Chapter: 6.2

Chapter: Captivity & Escape


Part: 2

On board: Hemlock-Class Destroyer 'Tears to Ashes'

The Dungeon

The Aeldari was toying with her, that much was quite clear to Greybrand, and she had the distinct impression that if she played along, she might experience the dream of thousands, maybe millions of guardsmen. However, she was normally not one for flirting, heck, she had a sweetheart in the Schola but the Inquisition sent the said sweetheart to apprehend her and relationships soured quicker than an Ork would agree to bash someone's head in.

The Farseer continued her caressing with deft fingers, her touch sending shivers of instinctive disgust and apprehension down Greybrand's spine. She could feel her muscles curl up as the Aeldari's body brushed against hers, her breath becoming ragged with the effort to hold herself back from shocking the Xeno across her face.

The Farseer's mouth inched forward, and she moved her hands up Greybrand's body, cupping her cheeks as she brought her lips closer,

"Alright! Time out."

Greybrand leaned as far away from the Aeldari as her body would allow and glared at the wom- female Aeldari.

The Inquisitor couldn't help but stare in shock at the Farseer's bold gestures of touching her body. A 'normal' Aeldari's reaction to her presence would be disdain, after all, they had a stick so far up their asses that... yeah, she couldn't think of anything more than that.

She hated how her body responded instinctively to the creature's touch, and she had to put in quite a bit of effort to keep her face expressionless. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest and she felt her pulse quicken as she took in the Aeldari's sharp features, her gaze piercing and filled with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

The Aeldari Farseer's face was framed by long, ebony hair that cascaded down her back in waves, shimmering like the night sky on a paradise world. Her eyes were a piercing shade of violet... or maybe it was black, she couldn't really tell, but they held a noticeable amount of mischief in them as they met Greybrand's dull grey ones, and a smirk played at the corner of her supple lips.

Greybrand forced herself to maintain her composure, resisting the urge to recoil from the Aeldari's touch. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, not even for a moment.

"Enough games, Farseer,"

Greybrand's voice was steady, though she couldn't quite keep the edge of irritation from creeping in.

"What do you want from me?"

The Aeldari's smirk widened into a grin, and she leaned back, releasing Greybrand from her grasp. She tilted her head to the side, regarding the Inquisitor with amusement.

"What do I want?"

The Aeldari's voice was melodic, a soft purr that sent a chilled Greybrand down to her spine.

"Why, I want to play, of course."

Greybrand's eyes narrowed in suspicion. She had a sinking feeling that the Farseer's idea of "play" was far from innocent.

"I'm not here to be your entertainment, Farseer,"

Greybrand growled.

The Aeldari's grin widened, and she took a step closer to Greybrand, closing the distance between them.

"Oh, but you misunderstand, Inquisitor,"

The Aeldari said, her voice low and sultry.

"I don't mean 'play' in the conventional sense. I mean... something more... intimate."

Greybrand's blood ran cold at the implication in the Farseer's words. She knew all too well the depravity that lurked within the hearts of this particular breed of Xenos, they were no different from their Drukhari cousins, no matter how desperately they tried to show their differences.

The Inquisitor had no intention of becoming a pawn in her twisted games.

"I'll die before I let you lay a hand on me,"

Greybrand spat, her voice dripping with venom.

The Aeldari's grin faltered momentarily, replaced by a look of mild annoyance.

"Such hostility, Inquisitor,"

The Aeldari said, her voice taking on a sharper edge.

"You would do well to remember your place. You are at my mercy, and I could easily make your life a living hell if I so desired."

Greybrand flinched as the female Aeldari's finger dug into her shoulder wound, the penetration wound had healed... somewhat at least... clotting had begun a couple of hours back but the wound opened up again as long, sharp nails dug in.

The Farseer looked mildly entertained by the Inquisitor's reaction, leaning back slightly and putting on a playful tone.

"Don't worry,"

She said, taking a step closer even as her playful tone continued.

"The more you resist, the more I'll enjoy it."

She was clearly enjoying the Inquisitor's suffering... and resistance, her grin spreading even wider.

Still smirking, she leaned back in an almost provocative manner, pulling her nails out of her wound. She took in the Inquisitor's words, her face shifting as she seemed to be weighing her options. When she spoke again, her voice was much colder than before,

"You may not like the thought of me touching you, but it seems that your body feels otherwise. There is no shame in it. Accept it, and let me play."

Greybrand's jaw clenched as she fought hard to maintain her composure, the wound was the last of her worries, and her mind raced with anger and disgust at the Aeldari's words. She refused to let herself be manipulated by this filthy Xenos bitch... no matter how tempting her offer might seem.

"I won't submit to you, Farseer, not while I still draw breath."

Greybrand's voice was defiant, her gaze unwavering as she stared down her captor.

The Aeldari's smirk faded, replaced by a cold glint in her eyes.

"Very well, Inquisitor,"

She said, her voice tinged with ice.

"If that's how you want to play out your captivity, then so be it."

With a flick of her wrist, the Aeldari turned and strode out of the cell, phasing through the bars, leaving Greybrand alone in the dimly lit dungeon.

Greybrand let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, her muscles relaxing slightly as the tension eased from her body. She knew that the Aeldari wouldn't give up so easily, but for now, she had bought herself some time.

As she leaned back against the cold stone wall, Greybrand's mind raced with thoughts of escape. She knew that her chances were slim, trapped as she was on this Aeldari vessel, but she refused to give up hope.

She would find a way out of this dungeon, out of the clutches of her captors, and back to the Imperium where she belonged. And when she did, she would make the Aeldari pay for every moment of torment they had inflicted upon her.

With a groan of pain that had been building up for some time, Greybrand closed her eyes and began to plan her escape... but first things first... she really needed to get some rest.
