Chapter 106: My Fears Return

"I need a favor." Rosemary says, squeezing my arm tightly as she acts like a needy dog.

"What is it?" I respond, wondering what she could possibly want from me by 8 in the evening.

"It's Harry, he's coming to town this weekend and I really need to go see him." She says and I can practically feel the thirst inching in her everything.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You know..." She nudges her head and I'm utterly confused.


"Ugh, tell Darius to let me go for the weekend." 

"Oh, is that it?"

"Is that it? This is not a big ask for you?" Rosemary says with her mouth almost agape.

Is this not a big ask? It would have been a few weeks ago, but now...I believe it shouldn't even be a bother.

"I'll see what I can do." I say to Rosemary.