Chapter 242: A Step Too Far

Standing before the young wolf, I feel my heart ache and my being weaken. But using every power withing me, I ignore these feelings.

Knowing full well what I have to do, I place my right hand on the young wolf's forehead. Then in my left hand, Doma places two bracelets made of Whittler's Wood. She had told me several times the pain she had to go through to get this and several times highly emphasized how much I should be careful not to mess this process up.

Each time she said this, I felt it concerning how she acted as though what I'm about to do was some casual thing like cooking or setting up a deck of cards.

Yet I don't want to think on it, I've lingered for far too long.

With a deep breath, I shut my eyes and focus on my fingertips. In seconds, I find I'm consumed by darkness. Yet somehow, I can see my hands. I can see the Bracelets in my left hand, but the young wolf I was holding onto with my right hand is gone.