Chapter 174: Wolves In Fish Clothing

"Get back to our room and stay there." Celine says to me, grasping my shoulders and pinning her erratic gaze on mine. 

She doesn't wait for me to respond before dashing away. 

The human behind me picks up his machine gun and follows behind Celine. 

I make to call out to her, when suddenly, I go numb. 

To follow the numbness is a ringing and what follows are faint whispers. 

Faint whispers which somehow, pulls me. 

As the whispers grow in volume, I feel myself becoming light and my feet develop minds of their own. 

I make my way through the ship, till I end up on the deck, where the sun is obscured by dark clouds. 

Droplets of rain pat over my skin and muffled struggles emanate into my ears.

When I turn my gaze away from the sky and toward the deck of the ship, I find Celine, in her wolf form, fighting...creatures that seems to be a blur.