Chapter 96: Adjorned

Darius wants me to speak, speak to this crowd, this...intimidating crowd.

Is he not afraid I will humiliate him?

Dammit dammit dammit.

I take a deep breath and shut my eyes.

Calm down, just, tell them why you agree with Dean.

That's all.

"I...I..." I stutter, and my heart pounds harder.

Darius is watching.

I gulp, then I exhale.

"I agree..." My voice is a mouse, speak louder. "I agree with Dean because...because." Why do I agree with Dean?

I think back to the wolves, the people. I think back to my life.

My life after I lost Mom and Burke was a living night terror.

I'd suffered at the hands of my father, I'd gone through pain day after day, in one form or the other.

The wolves around the world have suffered similar fates, more so now than ever.

I think back to the slaughtered wolves, I think about their families and their friends.