Chapter 38: Rosemary Isn't A Wolf

Two days passed by me in what seemed like an instant.

And with these two days, came results concerning my physical attributes that weren't exactly astounding, but weren't horrible either.

Tomorrow Darius will return, and I have to not die from the construction.

I've studied it and memorized it, but I don't know if I'll come out of it unscathed like I did yesterday.

Perhaps the fear of his presence will make me falter, and kill myself.

As I think about it the more, the more I get anxious and frightened.

I'm literally dancing on the edge of death, and I'm mad enough to keep doing it for my goal.

I'll see it through, no matter how frightened I may be.


Pulls me from my head, and I jolt.

I stare at the curtains covering the door, wondering to myself who it might be.

"Abigail." Sinks into my heart when I discover the voice to be that of Rosemary's.