Chapter 69: Elias Finally Presents Himself

No, Elias is not lying, there isn't more to it than what was told.

I trust and believe Elias with all my heart, he' mate.

A light pulls my attention, and I find it to be the totem.

Again, it glows, but, it's light spreads to nothing.

The light becomes incredibly bright, that I have no choice but to shut my eyes.

When it dies down, I open my lids, and with great expectance aching in my heart, I feel a weight lift off of me when I find my expectancy delivered.

"Elias." I say, almost a sob in my voice.

"Abigail." He says with a smile that does all but break my heart.

I rush him in an embrace, wanting to never let go.

"I'm... I'm sorry Elias, I didn't know..."

"Stop it." He says with a soft voice, which does a fije job of alleviating my guilt. "None of what happened was your fault."

I stifle a sniffle, then I let go of Elias.