Chapter 32: Falling?

Darius is the first to head inside, pulling me along, as it would seem he had forgotten our arms were linked together.

I follow along, keeping his pace, as he scans the sea life all around us.

He makes his way across without any fret whatsoever.

Whereas I, fear the glass underneath my feet will give way, and the creatures inhabiting the water will consume me.

As I think of these heinous thoughts, a shark swims by.

And I believe it is pointing its gaze towards Darius.

When he in turn shoots the shark a gaze, it scurries off like a chipmunk.

A monster among monsters.

He continues to-I think-admire the variety of aquatic life swimming beside, below and overhead.

And the best part is when all the lights go off, the luminescence the architects had kept in place kicks in.

Everything comes to life in an otherworldly manner.

Halfway through the hallway, Darius finally reacts beyond staring robotically.