Chapter: 4.1

Chapter: Zeta-IX


Part: 1

Outer Space - Approaching Space Station Zeta-IX

The Thunderhawk soared through the void of space, its engines roaring as it approached the space station designated Zeta-IX. Inquisitor Greybrand stood near the cockpit, her eyes focused on the holographic display showing the approaching target. Beside her, the Navy Troopers piloting the aircraft were focused on their instruments, ensuring a smooth approach.

The rest of the strike team was seated in the cargo compartment, their faces concealed by helmets and rebreathers. The only audible sounds were the hum of the Thunderhawk's engines and the occasional clatter of equipment. The tech priests had retreated to their designated area, muttering prayers and chants as if trying to ensure the machine spirits' favor.

Their strategy involved simply hiding in the asteroid belt of the planet, remaining undetected by the Space Station's Auspex scans until the 'Gauntlet' launched a few missile strikes and then withdrew before the Station's Lance Battery could target her. This brief disruption would provide a window of opportunity for the Thunderhawk to bypass the Station's defensive turrets and breach the hangar doors.

As the Thunderhawk continued its approach, Greybrand spoke into her comm-bead, addressing the strike team.

"We'll be entering the asteroid belt shortly. Brace yourselves for potential turbulence. Once we're through, maintain radio silence until we breach the hangar doors. Our goal is swift and silent insertion. Let's make it count."

The strike team acknowledged the orders with a series of acknowledgments over the main Vox channel. The Thunderhawk smoothly entered the asteroid belt, weaving through the floating rocks and debris with practiced skill. The occasional jolt and vibration rattled through the aircraft, but the experienced Navy Troopers maintained control.

After successfully passing through the asteroid belt, the Thunderhawk's engines fell silent, minimizing any functionals that might give them away to the Space Station's Auspex devices. Greybrand used the gunship's enhanced Vox device to contact Captain Hox and inform her of their imminent approach,

"Captain Hox, this is Inquisitor Greybrand. We're approaching the Space Station, requesting covering fire from the 'Gauntlet' to distract enemy defenses."

There was a brief pause before Hox's voice crackled over the comm,

"Understood, Inquisitor. We'll provide covering fire as requested. Emperor be with you. Gauntlet out."

The Thunderhawk continued its silent glide towards the space station as the 'Gauntlet' turned to starboard, positioning itself for the distractionary barrage. Greybrand watched intently as they neared their target, her mind focused on the mission ahead.

As they approached the designated insertion point, the strike team prepared themselves for the breach. Weapons were checked, pieces of equipment were adjusted, and tension filled the air despite the controlled calmness enforced by their training. One of the Battle Sisters, probably the Sister Superior, began her short sermon before the battle,

"The Emperor..."

But the Inquisitor cut the Superior's words out of her thoughts the moment she realized what the crack-nun was trying to do, instead, she nodded towards the Thunderhawk's pilots, a couple of Navy troopers who initiated the final approach angling towards the hangar doors of the space station. 

The small blip that their ship might have indicated on the Auspex scans was overshadowed by the hulking form of the 'Gauntlet.' The Imperial Transport unleashed a barrage of torpedoes toward the Space Station, drawing the attention of its point defense cannons and most of the other turrets as well.

Explosions blossomed across the void as most of the torpedoes were struck down by the defensive fire but a couple managed to strike the space station's void barriers. Lights flashed and shockwaves blew through the void as the distraction took effect. 

Seizing the opportunity, the Thunderhawk powered forward, its engines roaring to life once more as it made a daring dash toward the Space Station. 

Greybrand held her breath as the Thunderhawk maneuvered through the asteroid belt, dodging any stray rocks pelted at them by the shockwaves and weaving between defensive emplacements. Admittedly the minefield was a bit of a surprise, but the pilot showcased a precision born from years of experience and expertly guided the aircraft toward the hangar door, aiming for the narrow opening and opened fire with the Multilaser and, much to her surprise, a dorsal mounted missile launcher that she was blissfully unaware of. 

"Prepare for a combat landing," 

She barely had the time to bark the instructions through the comm-beads when the hangar door cracked open, and the Thunderhawk burst through the gap.

Shortly after, the anti-breach mechanism came into play, and a reinforced steel shutter slammed shut behind the gunship, preventing extensive damage to the station's interior from exposure to the vacuum. The transition from the cold vacuum of space to the confined space station brought an immediate change in the atmosphere.

The pilots slowly lowered the gunship and as soon as the Thunderhawk touched down inside the hanger the strike force sprang into action. The Battle Sisters were the first to disembark, spreading out in a disciplined formation with the Sister Superior taking the point. She held her bolt pistol firmly in her hand as she scanned the immediate surroundings for any potential threat.

"Bzzt... Clear... Bzzt"

Over the crackling of the Vox channel, Sister Superior's words sounded registered, and the rest of the troop sprang out.

Inquisitor Greybrand led the reaming of them out of their vehicle, her power sword crackling with energy as she emerged from the gunship followed closely by her Honor Guard and the remaining troops, their weapons at ready despite the Sister's words.

However, the hangar was eerily silent. Scattered crates, damaged vehicles, and signs of recent combat were evident. Smoke wafted off of a pile of foul-smelling ragbags which, upon closer inspection, bore a distinct resemblance to human corpses.

"Secure the area. Tech priests, make sure the Thunderhawk is ready for extraction. Check for survivors and try to see if you find any intel on the enemy forces."

Greybrand ordered, her voice cutting through the hum of the Thunderhawk's engines.

The strike team moved with surprising efficiency considering the diverse composition of the same. Guardsmen and Guardswomen fanned out, scanning for any signs of movement. The Sisters of Battle moved towards the two obvious exits from the hangar, their object to secure the entrance and prevent the enemy from trapping the strike force inside. As for the Honor Guard, they took up strategic positions to support the other two forces in case a firefight ensued with hostiles.

As Greybrand observed the initial sweep, her attention was drawn to a curiously flickering portable holographic display near the hangar's command console. She approached it, her eyes scanning for any unwanted surprise.

The display was a map of the space station, highlighting several areas of interest, areas that had experienced breach more than once. A clear indication of fire and several sections were marked as compromised or inaccessible. 

During their brief conversations, she and Captain Hox had identified seven key targets, which included the Command Center, Main Generator, Emergency Generator, Fuel Storage, Lance Battery Control, Auspex Station, and the reactor section. However, now that she checked the holographic map, she noticed that the Main Generator was marked in bright red indicating a fire, the Reactor Section was inaccessible, and the Auspex Station had been compromised.

Greybrand couldn't help but groan in disappointment as she realized that her plans for discretion were unnecessary. The Emperor damned Space Station lacked a functioning Auspex station!
