Chapter 244: A Foiled Plan

Six hours ago Kysilius asked me what my plan was, and right now, as I sit on the sofa of this cabin, my being seeking to shatter, I'm at least happy I didn't relay my whole plan to Kysilius, because he told Darius everything.

"What do I have to do to get you to stop Abigail?" Darius asks me, and contrary to the past five minutes or so he's been asking me questions and I've kept silent, I finally speak up.

"You're going to have to kill me." I say, keeping my sights to the ground as uttered those words. He says nothing, does nothing apart from stand in front of me.

"Who do you want to take my place? Is it Elias? Are you still speaking with him? "

"You know of the prophecy don't you?" I ask him, then I finally find the courage of lift my head so I meet his gaze. "You know what will happen if you remain Head Alpha."

He says nothing, which tells tale of the answer I need.