Chapter 9: My Revelation

I sit at the edge of Rosemary's bed, where she checks me for any injuries whatsoever, even though she's the one who supposedly needs checking for any injuries.

But I can't stop her, a habit she formed after many years of tending to me, she is a Kerigore wolf after all.

My head aches, but I don't want to tell her about it, so I...

"Abigail!" A shout from Rosemary pulls me out of my head.

"I...what!?" I snap back, raising my head to meet her gaze, feeling particularly irritated as she just caused my heart to race.

She lets my hair down, rather aggressively, and exits her standing position, and enters a sitting one on the bed.

"Why are you raising your voice to me? I'm the one who's been calling you for roughly six minutes now." She turns away, now folding her arms.

'Sorry Rosemary.'

"Ahh!" She yelps, which confuses me. "Why are you forming a Neuropath with me, I told you I hate that." She says.

'I didn't form a Neuropath.'

"Ahh!" She gitters. "What the, you're doing it right now!" She frowns.

"I am?"

She rolls her eyes. "Of course you're not now, but you were a second ago."


"Ahh!" She gitters again, then frowns.

I can't do anything but send her an apologetic smile.

Ever since I could use the Neuropath, she always made it clear to me that I should never talk to her with it.

Something about being sensitive to the vibrations it makes in her brain.

Of course, she couldn't tell father or any of her superiors not to do that with her, as, her being unlucky, was stuck as a slave to the one pack in the world, known for their Instinct of telepathy.

But anytime she can, she avoids it, and I mostly am the one who gives her this leisure.

"What is going on with you?" She says to me, cocking her head, letting her long hair to pour down as she stares into my eyes like a puppy.

"I'm not sure." I say with all honesty.

I haven't been myself, I mean obviously, I haven't been myself since I was 11, but, ever since the party, I have been off.

"You spaced out again." Rosemary says to me.

"Sorry." I look away, and as I do, I can feel her become saddened.

"Abigail." She calls onto me, with a tone that leaves me uneasy, so I turn to meet her gaze, but I don't find it. "Are..." She pauses. "Are you angry at me?"

I can't tell why she would think so, but I have to set her at ease at once.

"Of course not. Why would you think so?" I say.

"Your... your mate, I mentioned him in front..."

"No." I halt her. "He already knew, that morning actually."

She turns to meet my eyes, astonishment in hers.

"You, had already met your mate, beforehand?"

I squeeze the edge of the bed.


"And, Darius found out?"

"...yes." I say.

"What did he say he would do?

It becomes difficult at this point, I squeeze harder on the bed.


"He didn't say anything, but I could see it in his eyes, just like that time at the hospital, he will harm Elias."

Something in me clicks, then I feel heat emanating from my hands.

"Abigail!" Rosemary screams as she jolts off the bed.

I become shaken by her reaction, so I bolt.

I discover the bed sheets catching on fire.

Rosemary rushes to put it out, I attempt to help, but I find my hands aflame.

"AHHHH!" I scream, pulling Rosemary's attention.

"Abigail." She takes notice of the flames on my hands, and her soul forgets her.

She attempts to help me in some way, but when she gets closer, a blue light pushes her away.

She falls onto her back, eyes sunken.


The orange-haired woman rushes through the door, only to be left in shock.

It takes her a second to process what is happening, but then, she springs into action.

Her first priority is me, she takes off her shirt, exposing a bra on her chest I didn't know she had on.

Then she makes for me, attempting to put out the fire on my hands, but when she too gets closer, a minute blue light pushes her away.

My heart sinks, what is going on?

My hands are on fire, but yet, I feel nothing.

A memory surfaces.

Back at the hospital.

The flames grow and then spread from my hands, onto my arms.

It continues to grow till I am completely engulfed in flames.

'What is going on?' I say.

'Abigail!' I hear Rosemary's voice in my head.

'You there, go and get help.' Then I hear the orange-haired woman too.

All through the Neuropath.

I attempt to tell them to calm down, as I am fine, but then, I catch a glimpse of the orange-haired woman's phone, falling from her pocket in the frenzy, and in front of the screen.

I see a picture, of the tattoo, the moon with bat wings.

When it sinks in, my head screams, images flash through my eyes, a thousand images all at once.

Of the same thing, over and over again.

The crash, the car, the crash, the hand, the car, the crash, my mom, the hand, my mom.

"Ahhhhh!" I scream, clutching my head as I crumble to my knees.

Through a small slit in my shut eyes, I can see Rosemary running out the door, and the orange hair, trying to break through the barrier keeping us apart.

But then, I see nothing else, except the images.

My ears ring, my body tenses, and my head continues to scream.

The more the seconds pass, the faster the flashes become.

I keep seeing the same thing, over and over again.

I scream from the pain, I want it to stop.

"Someone please make it stop!" I scream on accident.

Then, it all freezes, and I see two images, which break my being in half.

I see Darius at the sight of the crash, younger, very young, but it is him, covered in blood.

Then, I see...I see, a younger Elias.

The images stop, the fire goes away, and I can feel hands on my face.

It takes a second for my vision to return, but when it does, I see the orange hair clutching my face.

I hear muffled voices amidst the ringing of my ears, but as the ringing dissolves, I hear coherent words.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Repeats over and over again.

I raise my head, and stare into her eyes, and honestly, I find concern reflected in them.



Footsteps echo into the room, a turn of my head, and I find several maids and guards walking in, with Rosemary at the forefront.

The orange hair covers me.

"All men, get out!" She yells, startling everyone.

They do as told, then a maid that stays by the door shuts it.

The maids surround me, and Rosemary takes a knee, now clutching my face, and staring into my eyes.

"Abigail, are you hurt?" She asks me, but I am unable to say anything.

My head is a squabble of drawings, I find it hard to process any other thought, save one.

Why in the world were Darius and Elias there?

My two mates.

The tension dies down a few minutes later, after they have completely made sure I was not hurt in any way whatsoever.

But I stayed with Rosemary, refusing to go back to Darius' room.

I know he isn't back yet, but I don't want to leave Rosemary's side, not now of all times.

The maids get to work, helping me put on new clothes.

Then they replace the burnt bed, and spread out new sheets and blankets.

Afterward, I am led into the bed, where I sit up, leaning against a pillow.

Half an hour passes, the sun rises, and I had remained the same.

Numb, and immobile.

Rosemary had never left my side ever since, she had called out to me multiple times, perhaps a hundred.

But I just couldn't speak, no matter how hard I tried.

That moment, the worst moment of my life, the moment that scarred me, that I thought I had left behind, is now coming back, searching for me, to finish what it started.

And at the forefront of what had been chalked up as a bitter rivalry assassination, now has a truth that I must know.

"Darius and Elias were there." I speak, finally.

As I do, Rosemary who had been seated beside me, resting her head on my shoulder, rises.

I turn to meet her gaze, and I find shock in them.

"What... I don't, what do..."

"Darius, and Elias, my true mate, they were there, they were both there." I get up my slouch on the pillow, then I turn my body towards Rosemary.

" did you know?"

"I saw, I saw it. In my memory, of that day, I don't know how I could have forgotten that, but I swear they were there." I speak in a frenzied manner, unable to control myself.

"Abigail, I need you to calm down." She grabs my arms and stares into my eyes.

I do as told, then I take a deep breath.

We both make our way to the edge of the bed.

"I...I saw it Rosemary, I saw it."

"I believe you." She places her hand on mine. "But, what does it all mean?"

"I don't know." I squeeze the bed. "But I'm going to find out."