Chapter 233: Brash Decisions

Waking up in the middle of the night, I've gone numb. Not as a result of pain, no, I feel no pain. All the wounds I sustained have been healed by Kerigores wolves already. Rather, I've gone numb because my being refuses to accept what had happened as reality.

Surely, it was all a dream, it was all a...

The more I think on it, the more my heart bleeds. How could this have happened? My eyes sting and my throat turns sore. I roll to my side, trying to hold back my tears, but I fail to do so.

The tears stream down my eyes in full force and I begin to sob.



It had taken me an hour or so to regain myself, or whatever form of myself I could regain. As I lay on this enormous bed, Darius' absence had never been more pronounced. I don't know where he is and frankly...I'm too afraid to find out.