stood up despite the pressure crushing her bones as she curled up her lips and said, "Solaro...thank you for everything you've done for me...Lunaro, take Artis away..." 

At that very moment, a bright light filled the entire room blinding every person present there and Artis was snatched away from Alice's arms as his consciousness was back and the light disappeared clearing everything in the room.

Shocked, the lady exclaimed, "What just happened? What did you do?" 

Alice, now completely standing looked up and replied with a smug look, "Hope! I created hope thanks to Solaro's sacrifice! His skill activated making sure all the effects and skills currently on the field are destroyed!" 

She laughed heartedly as she looked up, "There! That was the face I wanted to see! An expression of horror on your face and not the cold calculating one! Hahahahaha!" 

She then turned back and looked at Artis with a warm smile, "Artis, you have to run away no matter what. Please, it's my final request for you....escape from here." 

"What? No! I can't!" shouted Artis, "I can't leave you behind! No matter what you say to me!" 

"But you have to run Artis...." she replied clenching her shoulders, "I can't go on anymore...So please, let me do one good thing for you..." 

Artis realized shockingly what Alice meant. Because she was grazed by the paralyzing bullet, she still isn't able to move. 

'But that shouldn't be possible! Didn't Alice say that the skill she used reset all the effects on the field...This shouldn't be possible, unless....

'Unless that bullet was a higher level than Alice....' 

Heart engulfed in despair, Artis choked as he began running forward but was blocked by an invisible barrier that stood between him and Alice. 

Alice continued, tears and fear visible on her face as she continued to smile, "You have to keep on running. Even if it's a closed vessel, keep on running and escape from this hell. And after you manage to escape, don't let your heart drown in despair. Travel like you are meant to do, and continue making people smile with your magic. 

"Make new friends out there. Travel with them, find love, eat well, and always remember...Remember that there will be always one person who'll support you no matter what choice you make in the future!

"And always remember...I love you, my stupid little brother...Lunaro...run away!" 

"ALICE NO!" screamed Artis as he was pushed back by the White Wolf Lunaro the entire room was filled with explosions blocking Artis's eyesight with the smoke blocking the entrance to the room. 

Artis, tears filled in his eyes ran away from the room as the wolf running alongside him disappeared. 

Multiple thoughts filled in his head as he continued to run not looking back a single time. 

Just as he reached the main deck, a metallic beast appeared before him causing Artis to stop in his tracks. 

As the tentacles shot out, a grand piano came from the top crushing the metallic beast completely. 

"Keep running, Magician!" whispered the Piano lady, "Escape from this place, because it seems....my time is up." 

As another metallic beast appeared behind her and shot out the tentacles aiming at her back. 

Artis, struggling to walk and coughing from the heat arrived at the pool area as he saw the entire ocean and weather covered with storms, as if the weather itself was mocking him. 

Just at that moment, the lady with purple hair appeared before him landing swiftly in a succession making Artis feel even more despair. 

"Your sister certainly did give me a lot of trouble even if I hate to admit it, she had a good speech out there about hope and how you need to escape, 

"But kid! Don't take it personally. We really meant no harm to fall upon you but perhaps I should give you a life lesson as well." 

"The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. This is real life! So remove any hope you had escaping from here because no help will come here miles from now on. 

"Don't blame yourself for being powerless..."

"Don't blame yourself for being weak..." 

"Don't blame yourself for making any difference back there..."

"You really couldn't have done anything back there!" 

"The only thing you should blame....is your fate"

"The only thing you should blame...is your bad luck!" 

Artis took a step back, his heart filled with rage and anger as the lady pulled out her gun aiming at Artis. He took another step back but was soon pushed in the front by a huge force from behind shocking him. 

Looking back, a bronze-skinned man with a scar on his left eye was looking at him, pity visible in his eyes. 


A loud cry was heard far from the sky as a huge beast with a body of a mammal and the head of an eagle with wings approached the cruise at a fast pace and grabbed Artis with his claws and flew off instantly. 

"What?" replied the lady, unable to process what just happened as she and the bronze-skinned man continued to stare at the beast. 

"Vaneria....What just happened?" 

Vaneria continued to stare at the beast as she rubbed her temples, "Yeah, this is the real world alright? Anything unfortunate can happen at any point in life..." 


Tranquill Haven Pier, Aurosia, 10:00 PM 

A lady with light skin and wavy brown hair riding her motorboat followed her beast in the ocean as she landed near the harbor ejecting out of the boat in a hurry. 

"Hey! Are you alright, kid!" asked the lady in a concerned voice. 

Artis, completely shocked and unable to process what just happened continued to stare at the street, not responding to the lady. 

His face was dried out with tears, clothes ripped and burned as blood continued to pour from his nose and arms as he shivered uncontrollably, anger and grief visible on his face. 


This was the only thought Artis had in his mind. 

'How come I managed to escape?' 

'Why did this have to happen?'

'Why am I so weak...If only I was stronger...would Alice let me fight by her side...Why did she do it? Why? Why? Why?' 

Tears continued to flow out from his eyes as he let out a painful choke, just crying uncontrollably at his current situation. 

The fateful journey from Inloen to Aurosia has finally reached its final destination.