Danny parked his old chevy truck outside of the DWU office. The parking lot was full of pot holes while the entry gate was stuck in the open position while the exit gate had the arm removed.
"Right, so I'm meeting the cape that I have been praying for this whole time. She removed the entire ship graveyard in a night. Calm down not all capes are bad, you need to forget the instinct the teeth and slaughterhouse 9 left behind last time they visited the bay." Danny says pulling his keys out of the ignition.
Looking over one could see a bay empty of the wreckage and a beach void of the hulls which had filled it until recently. It was a humbling sight, Danny may have cried a little.
Danny was not an incredibly fit man like Kurt or many of the other ex-military workers here at the docks. However, they all respected him for keeping the proverbial ship afloat.
Danny gets into the offices which were converted from a warehouse. The once full building is mostly empty with a skeleton crew working the night shift to keep the merchants out.
"So? You guys aren't like the teamsters?" Georgia asks
"As much as the villains try they won't get control of us like the mafia controlled the teamsters," Kurt says
"That's good, I wanna help in ways that don't make me fight," Georgia says after all she doesn't have a non-lethal option.
"I understand that," Kurt says
"Kurt, I'm here and I am still convinced that this is a dream," Danny says
"You think this is a dream? Just you wait till I make an exact replica of a WW2 battleship appear in the harbor here." Georgia says excitedly
"What? Sorry but no I can not let you just come in here and take over the Dock Workers union." Danny says
"What? Why would I wanna do that? I wanna work with you guys though on paper I would be working for you." Georgia says giving Danny a wink.
"I don't believe we could legally employ a cape," Danny says
"Legally speaking I am not a cape. I don't have that brain tumor thing that all capes have." Georgia says
"Really? You're positive?" Danny asks
Georgia replies with a so-so motion with her hand.
"I am Georgia, It is nice to meet you, Mr. Hebert. If you want we could draft up a contract here for my employment, then go have an MRI done. If I have that power thing then you don't hire me and I'll work as a volunteer for room and board. If I don't have the tumor thingy then you hire me full time as the curator of the Replica Museum ships." Georgia says
"I am not gonna walk right into that verbal contract. Kurt call the lawyer, and you might as well remain seated Miss Georgia this is gonna take a while." Danny says
"Right, on the condition that you do not tell the PRT on me. That organization is beyond corrupt, can't even file reports with the police department. Meaning they can't even hold the gang members that are captured." Georgia says with a huff.
"That explains so much," Kurt mutters
"So, how old are you?" Danny asks
"20ish. In truth, I don't know exactly." Georgia says she was a 90s kid after all and since it's 2011 she's technically younger.
"Got it?" Danny says
"Power shenanigans could we maybe talk about something else?" Georgia asks.
"What is your previous work experience?" Danny asks
"I have a lot of experience in the customer service sector actually. My first job was a summer camp counselor, However, as a former manager at Disney World before I got my powers I feel like, that is what will help me most here." Georgia says
"Do you have any experience with advertisement and.." Danny stops with the look that Georgia was giving him.
"Yes, I have quite a lot. Though the state laws are likely different here, and I will tell you OSHA would rip us a new one at the moment." Georgia says looking up at the long out of date infrastructure.
"Not to mention, we will need to restart your Port authority and clear a few things with U.S. Maritime Administration. That is not to mention the coast guard." Georgia says
"That is just beuaracy and my specialty," Danny says
That's when the door to the office opened.
"Hey, Lewis we need to draft a contract," Danny says looking up to see the union lawyer walk in.
"Hello, welcome to the docks at 5 am," Georgia says
"You are going to be a headache. I just know it," Lewis says
"I mean I am from Florida," Georgia says
Meanwhile aboard the Rig.
A few agents were monitoring the Consol band when A massive massive wave of interference its a few channels before stopping.
"Man I was hoping for a boring night," Joshua says
"I was too, I mean there wasn't even any gang skirmish." David
"Console from Armsmaster. I already have a location, and I plan on investigating after I figure out what the signal might've come from."
"Of course, he's awake already…" The agent says before pressing the talk button. "10-4 Armsmaster, keep us informed."
When Armsmaster arrived to find the ship Graveyard empty it truly surprised him. That after all is the reason that Emily Piggot is awake at this ungodly hour.
"So, you are telling me. That the entire ship graveyard is gone, along with the freighter blocking the channel." Emily says in disbelief still trying to wake up.
"Yeah it's just gone, there was no sign of the parahuman responsible either," Armsmaster says
"Ask around someone has to know something, What am I going to tell the other directors, that was several thousand tons of steel, and it's gone without a trace. What would a parahuman even want all of that for," Piggot says
"PHO is going to go crazy in the morning," Armsmaster says
"So the radio interference we picked up what was it?" Piggot asks
"It nearly matches that of an American Battleship's radar system signal was close but not an exact match to that of the Iowa class," Armsmaster says
"I've got a few calls to make then, There might be a missing museum ship," Piggot says with a groan.