Chapter 6-5

May 4th Recess day

At the Brockton Bay DryDock

Georgia walks up already inside the shadow of the massive carrier, its flight deck looming over her head blotting out the sky above.

"I'm here, why did it sound urgent?" Georgia asks

"Come aboard." Is the only response Georgia gets on the short-range radio.

Georgia looks over at the gangway plank which connects the hanger bay lift.

"Alrighty then," Georgia mutters walking down the long waters edge towards the locks to the dry dock.


Amy was at Taylor's dorm in the Ship Museum once again.

"Amy, you need to stop coming over depressed every few nights." Taylor says

The redhead just snuggles into Taylor as the two relax in the destroyer's bed.

"It wasn't a fight with Carol this time," Amy whispers

"What was it then?" Taylor asks

"I had to put someone who was on the other end of Georgia's guns back together," Amy whispers, horrified.

"Really? Someone survived her guns?" Taylor asks in shock

"His name was Gunther, apparently he was known as the human panzer. The guy was mostly ground meat and metal shrapnel when I got to him. It was amazing he was alive." Amy whispers, shivering a little bit.

Taylor hugs Amy tighter.

"Why do you think she tries not to fight? There is no holding back for a lot of us." Taylor answers

"She doesn't seem the type to cause that amount of damage. They call my sister Collateral Damage Barbie but the wreckage of the latest battle scarred the bay." Amy Whispers

"It was a clash of titans, Amy there were literal dreadnoughts in that fight. The girls are used to flattening mountains and Georgia's cousin even sank an island twice. When they come to fight, there is no holding back." Taylor answers to justify the mess that had happened last month.

"I mean I understand that but still, it was more like an Endbringer fight than it was a normal cape dual," Amy says


Georgia was aboard Enterprise sitting at a conference table.

"Admiral Avatar… How can I help you sir?" Georgia asks

"Enterprise, could you bring it in?" Avatar asks

CV-6 nods before walking out of the conference room.

"ONI, has several thinkers on its books unofficially of course. Brockton Bay is very likely to be the next target of Leviathan. So we want you to kill it." Avatar says

Enterprise walks back into the room carrying an 18-inch shell. The thing is massive and the floor almost warps under her feet.

"Is that an 18-inch sabot round?" Georgia asks in disbelief.

"18 inch tungsten sabot. We are hoping you can supercharge the shot and manage to kill an endbringer by piercing its core." Avatar says

"You are probably wishing I installed that railgun during the last retrofit," Georgia says

"Yeah but looking back at it now, I don't honestly think you could have fit that thing inside your hull." Avatar says

"It was a rather big railgun, it would've run the length of the bow and I would've had to move an entire magazine. Not to mention when it does fire It will blow the bow clean off. Not to mention before I got the reactor I wouldn't have been able to charge the massive capacitor bank. " Georgia says

Avatar stares at Georgia, the BattleShip smiling back at the old admiral.

"Any way we think Supercharging one of these sabot shells could get the round to hypersonic speed. Considering the fact that they are tungsten the amount of force should hopefully be able to break through the endbringers skin." Avatar says

"How many of these shells am I getting?" Georgia asks

"One hundred and fifty six, If they work expect a few thousand," Avatar explains

"Mission is accepted, sir. Leviathan won't leave the bay alive." Georgia says with a smile.

"Great, I can't wait to tell this to my boss," Avatar says standing up giving Georgia a salute.

"Of course sir," Georgia says standing up and returning the salute.

"GodSpeed Georgia, GodSpeed," Avatar says putting down his salute before he walks out of the room.

"Alright, what is the other thing you two needed to show me?" Georgia asks

Enty materializes into the room smiling at the battleship. I am going to show you the brainchild of my head engineer before he left us. I think he would be happy to give it to you." Enterprise CVN-65 says

"Honestly, it's something insane. But I guess that's what happens when an engineer gets a tinker power." Enterprise CV-6 says

"Well, let's go see it." Georgia says


Thomas Calvert has successfully usurped Piggot, the woman was currently in a medically induced coma while her insurance company fought off the hospital's attempt for parahuman healing. Piggot never really got over her bigotry for the evolved humans.

There is a lot of bad blood between the Wards and the Director who had to take medical leave.

"This place is literally falling apart!" Calvert shouts

Rennick looks at Calvert.

"Armsmaster went and died on us and Piggot didn't even manage to get through all of the paperwork that caused this before her stress-induced organ failure," Renick says

"So, are you doing that then Deputy Director?" Calvert asks

"It is your job, Mr. Interim manager," Renick says with a smile.

"It can't be that bad can it?" Calvert asks

Renick walks across the room to the closet and opens the door. Three stacks of paper about waist height come tumbling out. The top pages slinging across the floor.

"Well, Shit," Calvert says

"I leave you to the meeting with the lawyers now," Renick says walking out of the office.


Enty opens up the hatch to the reactor room motioning for her mother and Georgia to follow.

"We are nearly there now," Enty says

Once the trio enter the room the door closes behind them as Enty walks towards a wall over by the reactor.

Georgia and Enterprise flinch as Enty pops a panel off of the main reactor.

"This is it!" Enty says Reaching up into the hidden compartment.

Georgia stares in stunned silence at the small object that Enty is holding rather precariously above her head..

"Is that a Wave Motion Core?" Georgia asks dumbly.

"How could you possibly know its name already?"Enty asks in shock, holding the infinite power source above her head.