Chapter 19: My Consequences Part 2

"You, ran, to, meet your mate. Your mate. Hahahahah!" He laughs, which startles me in ways I never knew existed.

"I can't believe it, your mate, your mate. This is too good!" He yells exuberantly. "The woman I chose as my mate, has her false mate, being a member of my archenemies." He says with an enthusiasm, which somehow makes him more frightening to me.

"Pray tell my luna. Why didn't you run away with him?" He asks, the enthusiasm now leaving his voice.

"Because, I know, what you will do. To, my pack, and, his..."

"Ohh, so you do have some thought in that pretty head of yours. But it didn't tell you otherwise when you decided to do this." His voice completely loses its enthusiasm and is now becoming anger itself.

I want to shrink into nothingness, I want to disappear, like that wolf, because his presence is ever looming over me, to the degree that he is all I can feel in this enormous hall.

I place my hand on my chest, trying to hold my heart from breaking through.

"So, what was the plan here? You were going to sneak out, go and stay with your false mate, come back, and hopefully no one would notice. Then rinse and repeat."

I want to speak, tell him that what he thinks isn't true, I was just going to see him this once, and that would be it.

But my tongue is a knot, and the words choke in my throat.

I can't bring myself to speak to this monster of a wolf.

"Answer me!" He screams, which now makes my hands and legs shake.

I force my lips to move, then I answer.

"No alpha, I wo..."

"DON'T LIE TO ME, I HATE LIES!" He explodes, and bears down on me, which makes my heart skip several beats so that I find myself gulping for air, which I find in very short supply.

But, I wasn't lying.


"It has come to my attention, that I have been very lenient with you." His footsteps reverberate through the hall, as I can feel him pacing. "I thought that if I treated you like my Luna, you would appreciate my kindness, and be loyal to me."

His words keep boring holes in me.

"But that was my mistake. From the get-go, I should have treated you like I treat everyone else around me." He stops pacing, and as he does so, I reduce my lack of breathing, trying to shrink under his wrath.

"But, it's never too late to rectify my mistake." He says, and I hear footsteps echoing into the hall.

The smell of four people rushes into my nose, and my heart sinks when I know very well who one of those smells belongs to.


"no." I say under my breath, as I watch helplessly as Rosemary is being carried towards Darius.

Along with a mini but long table.

"You will learn a lesson which you will never forget." He says to me, and I unwillingly meet his red eyes, now gold.

I turn my sights to Rosemary, who doesn't struggle in the slightest.

But the look in her eyes is one of absolute terror.

What have I done?

The wolves place the table in front of Darius, and another produces a cleaver, that cuts my soul in half.

What, what is he going to do?

He smiles, then he takes the cleaver in his hands and tests its sharpness with his index finger.

I shake my head, and I make to talk, but all of a sudden, I feel a weight bearing down on me, which pushes me to the ground and forces my head to face forward.

I discover Darius balling a fist at me, and I know now he is using his Instinct on me.

"If you speak a word, she dies." He says to me, and I can't help but quiver.

What have I done, what have I done, what have I done?


I am forced to watch as the wolves brusquely shove Rosemary into the table, and place her hand on the table.

I want to speak, I want to beg, but I know for a fact if I do, he will keep to his word.

He walks over to Rosemary, but with another step, he pauses.

He shrugs, and gesticulates, and I know, he is talking.

I turn my sights a few steps behind him, and I remember Celine was standing there.

She is saying something to him.

But by the looks of it, she is not getting through.

He continues towards Rosemary, but in the blink of an eye, Celine is in front of him.

'Don't do this Darius.' A voice rings in my head, and I know the voice.

It's Celine's voice, but...

'Get out of my way Celine.' Next Darius' voice rings in my head.

What is going on? Surely, they aren't linking with me, are they?

'Please Darius, she made a mistake, just don't punish her this way.'

'She has to learn.'

'Trust me, she has learned. Just look at her.' She points to me, and I can feel through her eyes how wretched, miserable, and broken I am right now.

Confusion fills my head, how am I linking with their Neuropath, I know for a fact that they didn't link with me, at least, not on purpose.

Perhaps, this is an accident.

But I don't care for now, I just pray Celine will get through to him.

'Get out of my way, I won't ask again.' He says, and fur starts to line his face, along with that, his teeth grow.

'I won't Darius, so you either listen to me, or you get past m...'

He grabs her by the throat, and this time, my heart stops altogether.