Georgia had been stuck inside of her hull. Her crew was apocalyptically pissed at her.
"Yes, I know I fucked up and underestimated it. I saw it show fear when the hypersonic shells hit it. I was hoping I wouldn't have to blow off my bow to kill it. By the time I realized I had fucked up it was near impossible to line up the shot for a guaranteed kill. Especially since I only had one." Georgia tells her captain.
"Hey?" The man with the captain's hat asks.
"We are waiting for Dragon to deliver on her promise while we make the critical Repairs. You saw the plans I sent her, you should know what the next retrofit is going to be." Georgia says with a smile.
"Hell yeah Captain that is going to be our shakedown cruise, All legendary ships have crazy shakedown cruises. Texas invading Mexico, Samuel B Roberts hitting a whale. I feel like we can top that." Georgia says with a smirk.
The ground rocks a bit as Georgia's physical body is moved.
"Hey!" the captain shouts into the speaking tubes.
"The patchwork is holding? That's great, all we need is the plans." Georgia says right as a flash drive appears in the bridge out of nowhere.
"Yes, I feel it is a great time to get to work Captain." Georgia says with a smile.
"I mean Enterprise has survived worse right? Didn't she have a lift blown into the sky before? I'm sure a major hit to the hull running right across all critical parts of the ship is something she could survive…" Georgia says mustering as much hope in her words as possible.
"Well, if she doesn't I will just have to bring her back. I brought her back from nothing but a stern plate. You better believe I could do it again." Georgia states that her tone reflects how unsure she is of that statement.
"Hey Taylor, I heard you have some news." Admiral Avatar says taking a tour of the museum. Several of the hulls have not been put back yet because they relied heavily on Georgia's powers. So the museum was mostly empty at the moment besides a few attractions like Space Shuttle Enterprise and all the photos and memorabilia.
"Do you want to see her?" Taylor asks
"Do I want to see the conquering hero? Of course I do." Avatar states
Taylor motions for the admiral to follow before entering an employees only area.
The two were very quickly heading up the stairs leading to the bunk area.
Taylor opens a door which leads to a common area with a mix of a living room and kitchen before heading down another hallway.
"Hello Taylor how's it going?" Salt lake asks
"Just showing the Admiral to Georgia's room." Taylor responds
"Ah, I mean she's been physically changing a little bit as of late." Salt Lake admits
"How so?" Avatar asks as he continues to follow Taylor to a closed door.
"I guess we are going to find out in a second." Taylor says opening the door
Georgia's usual black hair was turning blonde and her stub of a left arm was showing mechanical parts and growing ever so slowly.
"Uh, what is going on?" Taylor wonders looking at the repair tub, the half sunken Rigging and Georgia's physical changes were really confusing her and Avatar looked even more perplexed.
"Her body is rebuilding itself the only way a machine knows how." Amy says from the corner of the room smoking a cigarette.
Taylor flips around before looking at Amy disappointedly.
"I thought you had stopped smoking dear." Taylor says
"You know, I thought I had too." Amy responds, dropping the cigarette on the steel floor and stamping it out.
"How are all of the girls doing?" Avatar asks
"Most of them had to get out of the city. Especially those who were frontline in this battle. They feel like they have failed, though they'll be back eventually." Taylor says with a tired sigh.
Meanwhile on the TV in the background, a news report is playing.
"In other surprising and amazing news. The Bodies of the Seed family have been found drowned out in a rental car. What the most notorious group of masters was doing in Brockton Bay we will likely never know; however, two great evil's died in The Battle of Brockton Bay and may we find more of them among the dead and less innocent. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbage, as our British counterparts would say."