Chapter: 5.7

Chapter: Landfall

Part: 7

Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

The Command Room

The hours passed in a flurry of activity as preparations for the planetfall continued aboard the Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet.' The two, Galley-Class Drop pods were loaded with troops and vehicles, supplies were checked and double-checked, and strategic plans were reviewed and adjusted as needed.

As the final countdown to deployment began, Captain Hox found herself standing on the command deck, overseeing the operations with a keen eye. Her presence seemed to instill a sense of determination and self-preservation among the crew, who were the only ones who knew of her identity as an Inquisitor and worked with renewed vigor.

"Launch sequence initiated,"

Announced a Servitor in its dead, bland, and mechanical tone, his voice cutting through the tension-filled air.

"Drop pods ready for deployment."

Hox nodded in acknowledgment, her mind focused on the task at hand. The two Galley-Class drop pods had the capacity to either transport three companies of lightly armed and armored guardsmen, or one company of Mechanized Infantry with their armored elements.

She knew that the success of their, or rather her, mission depended on swift and decisive action, and she was determined to see it through to the end. Which was why she was sending a mixed Mechanized Infantry company and the Sororitas, Greybrand's retinue be damned for all she cared and stowed them alongside the sisters.

Their objective would be to take and hold a landing zone against probable hostile advancement, possibly for an indefinite time. Landing Pod G1 and G2, or Galley-1 and Galley-2, will be transporting two companies, one will secure the landing zone while the other will neutralize any anti-aeronautic elements in close proximity to the landing area.

All in all, they might suffer heavy casualties if there was any resistance and gain the honor of being the first two companies of their regiment to see combat. Which was reason enough to make morale shoot through the roof.

"Send the signal,"

She ordered, her voice calm and steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. It had been half a decade since she last saw combat, and her hands throbbed to hold the blade and bolt again. But she knew it was not time yet, there would be plenty of opportunities to do so later.

Through a series of vox bursts, the 'Go' signal was transmitted, and the drop pods simultaneously launched from the transport vessel, hurtling towards the surface of Accazius II below. Each carrying soldier determined to fight and die in the most holy name of 'He on Terra.'

As the last of the drop pods' smoke trails disappeared from her view, Hox couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension. It was the same sensation she felt before every battle as if she had missed something, or perhaps something was hidden from her view. But she never spoke up, 'better to keep one's suspicions to oneself,' the golden rule of Ordo Xenos.

The best she could do for those dying today was to offer a prayer to the God Emperor,

"May the Emperor guide our path,"

She murmured, a silent prayer on her lips as she watched the planet loom larger through the scanners.

Hox was never much of a believer, and never saw the point in it, what's there to pray to someone already busy with safeguarding the galaxy? Better strap on an extra layer of ceramite plating.


Landing Pod: Galley-1


Elena's day couldn't have been better. Within the last twenty-four standard Terra hour, she was born, grew up, trained, augmented, fought a war and was chuckled across to another reality where her last universe's war was equivalent to a skirmish. And as if that was not enough, she somehow became subservient to a woman with minimal combat experience, depression due to 'demon' induced nightmares, and unknown tactical expertise.

'Just great!'

As if to put a cherry on the pie, during her first confrontation with this universe's horrors, the said woman went missing, half her command's combat power was permanently crippled, and she was on her way to a second confrontation.

'Just fucking great!'

And did she mention that the 'good' guys in this universe were all fanatical religious zealot nutjobs?

'Kill me already!'

Thankfully enough, those of her squad that did survive had 'awakened their conscience mind,' a term she associated with the buffer time between their summoning and awakening of independent thoughts.

Of those that did survive were Medic Seargent Morgan Lynx Credelle, Chief Staff Engineer Minkovski Katerina Leonidovna, and Gunner Rico Castello(Heavy Weapons Specialist.) These were, of course, without counting in the freaks, Lynx called them freaks in the sheets and Elena wondered how the fuck did she managed to get one to bang her.

"You good cap'?"

Elena glanced at Lynx, the medic sergeant, who had been checking her gear and securing the straps of her combat armor. Lynx was a no-nonsense kind of woman, taking charge whenever the situation called for her expertise. She was the one to awaken first and... well... She was one of the few that Elena could trust her life in this unforgiving universe.

"What do you think?"

Elena shot back dryly, sarcastic and a bit snappy, different from her usual serious demeanor. Losing several members had not meant much to her, but the loss of those few that shared her origin was... painful to say the least, and a bit concerning too.

She knew that the Inquisitor was just fine... probably... maybe? At least she was alive, so that was some comfort.

Rico glanced back at them, she seemed to be the most happy-go-lucky of their numbers, her missing hand had been replaced by one of those nifty bionics, giving her extra strength and leverage where it mattered.

"Any word from the others?"

The bulky woman asked, breaking the silence... no, scratch that, the pod was pretty fucking loud.

"Nothin' yet. But I'm sure they're making their way down as we speak."

Responded the Vox communicator that the Mechanized Infantry had so graciously provided them with, a Cadian woman from her files with more bionics than flesh for her torso. Her files even had a personal note from her commanding officer,

"Tough bitch, survived a chainsword straight through her chest."

Her task was to act as the relay and to scout out the big girls for their secrets, much to her irritation, the SPARTANs had completely ignored her, probably because none of them had 'awakened' till now.

"It should be smooth sailing till after we land, their main defensive turrets are centered around their capital, they haven't the weapons to shoot us down."

As if on cue, the drop pod shuddered slightly, jerking to one side and then the other. The sudden jolt of the drop pod sent everyone inside bracing themselves against the walls, their armor clanking and rattling with the movement.

"W/hat was that?"

Elena demanded, her grip tightening on her weapon as she scanned the interior of the pod for any signs of damage. Pale faces stared at her from every seat in the overloaded drop pods, heck, even she, an ODST was feeling a bit wobbly.

But instead of painting the Sororitas sitting before her in the remains of her last meal, which was a small ration bar, she snatched the Vox device from the Cadian and tuned it to the Navy's channel of communication.

"*Bzzzt* This is Galley-1, we are.taking ground fire! *Bzzzt* Hydra batteries locked on! *Bzzzt* Do you copy!?"

This was probably their pilot,

"FRAK!!! Communication break!"

Before Elena could inquire about their next course of action, the pilot switched to the Vox announcer,

"Ladies, this is your pilot speaking. Don't worry you are in good hands... probably... The pod's taking ground fire so we are FUCKED! In case any of you do survive, prepare for combat, we are coming in hot!"
