Chapter: 1.8

Chapter: The Gauntlet


Part: 8

Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Inquisitorial Quarters

Inquisitor Greybrand leaned back on the sofa, her eyes fixed on the holographic display. For the moment, she decided against warning the captain about the possible threat they may be facing in the near future. The shining green sarcophagus was interesting, to say the least, but its presence in a relatively insignificant world like Accazius II raised several questions.

The Inquisition had records of such artifacts associated with Xenos and heretical cults, particularly the living machines, the green skeletons, the... Necrons and their dreaded armies of skeletons. The glowing green resembled those Xenos... to an uncanny degree, but the information's confirmation was still needed.

She pondered her options, directly inquiring with Captain Hox would mean her getting locked in a room and the ship turning back to return to the Sector Command. But if the Navy already had information regarding the Necrons, why was the Captain not already retreating unless...

'The Inquisition was keeping everything related to the Necrons hidden from the public.'

Her mind raced with wild fantasies, hypotheses, and unlikely possibilities. If the Inquisition was deliberately withholding information about the Necrons, it could be part of a broader plan or an attempt to keep the knowledge contained within a select few. The Inquisition was notorious for its secretive nature, especially Ordo Xeno which kept information compartmentalized even within its ranks. 

In which case this mission was about erasing all traces of the said Xeno, even at the cost of millions of loyal Imperial citizens. 

After what felt like hours, she leaned back in her chair, contemplating the best course of action. Her mission to slaughter millions of innocent souls was... a necessary evil, at least by the standards of the Inquisition. Already there were fools all over the galaxy who worshipped abominable insect gods, the Inquisition didn't want to deal with metal skeleton worshipers next.

The Inquisition was not a clean organization, its hands were stained with the blood of billions if not trillions of souls. Now, it was her turn to get her hands dirty so she could be fully integrated into their numbers.

As for Captain Hox, well... the Navis Imperialis had no command over the Inquisition while the opposite had not been tested as of yet. 

'A secondary objective?'

The Ordo's secondary objective was most likely to see if they had the same command over the Navy as they liked to boast about and she had become the catalyst of the test without even knowing it.

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden buzzing sound that originated from her servo skull recharging in one corner of the room. 

It was a gruesome thing, a drone-like robotic device outfitted with electronics and cybernetic components, taking the form of a human skull. The drone utilized an anti-gravity field generator to hover, an unmistakable 'I' of the Inquisition etched on its forehead.

The horror movie prop once belonged to her master before she discarded it for a Servitor. But for now, it was serving under her.

"Forgive the intrusion, Inquisitor Greybrand, but you have received an astropathic message. It's marked urgent, along with the Ordo's seal."

The skull reported as it drifted over to her side.

Greybrand frowned at the unexpected interruption. Urgent messages were rarely harbingers of good news. She nodded at the servo-skull, signaling for it to play the message,

 The skull shuddered and opened its mouth, a cybernetic speaker installed in its jaw relayed the message. 

"Inquisitor Greybrand, this is Astropath Secundus Veridian. I bring new orders regarding our mission on Accazius II."

It was the same person who informed her of her master's likely demise, one of the Astropaths on the Sector Command's homeworld. 

Greybrand was pretty sure she would never understand the Astropaths or the Imperium's tendency to use choruses of blinded psychics to scream messages across the galaxy instead of developing a technology to communicate over vast distances.

'Careful now, those are heretical territories.'

Asking for the development of new technology was the same as asking to get fucked in the ass by a bunch of Adeptus Mechanicus tin cans.

The Astropathic message continued,

"You are not to commence an Exterminatus! I repeat! You are not to declare Exterminatus on the world of Accazius II. Your new mission is to gain a foothold on the planet! I repeat! You need to establish a base of operation on the planet!"

'... what?'

"An Adeptus Mechanicus Fleet has been dispatched by a nearby forge world. The Sector command is sending a Company of Adeptus Astartes from the Iron Champion Chapter to assist the Mechanicus in their endeavor. Xeno tomb entrance has been identified. Extreme caution is advised. Transmitting coordinates for the Tomb. Emperor protect."

The Inquisitor's expression darkened as she processed the information. The sudden change in orders, countermanding the Exterminatus directive, and the revelation about the Adeptus Mechanicus Fleet and the impending arrival of an Adeptus Astartes Company made all her plans go down the drain.

She would have to make landfall, possibly hold her position against frantic Local PDF who believe the Inquisitor had come to kill them and... the Necrons.

They were not something a couple of regiments of guardsmen can best, depending on their numbers that is, but still, the legions of Living Iron wakes in vast numbers!

She sat in contemplation for a moment, her mind processing the new information. The Necrons, the mysterious green sarcophagus, and the sudden change in mission objectives raised more questions than answers. It was likely that the Mechanicus who bought the bloody sarcophagus found something intriguing enough to call others to his aid.

There was also the Inquisition, they rarely ever reversed Exterminatus orders, especially for an insignificant world like Accazius II. What were they playing at?

And why was she kept in the dark!?

As the astropathic message concluded, the servo-skull hovered patiently, awaiting any further instructions.

"Inquisitor Greybrand,"

The mechanical voice of the servo-skull echoed in the room,

"How would you like to proceed?"

The Inquisitor leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk, her fingers forming a steeple as she stared at the floating skull. It was an intriguing item, especially so when one considered the fact that it was somewhat... autonomous. The Mechanicus who did its maintenance said that the spirit of the skull's owner lived within it, serving the imperium even in death. Altogether, it was a creepy piece of machinery.

'Better than a Cherub at least.'

She considered her options. The abrupt change in mission parameters suggested a larger operation underway and she needed to revise some of her plans... well, most of them.

"Contact Captain Hox,"

She instructed the servo-skull,

"Tell her that the Inquisition has new orders, let her know that our new mission is to establish a foothold on Accazius II, not to initiate Exterminatus. I'll join her on the bridge after we have reached the planet's orbit. She is not to go forward with deployment until I am there to see it though."

The servo-skull acknowledged the command with a green flicker of its cybernetic eyes and it swiftly floated towards the communications console to relay the message to Captain Hox.

As the mechanical assistant carried out its task, Greybrand returned to her thoughts. Those shut-ins from Adeptus Mechanicus would only involve themselves with advanced technological cache or the presence of forbidden knowledge, maybe even an STC. The Adeptus Astartes were only added to make a show of support from the Sector Command and to add a layer of firepower and strategic capability to the mission.

The servo-skull returned, its metallic voice breaking the silence in the room,

"Message transmitted to Captain Hox, Inquisitor."

"Good. Now, continue monitoring incoming astropathic messages. I want to stay informed of any further developments or directives from the higher authorities,"

Greybrand commanded.

"As you wish, Inquisitor,"

Replied the servo-skull, hovering near the desk as it resumed its monitoring duties.

Greybrand sighed as she rested her forehead on the desk, trying to think about what to do next. Her first mission was rapidly turning into a cesspool and she had to plunge her hand into it to survive,

'Fuck my life.'


Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

The Bridge

Captain Hox sat on the command throne at the center of the Bridge, going through the ship's status reports and navigation data. Her attention was momentarily diverted as a message from the Inquisitor's servo-skull came through. She heard the new orders and sighed, regretting not killing the Inquisitor when she had the chance for the 10th time in that hour.

"Inquisitor Greybrand has ordered a change in our mission parameters,"

She announced to the bridge crew,

"Exterminatus has been revoked. Our new directive is to establish a foothold on Accazius II."

A murmur of surprise and curiosity rippled through the command room. Captain Hox noticed the questioning looks on the faces of her officers, and she raised her hand to quell any potential speculation.

"No need for gossip or speculation. We follow the Inquisitor's orders without question, for now. Transmit the new directive to relevant personnel. Prepare for planetary insertion upon arrival. Make sure the troops are briefed on the change in mission parameters."

The Vox Mechanicus acknowledged her orders and began relaying the updated command directives to the rest of the crew, updating mission directives and informing the Infantry about the upcoming planetary deployment.

Captain Hox leaned back in her command throne, contemplating the sudden change, at least she won't have to deal with the Inquisitor anymore. Once she dropped that menace off on the planet, it was Vox Silence with her and her troops until reinforcements arrived. If she died, all the better, and if she didn't, well... faulty systems were always a problem on old Imperial transports. Her musings were interrupted by the ship's Vox officer.

"Captain, I have informed Colonel Issalos Pantar and Colonel Romoron Cortai regarding the current situation. The Light Infantry Regiment will be ready to deploy in three standard hours. However, the Mechanized Infantry Regiment will need more time to load heavy ordnances onboard the dropships."

The captain nodded, acknowledging the information.

"Very well, the estimated time of our arrival in the orbit of the Planet?"

She turned to ask the Navigator, who was meditating but answered nonetheless,

"At our current speed, we will be reaching the Sallur System in seven hours. Accazius II is relatively far from the sun and closer to the system's borders but we will likely need another hour or two to enter the planet's orbit."

Captain Hox absorbed the information and made a decision.

"Accelerate our approach. I want us in orbit around Accazius II within the next six hours. We don't want to keep the welcoming committee waiting. And notify the troops to expedite their preparations for planetary insertion."

The Navigator acknowledged the order, and Captain Hox leaned forward, her mind focused on the upcoming challenges. Establishing a foothold on the planet required a different approach than the previously planned Exterminatus.

As the ship accelerated towards its destination, Captain Hox's thoughts were consumed by an unease at what lay ahead. The countdown to the arrival at Accazius II continued, and the unpleasant mission took on a new and unpredictable turn.
