Ode to Gluttony: Mmmm… Big fish

Couple of days have passed since the corrupted land started to become active. Li pushed through in the end and destroyed the central crystal in the Zyranthar. He was severely wounded by it, but he has been getting better each passing day.

Lud has also gained some semblance of peace of mind after resting a bit, but a wound like that just doesn't go away.

As Lud was doing some paperwork one day, Altair said to him "We have a situation on our hands."

Lud asks "What is it about and how can Elysium help?"

Altair says "We saw big… and I mean BIG dino fish looking mf beast eating a whole damn planet just a few minutes ago."

Lud asks "Hold on a minute. You have dinosaurs here? No no no… That is not the big issue. You saw something so big that it could eat a whole damn planet?!"

Altair says "Basically. We suspect that it is an oriathan variant and a big one at that. Our sensors have also detected an ecosystem on the creature's skin."

Lud says "I mean if it is big enough to eat a planet, I'm not surprised that it can house life around it as well."

Altair says "But this is space we are talking about. Even in our world's standards, the sustainability of such a world is a near impossible feat. There has to be enough heat to be warm enough without a constant sun but not too hot that life will fry itself on its surface. Then there is the outside influence of it probably traveling near and far from the suns of this world. It's just… I know that I aint the smartest, but I have enough sense to tell you that it shouldn't be possible."

Lud says "I mean… even in our world, we had things that we couldn't explain with the knowledge we had, but still, someone managed to solve why it works. Even if we don't understand something working now, it doesn't mean that we can't understand it in the future."

Altair says "Did YOUR world ever find alien life somewhere?"

Lud says "No. But how can you tell that it is alien?"

Altair says "What else can it be?"

Lud says "The abyss?"

There is silence on Altair's end for a while, until she finally responds with "I can't believe it. You actually said something that I didn't even think of."

Lud inquires "Am I that simple?"

Altair affirms "Yes. You are pretty simple as a person. You just have VERY loyal people around you who are special."

Lud says "But aren't we all special in our own way?"

Altair says "Sure sure. Say what you want to make yourself feel a little better. I won't take that away from you."

Lud asks "But didn't you say that just to make a jab at me?"

Altair answers "Did I? Still, back to the matter at hand. The big dino fish is coming, eating planets on the sun system that Gloctus belongs to. We are about to hold an emergency meeting with the council soon. Just wanted to make you know."

Lud asks "Do you have means to deal with the creature?"

Altair answers with a somber "No. We don't have means to destroy a planet sized creature. Moon sized maybe, but not a whole damn planet sized."

Lud then thinks for a moment and Altair says "If there is nothing you want to add, then I'll cut the line."

Lud says "Wait. Can you… send me to the creature's surface?"

Altair doesn't say anything for a while and Lud asks "Hello? You should still be able to hear me, so why haven't you…"

Altair then shouts "Are you insane?!"

Lud is a bit taken aback, so he says "Wha- what do you mean? We need to solve this issue, so maybe the answer lies in the people who have made the creature their home."

Altair then shouts "First of all, I said that we sense some sort of ecosystem on the surface of the creature, we have no idea what sort of life there is! Second, even if there is life as smart as us in there, how on the name of Ao do you think you will be able to communicate with an alien species?! Third, even if we are able to communicate with them, how can you assume that they aren't hostile to us?!"

Then a woman is heard saying "The people around Valth'zar (world eater [as a name]) are able to communicate with the rest of Lutah" by both Altair and Lud.

Altair asks "Who are you and how did you…"

The woman says "I'm an oriapleater named Roth and I'm the sin carrier of gluttony. I hope that that answers your little questions."

Lud says "You… I heard about you from the report that was submitted about the corrupted land. You took away the memories of one of your allies."

Roth says "'Allies' is a bit of an overstatement. We just happen to share a master. Nothing more, nothing less. All that we do is be true to our desires as long as we are able to further our master's vision."

Altair asks "How is taking memories of another sin carrier something that furthers your master's goals?"

Roth answers "Oren needed a fitting punishment for his failure to destroy Gloctus and I was simply the executioner."

Lud says "The way the report put it, it sounded like you had it out for Oren."

Roth says "That is hearsay, but I digress. If you want to go to Valth'zar, then you are free to do so. If, and only IF you are able to make Valth'zar change her mind, my lord has told me to let it play out as is. Well… that is if you manage to do so at all."

Altair asks "What is Valth'zar in the first place?"

Roth answers "She is an evolved oriathan that has grown to be able to eat planets. She is also… my pet. She is a kind of a singular being in a matter that only exists in one form in each specific timeline, but she lacks the cognitive function to choose when, where and what timeline she goes to when she traverses the timelines. 

In this timeline, she is able to eat planets such as Gloctus in one or two bites. But in some timelines she has grown big enough to eat an entire sun system with a bite or two. 

Frankly, we don't know what happened to her after she grew to that big of a size, but we never found a timeline where she has been big enough to eat a black hole.

Also her name Valth'zar, it is an official name for her given by Maumar himself. If you want further details, ask him if you can, but you can also ask the little abyss princess you have living alongside you."

Then Tifa joins the call and asks "And what sort of game is that bug freak playing?"

Roth says "Oh, you know. Let the little ones struggle with minor pushes before we start to hit a little more seriously. I mean, we are the swarm for crying out loud. Where have you seen our horde? Nowhere, that's where. We haven't gotten serious yet, and if the Maumar's chosen timeline falls before we get serious, then I'll play my tiny little violin in your memory. I'm pretty good at funerals, you know."

Lud says "I'll make sure that there won't be a need for a funeral."

Roth says "Bold words for someone who got raped. How about I come and take those memories from you, though it is gonna cost you a little more than that."

Tifa says "If you do anything to him, I'll make your life a living hell."

Roth giggles and says "You already do. I'm going to kill a few gods now. Good luck with dying and stuff."

Tifa says while she still can "Go fuck yourself."

And Roth was never heard from again. At least in this chapter.

Lud then asks "So… Altair, can you lift me to the… what did she call her… Val'sar?"

Altair answers "It was Valth'zar and yes, I can lift you there, but I recommend that you take some of your guys with you this time. Personally I recommend Sarah since she looks a little down after not being able to do much last time. Other than her and Ms. Abyss there,, I leave it up to you."

Lud then asks Tifa "Do you have any ideas Tifa? Can't you use your powers on Valth'zar or something?"

Tifa says "As much as I hate being useless, I can't help much with my powers when it comes to that dinosaur. I can control the people there for sure, but she won't like it much if she senses that I controlled one of her people. In fact, I made a promise to her once that I wouldn't intervene with her people's business, so I can't really even go if I want to keep that promise."

Lud says in astonishment "Wow. You actually acted considerably before coming here. I must say that I'm impressed."

Though Lud can't see it, this conversation being telepathic and all, Tifa is a bit embarrassed by this. She says "She is a rather simple minded person so I let her be back then. She is a being that exists linearly in multiple timelines and she was the first person who was immune to my powers other than that bastard loner, so I had to give her some consideration. Also, while she is like a mother to the people that live on her, she isn't much smarter than a child who is constantly hungry."

Lud says "I see. Well it is nice to hear that you have gotten along with someone while I wasn't around."

Tifa is blushing after hearing this and says "Just so you know, the people there consist mostly of abyssans. They come in all shapes and sizes, but most have some degree of humanoid appearances. What I've heard from Valth, some people from the outside have come to live on her after getting used to the place. That being said, for those who are born on Valth, leaving her is considered a taboo."

Lud asks "Why are you telling me this?"

Tifa explains that "Even if something is taboo, that doesn't mean everyone sees it that way. Those with only abyssan heritage almost never want to leave, but those who share blood from the outside often wish to see the world outside. And when someone from the outside comes to Valth, their curiosity widens."

Lud asks "So if two outsiders have a child on Valth, the child can't leave but the parents can't?"

Tifa confirms "That is mostly correct. Everyone 'can' leave, but if you wish to return, you become an outcast for most."

Lud asks "Why is that?"

Tifa answers "As far as I have come to understand it, it relates to the risk of Valth eating the place you go to. After all, even the star elves aren't advanced enough to move to the opposite site of the galaxy in a blink like Valth can."

Lud asks in regards to Tifa's last comment "She can what?"

Tifa explains "Valth has the ability to go wherever she senses material to be eaten. As long as it is within one realm, she can go to it in a blink of an eye. She doesn't know how to go to different realms without also going to a different timeline."

Lud says "And she just happened to enter the middle realm of this timeline, huh. How does she go to other timelines though?"

Tifa explains "Through a black hole."

Lud asks "The what?"

Tifa confirms "The black hole of each realm."

Lud asks "How does that work?"

Tifa explains "Haven't you been paying attention? Black holes are what connect the realms to the abyss. Going through a black hole is the simplest and crudest way to go to the abyss. Exiting is a whole other matter."

Lud scratches his head for a moment while he mutters "That… but… pfft… Man this shit complicated."

Tifa retorts "Abyss, maybe. But the rest, not so much."

Lud shoves that aside and says "Moving on… You and Altair called her a dinosaur or something. Does that have any credibility?"

Tifa says "She does look a lot like a mosasaurus from our world, albeit with actual scales. That being said, most of her scales are beneath the soil that has built up on her and the most prominent scales are the mountain ranges where her scales go up for one reason or another. There are also the wastelands where the sand blows between the giant scales if they aren't buried already. Then there is the ocean floor that you're gonna need to get lucky to see the scales. Those are what I heard anyways, but I never actually visited the place."

Lud asks "Why did you start talking about her scales? And how on earth did soil, sand and water actually get to a space faring creature?"

Tifa says a simple "By eating planets" and Lud replies with a short "Ah".

Lud asks "Is it true that she can grow to the size where she can eat a whole star system?"

Tifa answers "It is a future that will happen no matter what and it is the sun system here. Star system would mean that planets circle around stars."

Lud inquires "But aren't stars and the sun the same thing?"

Tifa answers "You really haven't been paying attention. Suns and stars are two separate things in this world. Suns are the one with planets surrounding them most of the time and stars are the gates at the edge of the realm that send out aether to the world."

Lud says "Why do they have to make things so dang complicated."

Tifa replies "It isn't really that complicated once you figure it out. Stars and suns send aether, which is kind of like the blood of this world, to the realms. They are sort of arteries of this world, sending oxygenated blood to the body. Black holes on the other hand are like veins that take the excess aether out, or in anatomical sense, the non oxygenated blood, to the place where it can be reused. In this case, the abyss. Only in the anatomy of lutah, blood doesn't cycle around and is instead continuously generated. Maumar likes to refer to the abyss as a sort of 'liver' of lutah."

Lud says "Yep. I don't get it."

Tifa says "If there was ever to be a miracle in this world, it would be you actually managing to run a country."

Lud says "I just sign papers given to me."

Tifa asks "Do you even read them?"

Lud answers "Most of the time."

Although Lud can't see it, Tifa facepalms at this moment. Then she says "I almost forgot how sheltered you really were."

Lud asks "Was I?"

Tifa answers "For all the context I've been given by that loner, yes. Your mother sheltered you. Your brother sheltered you. And now people here shelter you."

Lud feels a bit down after hearing this and says "So I am that useless."

Tifa says "While you might be the damsel in distress at best, you still are held dearly by those around you."

Lud replies "Thanks?"

Tifa asks "So are you going or what?"

Lud says "As soon as I get Sarah to go out with me."

Tifa says "Please choose better words next time."

Lud asks "What is wrong with what I said?"

Tifa explains "You implied that you were dating Sarah."

Lud says "Ah. Sorry, my bad."

Tifa says "One more thing."

Lud replies "Yeah?"

Tifa says "There are Walmart versions of phoenixes on Valth called doenixes. Just… Please be gentle when interacting with them."

Lud says "Sure, but why?"

Tifa replies "Just… just do what I ask without questioning it further for once."

Lud, while still curious about the reason for this, says "I'll… try my best."

Then Lud goes and asks if Sarah wants to tag along again, which makes Sarah ask "Will I get to do something this time?" To which Lud answers with "I'd like to say yes, but hopefully there won't be any need for you to fight."

Lud calls Altair and asks "We are ready when you are."

Altair responds "Give me a moment, we are just about to finish this meeting."

Lud asks "Did you actually decide on something?"

To which Altair answers with "The short of it is that we agree that we are generally fucked if planet eating thing comes to one of the Babylons. There is nothing in our arsenal that can actually do something to it. Ao herself attended and she might be able to send it to another place, but that would mean she has to spend most of her power."

Lud says "I see. Well come and pick us up when you are done there."

Altair replies "It won't take a minute."

As Altair said, the meeting ended shortly after. She came to pick Lud and Sarah up and go to where Valth'zar is.

Altair asks Lud "Are you sure that we don't need anyone else?" To which Lud answered "I asked around and most seem to be busy with one thing or another."

Altair says "I see. How's Bai doing anyways?"

Lud answers "She hasn't been very talkative lately."

Altair says "Understandably so. And that Eishi didn't do a damn thing."

Lud says "She said that this was the most promising way to do things."

Altair says "There is a fine line when referring to 'End justifies the means' bullcrap."

Sarah says "I mean I'm angry that Weiss had to die since she was going to be the second member of 10th battalion, but they seem to be quite thoughtful, so I think it is hard for them as well. I… think?"

Altair says "They say that hardest choices require the strongest wills. Can't help but feel small when considering the scale they operate."

Sarah smiles and says "Well I don't think too much about it because it makes my head hurt. Just living in the moment is enough for me. Why think how the world works when all you get is lots and lots of headaches."

Altair says "Even though Li has been training you a lot lately, you still have that vibe in you. Let's go. We don't know how much time we have left."

Altair teleports to somewhere on Valth'zar that she sensed life. The town seems to have a lot of weird architecture, though there are patterns to be recognised. None of the residents seem too bothered about the trio's sudden arrival.

The residents come in all shapes and sizes, though most have hands and feet of some kind. There are few people that are floating about and there are people who have weird shaped heads. 

One resident could have a beak and a long head, while another could have a wide head with a leech-like mouth. Some residents had wings or tentacles on them and some had tails, scaly, furry and all in between. A truly alien place.

Lud mumbled "I'm sure Li would have a field day if he saw this."

Lud looked around him as he didn't get a response and he saw that Sarah was looking at everything like a child and Altair was talking to some of the residents.

Lud told Sarah telepathically that "Don't go too far" and Sarah replied "Ok."

Then Lud went to talk to Altair who just finished talking to someone. He asked her "Did you find anything?"

Altair answers "A few key things. This town is called Iroptoko and it is the commercial hub for a country called Renecteros. We are currently on the left side of Valth'zar's upper back that is near its neck. Apparently only the elite get to go to the head and neck area, which is generally no-man's land."

Lud asks "So… do we try to go to the head or…"

Altair shakes her head and says "That'll be tricky. Even if we refer to them with our ranks, in this alien world, I don't know how far that will get us. The guy who I talked to before said that we should go to a place known as Nûthar (portal). Apparently they are used to people who come from outside."

Lud says "Great. Let's go there then." Lud calls Sarah back and Altair follows the direction one of the residents gave her earlier to find the destination. She had to ask another passerby once more, but in the end, they found their destination. 

Once they entered, they saw a bunch of people talking, eating and drinking. To Lud's eyes, it kind of seemed like an adventurers guild.

They decided to wait for a turn to meet a lady behind the counter and eventually they got to talk to a cat headed person.

The cat headed person says "Hello there. I haven't seen your faces here before, so you must be new here. My name is Amanda and I am a receptionist here at Nûthar. How may I be of service to you?"

Lud says "Hi. We are from one of the planets that Valth is approaching. Could you… help us convince her to not do that?"

Amanda says "I'm sorry, that goes beyond my paygrade. I can send a message to the Church to let them know you want to… talk."

Lud says "So it is difficult isn't it."

Amanda says "That would be an understatement. Talking to The Lady is something only few chosen by the church can manage. I also heard that there are several hoops to go through as well, so I wouldn't be getting your hopes up any time soon."

Lud asks without thinking "Would the fact that I'm practically Zolotifa's fiance stir the pot a bit?"

The hall fell silent after hearing Lud ask that. Lud notices this and asks "Is that some sort of topic I'm not supposed to talk about?"

Amanda says "Well then, dear outworlders. Come with me now would you?" Amanda hurries the three to a separate room where there aren't any people around.

After Amanda shuts the door, she asks "Do you have any idea what you just did?"

Lud says "I asked a question based on my circumstances?"

Amanda says "You… The Lady's Friend… Zolotifa… Is literally the second most looked up figure here in Valth'zar. We haven't heard much about her since the tenth era, so what you just said would garner all kinds of trouble."

Lud asks "But isn't that supposed to be good for us? You call her The Lady's Friend after all."

Amanda sighs and says "Look… Can you casually say in your world that you are married to a god in the literal sense?"

Lud says "Can't say that I can, but I do talk to some gods every now and then."

Amanda says "Look… I know that your world is in peril, but lying won't get you anywhere."

Lud says "It is the truth, though. Even Maumar can vouch for me." Then Lud realized something and made an "Ah" sound.

Amanda says "There is so much that you can make up, but that is going a tad too far."

Altair joins in and says "As a star elf who is the elder member of the council, I can vouch that he is, in fact, quite friendly with Maumar."

Amanda thinks for a moment and then says "If it comes from a star elf, and an elder one at that, then I suppose it is a bit more believable."

Amanda thinks for a moment and then says "Wait here. I'll go ask the supervisor."

As Amanda opens the door to leave, a woman appears behind the door and says "There is no need for that, dear Amanda."

Amanda looks at the person and says "Captain Collie? Why are you here?"

Collie, a woman with dog ears, answers Amanda's question by saying "I became curious when I heard that someone claimed to be the fiance of The Lady's Friend. So I ventured around and heard quite an intriguing tale."

Then Collie came in front of Lud where she stood quite tall when compared to Lud. Collie had her hands behind her back most of the time and her presence was warm and dignified. "She must be nearing 2 meters tall," Lud thought.

Collie says "I'm actually 197cm tall."

Lud asks in a surprised tone "You can read minds?!"

Collie laughed a little as she said "No… It was simply on your face."

Amanda then says "Captain Collie, I know what you might be thinking and I don't think it is a good idea."

Collie says "Nonsense. I'm sure that the Cardinal will be pleased by their arrival. I'll give them a ride to the Thyr'zarath (noble quarter) and go meet the Cardinal."

Collie looks at the three visitors and says "Follow me if you want to save a world or two."

Collie then leaves and the three follow her. Amanda shouts "You can't Captain Collie! They are in the middle of the soothing ritual!"

Collie just waves backwards at Amanda's shouting and the four of them go to a quite big flying ship. It is parked on the ground and when Collie makes a few calls, all the crew that is needed to operate the ship come as soon as they can, and about thirty minutes later, the ship is flying again.

Collie says "Take your seats, you three. The first jump can be nauseating for some people."

Sarah asks "Jump? What kind of jump?"

Collie explains "With the permission of our Lady, we use her nerves to travel at speeds which would be impossible for us otherwise. Once the message is sent, we travel with the message to the designated location."

Altair says "How does that work?"

Collie just shrugs and says "No idea. It is something the engineers came up with back in the 20th era, so I couldn't tell you. I may be a captain, but I ain't an engineer or physicist. I can fly a ship pretty good though and my mates trust me."

Altair says "So you have zero idea how it works other than it being connected to the nerves of Valth'zar?"

Collie says "Pretty much. Don't quote me on this, but I 'think' that it has to do with the magic in the nerves. Or is it the electric signal? I don't know. I also don't know how we have day and night cycles here, but someone has that explanation, I'm sure."

Altair says "So you are the kind that does what she is good at and nothing else."

Collie gives a hearty laugh and says "Pretty much, yeah. But enough yapping. I got the mark that we are ready for the jump, so take a seat."

The three do so and soon they hear a countdown from 5 to 1 and at zero the jump happens.

Lud feels a bit odd after the jump, as if someone was calling him. A girl with white long hair and a simple white dress. It is a fleeting sensation.

Collie says "That right there is the Thyr'zarath and as we go a little further, we'll see the Välynthar (main church)."

Altair and Sarah go look at the scenery and Sarah urges Lud to come look at it too. Lud does so and he admits that it is kind of like he was in a luxurious plane or a zeppelin. He never was on a zeppelin though.

Lud then asks Collie "Is it normal to somehow think of a white haired girl with white dress when you jump, or is it just me?"

Collie thinks for a moment and says "I wouldn't say that it is normal, but it certainly makes me trust you more."

Sarah asks "You didn't trust us before? But why now?"

Collie backtracks and says "Don't get me wrong. I can smell the deep within the guy, so I kind of had a hunch that you all could be telling the truth. And now that you saw what you described, I'm certain that The Lady's Friend and Deep Father have their eyes on you."

Lud thinks for a moment and Altair says "Does the description Faust gave remind you of someone?"

Collie simply smiles and says "Look. We can see the Välynthar now. Isn't it gorgeous?"

Lud looks at the place and says "It indeed is."

The buildings resemble the buildings where they worship christianity but with a little alien touch on them. Mostly smooth stone and carvings, but with few flying things, such as there being an island that is floating on the sky with a waterfall on it. There is a temple on the flying island and stairs leading to it without ground to support them.

Once they land and get out of the ship, they are immediately surrounded by people in robes, most of which have a huge sharp nose and chin (Doofenshmirtz). One of them says "Stop right there. The church is holding the soothing ritual at the moment, so you shouldn't disturb them."

Lud whispers to Collie "What is this 'soothing ritual'?"

Collie answers quickly and quietly "I think it has to do with the time when another planet gets eaten, but I'm not quite sure."

Another robed guard shouts "Oi, what are ya whispering there, mates?"

Collie then raises her hands and says "Well… as most of you are doenixes, I'm sure you would welcome the man you were modeled after."

Lud and the big nosed and sharp chin having robbed guards ask in unison "What?"

Then Collie puts her hands around Lud as if presenting an object "For you see. This man not only has the scent of the deep, but he also claims to be The Lady's Friend's fiance." Then she coughs and says in quick succession "He also is friends with the Deep Father" and coughs again.

The doenixes look at Lud for a moment and then one of them shouts "THE CHOSEN ONE!"

With that, most of the doenixes become frantic and the rest of the guards try to keep the situation at hand with no luck.

Then Collie says "Our dear Lady's Friend's finance wishes to talk to the Lady herself, so make haste and get me the Cardinal!"

One of the doenixes shouts "TO THE CARDINAL!" and then the doenixes frantically send off to the direction where they think the Cardinal is, consequences be damned. 

Other guards try to calm the situation, but… You try to hold out a fanatical weeb who wants to be in the service of their waifu and you get the same idea.

The guards who aren't focused on the frantic doenixes point their spears at Collie and the company and one of them says "You dare to cause discord in the holy grounds! What is your goal?!"

Collie just says "I already said what I was after. Get permission for this man to talk to the Lady."

The guards look at each other for a moment until one of them says "But it is the time of the soothing ceremony. We can't just stop it."

Collie says "What's that I hear? Bitches who don't care if another world collapses because of our Lady?"

The guards once again look at each other for a moment as they don't know what to do. The situation is at a standstill for a couple of minutes, until a woman in red robes and red spiky hair comes and says "You really know how to stir trouble, old friend."

Collie responds "Hey Cardinal! How have you been?"

Cardinal says "It has been fine until you showed up. You know, I got to do my job in peace and the like."

Collie says "Sorry about that Cardinal. I just had to make a fuss in order for things to get moving before it was too late."

Cardinal says "Before what was too late? And what is this noise about 'the chosen one' doenixes are shouting about? They are going absolutely mental."

Collie says "This man right here…" Collie presents Lud to Cardinal and continues "Is the fiance of the Lady's Friend supposedly."

Cardinal says "Supposedly? Meaning you are not sure?"

Collie scratches her head and says "Well, you know… I have my doubts, but I'm pretty sure he's the real deal. He smells like that too, you know."

Cardinal says "I mean if there is one good thing about you, it is that good nose you've got. Other than that, I don't think I'd like to be associated with you."

Collie says "That is a tad bit harsh, don't you think? I mean I've fought the swarm before with my ships before, so what is there to doubt me?"

Cardinal asks "You don't try to garner favors from the pope so that you can leave, do you?"

Collie just shrugs and says nothing. Cardinal says "I'll let your motivation go aside for now, but why is this supposed Lady's Friend's fiance here?"

Lud says "I'm here to talk with Valth'zar in order to make sure she doesn't go and eat anything with life on it. Planet Gloctus, Babylon stations and whatnot."

Cardinal thinks for a moment. Then she looks at Sarah and says "You, red haired gal. Are you his guard or something?"

Sarah says "He is my king and I'll protect him to the ends of this world."

Cardinal ponders once more until she says "Let's have a bout, you and I. Two redheads having a fist fight fair and square. How about that?"

Sarah says "I've been looking for a sparring partner other than my uncle, so I'll gladly take the challenge."

Collie stops Sarah from advancing as she says "I assume that you let this man meet the pope if his guard wins?"

Cardinal simply closes her eyes and says nothing. Then Collie lets Sarah go and soon Sarah and Cardinal are facing each other. People spread around since they sense that something big will happen.

Then Cardinal and Sarah start changing blows. It starts slow and weak, until it evolves into hits that echo around the Välynthar. Sarah says while exchanging blows "Is this all you've got?" To which Cardinal reacts by having a surge of power enhancing her attacks.

The shockwaves are felt even by Lud as the two women move at a pace that Lud can't even imagine he could follow.

Eventually Cardinal is launched to the top of one of the buildings and some rubble falls from it. Cardinal then falls to the ground herself and gets up soon after.

Cardinal says "I'll give it to you, you sure pack a punch. I'm sure that your king is well protected."

Sarah says "Of course. Want to continue?"

Cardinal says "No. I've got the answer I was looking for."

Lud asks "So you let us talk to Valth'zar?"

Cardinal responses with a firm "No."

Collie says "Oi oi. You promised that you would let us before the fight."

Cardinal says "All I did was close my eyes. Nothing more."

Collie gets a bit annoyed "You… Then what was that for?"

Cardinal says "Nothing more than mere curiosity."

Collie says quite angrily "Why? Why won't you let us have it our way?"

Cardinal says "It is the middle of the soothing ceremony. We cannot ask the pope to stop the ceremony before it is finished. Wait for the next day and then we'll talk."

Altair says "But what if we don't have a day?"

Cardinal says without a care, "Then I'm sorry."

Collie is about to do something stupid as the Cardinal starts walking away. Before she could do so, all the people present heard a girl's voice say "Let him come to the sanctuary. I'll allow it."

Everyone is shocked after hearing it. Cardinal especially. She thinks for a moment until she turns around and says to Lud and the company "You heard her. If her holiness wishes to speak to the man, he shall speak to her."

As they walk towards the floating island, Cardinal explains "Since you are outsiders, let me explain something to you. The pope is a person born from the heart of our fair Lady. All popes are a scale that once hung on the side of our fair Lady's heart and they share a special connection to our fair Lady. She has the means to communicate to our fair Lady at will while others fair Lady's people only hear her speak when she so chooses. Our holiness doesn't like to abuse this power, so she rarely does talk to our fair Lady. You should feel honored for receiving this privilege. Especially as the soothing ceremony was in session."

Eventually they are in front of the staircase that leads to the floating island. The Cardinal stops and says "This is where the rest of you will have to stop. Me and him will go up to the sanctuary to meet her holiness."

Sarah protests "But I need to be with him at all times. I still can't fully trust you when it comes to Faust's safety."

Altair retorts "Weren't you the one that left to look around for a moment and leave Faust alone?"

Sarah felt a sting at her as she quieted down. Collie says to Cardinal "I trust that you won't do any shady business with him."

Cardinal responds by saying "Her holiness wishes to see him, so I shall not interfere as long as he doesn't present danger to her holiness." Then Cardinal looks at Lud and says "Shall we?"

Both of them start to ascend the staircase. Just the two of them.

While climbing, the Cardinal says to Lud "Could you apologize to your guard for me after you are done? I feel ashamed to admit it, but I did use the blessing of our fair Lady to stand a chance against her, but even that didn't seem to be enough."

Lud says "Sure, but what is that blessing exactly?"

The Cardinal answers "It varies widely depending on the situation and the person. To make it simple, those born on our fair Lady will make a connection with her that she can use to protect us from any major calamities. It mostly comes to us as extra strength, speed and whatnot, but it can also sharpen our wits and enhance our memories."

Lud asks "So anyone not born on Valth'zar can't have this blessing?"

The Cardinal says "That I cannot answer, for I do not know it myself. There haven't been any recorded cases in all of our history that talks about an outsider being blessed by our fair Lady."

Lud says "I see." And the two walk further up in silence for a while.

After a while, Lud asks "So what kind of person is the pope?"

The Cardinal says "She has a sharp wit, though she approaches things in a gentle manner. She is only 152 years old, so her duty won't end anytime soon."

Lud sweats a little as the Cardinal said the "152 years" part. He decides to ask "How old do popes usually live?"

The Cardinal answers "Each pope lives close to a thousand years. When a pope dies, a new pope is born and a new era begins."

Lud asks "So how many eras has it been already?"

The Cardinal answers "We live in the year 152 of the 34th era."

The rest of the way up is walked in silence, until they are at the front door of the sanctuary. Before opening the door, The Cardinal says "If you try anything funny, I must make your guard regret not coming with us."

Lud says "I try my best to not cause any disturbance."

Cardinal nods and then opens the door. There were hallways leading to the end of the sanctuary, where there was a platform on top of a pool of water and a path leading to it. In the middle of that room stood a long white haired girl with a simple white dress. She was looking away, so Lud didn't see her eyes, but they were pure white. She was blind. She had small antlers on her head that weren't too complex. She had patches of scales on some parts of her skin. Her tail is like a lizard tail, but it has retractable hairs that make the tail fluffy when outside.

The Cardinal bows down and says "Your holiness, I have brought the man to you as requested."

In a soft voice, the pope says "Thank you Cardinal. You may leave now."

Cardinal protested, "But your holiness, I can't leave you alone with a man who we know too little about."

The pope said "Does my trust for him not suffice?"

Cardinal responds quickly "No, your holiness. If you deem this man trustworthy, then who am I to speak against. I'll excuse myself as you wish."

The Cardinal leaves the sanctuary and once the door closes, the pope says "Come forward, child from beyond."

Lud walks to the center platform and says "I have come to talk to Valth."

The pope says "So you have, so you have come to me. What ills your mind child?"

Lud says "Valth is currently eating planets of this sun system and we suspect that she'll come to eat inhabited places soon. Please let me talk to her so that I can convince her."

The pope says "Your worry is warranted, as Valth has eaten inhabited planets before and she will do so in the future as well. However, you will not be able to convince her alone."

Lud asks "Then what should I do?"

The pope says "When you are in need of help, all you need to do is ask."

Lud says "But I have no time. Who should I ask for help? Is there even time?"

The pope gives a slight sigh and says "Zolotifa's depiction wasn't far off given the mental state she was in at the time. You truly are a bit dim witted."

Lud asks "What do you mean?"

The pope says "You have one person in front of you that would be willing to help if you simply just asked. But alas, you fail to see this and I have to spell it out for you. I wonder why my heart aches so much when I think of you given what you lack. I suppose they don't call you the simple man for nothing. And that is precisely why I think I feel this way towards you."

Lud asks "I'm sorry, but have we met?"

The pope says "It depends on what you take as the us now meeting. You could say that this is our first meeting ever, as that is what it might seem to you. But for me and my predecessors, this is the 143rd meeting. So fickle is the perception of time for some, but for me and my predecessors, it makes no difference."

Lud says "So… you have met with… me on another timelines?"

The pope says "Correct. And was it not for the lack of physical means, one of my predecessors would have had a child with you by now. Alas, my biology does not grant me the means as the Välynthar'kûl (the pope / leader of the church). Perhaps I should ask Thänar'zar (The Cardinal) if she would be willing to lend her eggs."

Lud says "I'm not looking to be a father at the moment."

The pope says "A shame. I really would love to hear your descendants flickering around during my era. I shan't abandon hope yet, as there are many years to come for you and I."

Lud says "That is if Valth doesn't eat Gloctus."

The pope says "And we circle back to this topic. Yet still you fail to ask for my actual assistance. Perhaps I should just let Valth eat as she pleases after all."

Lud asks "Could you please help me change Valth's mind?"

The pope says "My name."

Lud asks "What?"

The pope says "Ask me by name and I shall assist you."

Lud asks bluntly "What is your name then?"

The pope says "You have to figure that out for yourself."

Lud is getting nervous as he asks "How am I supposed to do that? We've only just met? Should I go ask the Cardinal?"

The pope says "If you leave this sanctuary without uttering my name once, the doors will not open to you again."

Lud doesn't know what to do so he is hectically thinking. "Her name. What is her name? How am I supposed to know someone's name even though we haven't talked before?"

Lud looks around to see if there are any clues, but with no luck. Lud starts to panic as he shouts "Why won't you just help me?!"

The pope answers with a calm "The only thing I ask is that you ask me to help you using my name. After that, I'll assist you."

Lud doesn't know what to do as he stammers around the sanctuary. Eventually he figures "Is this some kind of test? As there are other me's who have met her before, perhaps I could somehow… but how?"

Lud thinks and thinks for what feels like days. He felt something on his head. A collective hall with faces familiar to him, yet different. "Where have I seen these people before?" He wondered.

At the corner of his eye, he spots a woman with long white hair. It was as if he was looking just for her. Then the words that call for her come for his mouth, and it is then that he found the answer to his question.

He goes back to where the pope stood solemnly. The pope asked "Where do you stand now, child from beyond?"

Lud takes a knee and says "Ulthara (heart), could you help me once more to change Valth'zar's mind?"

Ulthara then turns around and faces Lud and Lud sees her pure white eyes. Ulthara says "'I thought you'd never ask.' Is what I would like to say, but you haven't truly remembered much more than my name, have you?"

Lud says "Sorry. I just… saw someone who looked like you in my memories somehow and then I knew your name somehow. I don't know how I did it though."

Ulthara says "Your mind briefly entered the desired section of the abyss where one of you once was and is. Feel free to shorten my name though, if you feel so inclined."

Lud says "Then… Ult… would you be willing to help me?"

Ult says "Gladly. Take my hand and follow me."

Lud takes her hand and Ult starts to walk on top of the water. Lud follows Ult as he thinks that the water is just shallow, but once he looks down, he sees that he sees no bottom below him.

Ult turns back to face Lud as she asks "Do you trust me?" And Lud says "With every cell of my body."

Ult motions Lud to lower his head a bit, and as he does so, Ult kisses him. Moments later, they fall to the water below. Lud panics for a moment, but strangely he doesn't feel like suffocating. He calms his mind and soon he finds himself in a dark room with a glowing pink orb at the center. Ult is still holding his hand as she guides him towards the orb.

Ult says "Hello Valth?" To which the orb answers with a cheery woman's voice "Ultult! Happy to see you! Brought a friend, did you?"

Ult says "Yes. Actually, this is Ludwig Freigner. Do you still remember him?"

Valth makes a "hmm" sound for a moment until saying a loud "Ah! That is Ludlud! Hubby of Tiftif! How are you Ludlud?!

Lud answers "I'm… fine I guess. I suppose you have met with my other counterparts or something?"

Valth answered "Yes! Many… Uhm… couple of times! Ludlud come to meet Valval to… uhm… What was that part again?"

Lud says "I don't know what other me's have come here for, but I have come to ask you to not eat any places with people in them."

Valth says "But Valval hungry! Can't tell when place has squishy thingies! Valval don't need to eat, but Valval feel hungry all the time, so Valval must eat!"

Lud asks "Could you not just go to another sun system?"

Valth says "Valval can try, but Valval hungry now! Valval wants to eat now!"

Ult says "Zolotifa is currently in this sun system, so you might accidentally eat her if we stay here."

Valth makes a gasp and says "But that is bad! Valval can't harm Tiftif! Valval made a promise!"

Ult says "Then the answer is simple, Valth."

Valth says "Valval understands. Valval will wait until Ludlud and his friend get back, then Valval will go to another sun system to feed and try to remember not to come back here again."

Ult says "Good. Thank you Valth."

Before they leave, Valth asks "Ultult… are… are you sure you want this?"

Ult asks back "Why do you ask that?"

Valth says "You like Ludlud a lot. A lot a lot. Ultult might never see this Ludlud again if Valval goes away."

Ult says "It is fine Valth. I have come to terms with this."

Valth has sorrow in her voice as she says "But Ultult…"

Ult says "It is not like we can never see him again. Perhaps the star elves figure out to travel far in the same speed as you before we leave this timeline. And if that happens, we'll have lots and lots to talk about."

Valth says "But… why Valval not trust your words?"

Ult admits "Because I myself don't think that day will come."

Valth is silent. Then Lud says "I'm sure… if I learn how to travel using the abyss… then maybe… I can come back to you whenever."

Valth says "But that is something even Valval doesn't know how to do properly."

Lud says "You just… sometimes have to have faith."

Valth says "Valval… Valval understands. Valval and Ultult will wait for Tiftif's hubby to come and greet us! Valval wants to meet this Ludlud again! Valval will cheer for this Ludlud! Valval… Valval will even go on a diet so that Valval can stay longer in this timeline!"

Ult says "Oh? Is that hesitation I hear in your voice Valth?"

Valth sounds embarrassed as she says "Val-Valval will try her best! Just like this Ludlud will!"

Ult says "Then let us hope that there will be a time when this us will meet once more in the future."

Lud says "Absolutely."

Valth says "Promise! Promise! Promise!"

After that, Lud and Ult leave the place where they talked to Valth and they reappear on the water. Both swim back to the surface and Lud gasps for air.

Lud asks "Was the kissing part necessary though?"

Ult answers "If your wish was to drown, then no, not really."

Both go to the platform and take a breather. While taking a break, Lud asks "So… is this where I leave?"

Ult says "Unless you wish to see your world be eaten by Valth'zar, then I suggest you go as soon as possible."

Lud nods and says "Yeah. I figured that you'd say something like that."

Ult replies "You are learning. That is fantastic news."

Lud begins to wonder, so he asks "Hey, Ult. Has no version of me that has come here ever stayed?"

Ult says "No, because that is just not the kind of man you are."

Lud looks at Ult once more and then says "I see. Well, let's hope that we will see each other again."

Ult says "Oh that would be quite impossible since I can't see, you see."

Lud smiles and says "So you got jokes, huh?"

Ult says "I rarely get to use them though, since I'm the pope and all."

Lud then turns around and begins to leave. The last words he said were "Let us meet again. And if not in this timeline, then in another."

Ult simply listens as Lud leaves and shuts the door behind him. And once again, she is left alone. She senses that The Cardinal is now quiding Lud back to his friends.

Unfortunately, that loneliness doesn't last for very long, as a familiar woman appears in the sanctuary as she taunts Ult. "You really just let him go again, huh. I'd take you for a more selfish woman as other you's have just witnessed little Lud leave without saying your name, leaving their world to be eaten by Valth'zar."

Ult says "How many times have we had this conversation Roth? And how many times will we have to have this again? I have the actual number. Want to hear it?"

Roth says "You think that the swarm will end eventually, but that is far from the truth. The swarm will one day devour all that exists. Valth'zar included. It is only a matter of time."

Ult says "And again you fail to see Nemesis' goal as it stands. Alas, you also fail to see why I make Luds do that trial every time."

Roth says mockingly "So why do you do it, little scaly?"

Ult says "To show mercy."

Roth pauses for a moment until she begins to laugh hysterically. While she is laughing, she says "You… You speak of mercy… while you doom worlds?... You… you are a hilarious little scaly… I… I might just let this transgression go… Huh Huh… Yeah… I might just do that."

Ult then jabs at Roth "You speak like that, but how many of your predecessors have fallen by these hands of mine, hmmm? Want to hear the number?"

Roth then gets super serious and a little angry as she says "You know nothing of me. You hear? NOTHING! I'm not like my predecessors and I will not fall by your hands either. You made me laugh, but now… oh boy, now I had it with you. If you don't make Valth'zar eat the sun of this sun system or the planet Gloctus, I'll make sure your little world will face destruction."

Ult gives out a sigh and says "So you haven't learned anything from your predecessors. You claim to be the sin carrier of Gluttony, but I'd say that you give the sin carrier of Pride a run for her money."

Roth shouts "Silence!" As she attacks Ult, but Ult blocks it easily and without effort. Ult grabs Roth by the forehead and starts to drag her towards the pool of water. After they are close enough, Ult pushes Roth to the water, basically waterboarding her.

After waiting for a while for Roth to suffer, Ult raises Roth back up from the water. Roth coughs off water as Ult says "Alien feeling, isn't it? Oriapleaters don't have the need to breathe, so normally you would be able to exist under the water."

Roth says "Wha- what do you think you are doing? If you try to hurt me, my allies will…"

Ult interrupts her by saying "531".

Roth asks "Wha…" and Ult repeats "531. That is how many sin carriers of gluttony have fallen by the pope. And soon, it'll be 532."

Roth says "But… My allies…"

Ult says "Did you know… the people born in Valth'zar have the ability to gain a blessing of Valth'zar that makes us practically immortal for the duration of the blessing. Your king Nemesis has tried multiple times to subjugate Valth'zar with no success. He lets all the Roths come here and repeat the same mistake their predecessors did because he finds it amusing."

Roth has a moment of realization that Ult is speaking the truth and decides to beg for mercy "Please… I don't want to die… Let me go and I'll never come here again…"

Ult asks "Ask me by my name and I'll let you go."

Roth tries to say it, but for some reason Ult's name doesn't come to her mind. As if something is blocking it. Or perhaps, she never really knew it in the first place.

Roth pleads once more as she says "Please… spare me… pope, oh kind pope, spare me."

And with that, Ult places Roth's head underwater and waits for her to drown. Eventually Roth's body disappears, making her dead.

Ult gives out a sigh and says "It is true though. If Lud wouldn't have found out my name, Valth'zar would have eaten Gloctus. But that didn't happen, because he found the answer by himself. And because he found it himself, he will be able to face the trials that will come ahead. Would he not have been able to do so, then fate worse than death would have awaited him and his people. Thus, I show them mercy by giving them a quick death.

Do you understand now, Zolotifa?"

Meanwhile in another timeline Li glowing red is bashing the head of a god to a wall in a blind rage. He slams, slams, slams, over, over and over again, as the shiny golden liquid flows out of that poor god's head. Other gods can't help but watch as they are far too terrified of him.

After the red haired Li stops smashing the gods head against the wall, he drops it lifeless on the ground and places his feet on the god's corpse.

Then the red haired Li pushes his hair back to make him look more proper as he watches the gods cover in fear. He says to the gods "What now? Too scared to fight after all your best fighters fell? Ridiculous. Rells would never have been seen in that kind of state even if it killed them. Well, they are dead now, but still."

The red haired Li starts to walk towards a god who shouts "Stay back! Or I'll…"

The red haired Li kicks the god's head so hard that it separates from its body. He says "You'll what? Didn't quite catch that."

The other gods begin to run, but there is a red crystal wall that blocks their escape. The red haired Li slams his hand to block one god's escape, making what is called in japan a kabedon. Unfortunately the red haired Li isn't looking for love. The red haired Li is out for blood. Blood of the gods to be exact.

The red haired Li stares the shivering god in the eyes for a moment, until he decides to leave. As he leaves, he says "I think I've calmed myself enough to meet the people in the real timeline. I'll let you guys rot away since this timeline is basically finished. Live the best life you can or kill yourselves. I don't care either way, since this timeline… is over."

Back in the abyss, the red haired Li goes to greet Nemesis by saying "Hello my lord. Any news while I was calming myself?"

Nemesis says "Oh Ill, yeah Roth died again and I'm about to replace her… again."

Ill asks "How many times has it been by now? When are you going to stop her from making the same mistake again?"

Nemesis says "Never since it is so fucking funny watch the desperation in her eyes when she realizes none of us will be coming to help her. But if you are that desperate, you can go save her if you want."

Ill says "I'll pass. I'm about to head out to the chosen timeline and do my thing."

Nemesis is intrigued as he asks "So… you have chosen what to do with them? I can't wait to watch the show."

Ill says "I'll make sure it'll be as entertaining as possible while still doing what I want to do."

Nemesis says "Great. But just so you know, if the archon shows up, I won't blame you for ditching the job."

Ill says "Oh? We are thinking of my well-being now are we?"

Nemesis says "You are the most troublesome one to replace, so please leave if they show up."

Ill says "I make no promises because… Once I get the ball rolling… I'll go all the way… No matter the cost."