
"You already finished the mission?" asked Professor Javier in surprise as he stared at Artis who stood there with a few bruises and injuries on his body. 

"Yes." replied Artis, "Here's a proof if you want to. It's from that guy's jacket." He showed the spike to the Professor and he examined it closely. 

Professor sighed and replied as he fell in a deep thought, "Very well. I did expect you to finish this mission soon, but I didn't expect it to finish in just 2 hours." He stood up and said, "Your reward will be deposited at the X-transceiver you wear." 

"Wait. This watch is actually a communication device?" asked Artis curiously as he examined the watch. 

Professor nodded and replied, "Yes. In this device, you can store the contacts of your fellow friends and adventurers. This watch also works as a GPS and tells you where you are and you can use it as a transaction device. But if you want it in liquid form, you will have to go to a bank or the nearest Help Center to convert it." 

"...I see. This watch has a map. This saves so much time now." mumbled Artis slowly as he inspected the watch himself. 

"Professor. So what should I do now?" 

Professor looked at him like he was crazy for doing another mission but he replied seriously, "First of all, go to the infirmary and check if you got an injury or not. The infirmary is on the first floor. And second, go to the counter and get your reward. Third, either you can take a rest or complete another mission in the meantime." 

Artis bowed his head and left the room. 

Just as Artis left the room, Professor's expression changed as he thought, 'Should I bet on him? I know Lana told me he's strong and that he managed to escape St. Annie's assault. But he is still a bit weak compared to what I desire. If he gets strong enough according to their would solve our problems right?' 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

At that moment, a call came for the Professor as he sighed, sat down, and picked it up. 

"3 rings this time. Excellent Javier, you are improving at picking up your calls!" answered an enthusiastic lady with red hair.

Javier sighed, "What is it you want this time, Ma'am Ponia?" 

"Was that sarcasm I detected from your tone just now?" asked Ponia in a casual manner, "Anyways, I did not call you for just a casual conversation. What was it that I wanted...?

"Aha! I will be arriving in the City in the next 2 weeks. Our target is ready to be captured right?" 

Javier gulped before answering, "...Yes Ma'am. Everything is prepared for your arrival..." 

"Good!" said Ponia laughing heartedly, "You are a pretty scornful man you know. Letting your heart go just like that." 

Javier remained silent for a while before responding with a weak smile, "Of course, I have to be like that. If I want to survive no matter what, I have to sacrifice something precious right?" 


Artis came out from the infirmary drinking a vial of a healing potion as he completely recovered from his injuries. 

"Hey, this Healing Potion is actually pretty good. I need to ask how to make it. It will be really useful in my upcoming missions." 

Artis made his way towards the main counter and asked Maya about his reward. 

"Pardon? You already completed the mission?" asked Maya in surprise. 

"Yes." replied Artis, "You can read my mind if you want to check whether I am lying or not." 


She sighed, "You have successfully completed an E-rank mission. Congratulations. Here's your reward." 

Artis immediately felt his watch ringing as he checked the notification and saw he just received 70 Grands.

Artis watched the notification for a while as he was overwhelmed by a couple of emotions.

'My first earning here. Now I am 70 Grands richer than I was yesterday!'

"If you wish to do another mission. You can either go to the Help Center or check the bulletin board attached to the wall."

Artis turned around to see the bulletin board and saw various papers of different colors attached to it as multiple people clustered over it either tearing up a paper or just checking it out. 

"As you can see, 4 different colors of papers are attached to the board. White, Blue, Red, and Black. You are currently only allowed to do missions of White paper. They are basic F to E rank missions. As you continue to increase your tier and rank up, your ability to take on different missions also increases. With the Blue paper being intermediate rank missions, Red paper missions being advanced, and Black paper missions being the highest level, reserved for the most elite adventurers." Maya explained, pointing to each color on the board.

Artis nodded, taking in the information. "So, I have to work my way up through these ranks. Makes sense." He glanced at the white papers, already planning his next move. "Thanks for the explanation, Maya."

"No problem. Just be careful out there," she replied with a smile.

Artis turned back to the bulletin board, his eyes scanning the various missions. Each paper detailed different tasks, from simple deliveries to subduing dangerous creatures. He carefully read through a few of them, considering his options.

One mission particularly caught his eye,

[F-Rank Mission: Clear out the Weeds]

[Reward: 25 Grands, Blue Berries]

[I am in a dire need of a helper that would help me clear out the weeds and insets that are infesting the East Ferrous Park. It would be appreciated if anyone out there can help me]

Artis reread the mission and decided to pick this one as his next mission. One, the rewards were fair for a normal F-Rank mission and two, it could provide him a good rest while he earns the reward of clearing it. 

Artis tore the mission paper from the board and brought it back to Maya. "I'll take this one," he said, handing her the notice.

Maya glanced at it and then looked back at Artis with a knowing smile. "Taking a lighter mission this time, huh? Smart move. It'll give you some time to recover fully."

Artis nodded. "Yeah, I figured a less intense mission would be good for now."

Maya registered the mission under his name and handed him a small map. "This will guide you to East Ferrous Park. It's not too far from here. Good luck, Artis."

"Thanks, Maya," he said, taking the map and heading out of the laboratory.


Artis checked his watch and checked the map function. The map gave him the location of East Ferrous Park which was not far from where he was standing.

Satisfied, he started heading out to the park without wasting any time. 

"Hey Artis! Wait up!" a familiar voice called him out from behind as Artis turned towards the source of the voice. 

It was Ray Hover who called him out.