Sex podcast??

Alexis pov

 Debbie when is Isabella going to arrive because i can't wait to get home since i am on my off today.


# Debbie

 Well she should be arriving anytime soon you know the girl ,she love shopping and buying thing so she could be hooked at a store right now getting all the stuff you could ever imagine.

 I wonder who wear all those clothes she use to buy and shoes because from my free knowledge people into kinky stuff wear little or no clothes at all.

 Thank god she has a rich boyfriend to support her expensive lifestyle or we would have gone bankrupt if she ever turn to us for money.


Well it is not really true that people into kinky stuff don't wear cloth ,they do because you never know their next role play it could be in a restaurant full of people and you are putting on a panties or a thong he could just shift it to the side and fingers fuck you under the table and you have to do your best not to moan and keep your face neutral and ride his hand and organsm with your mouth full and people not knowing what is going on,i bet you don't know how hot that is knowing someone may be watching you ride a man hand at a restaurant full of people like the slut you are or the male staff seeing you on cctv later and rubbing themselves off .

 Kinky or bdsm is actually a very interesting relationship where you can be your self and get wild sex to satisfy yourself.


If i didn't know better i would have thought that you are actually capable of doing things ,you that you almost chicken out with the thought of banging a client you once did a strip show for,i bet you sleep at night wanting to know how his huge cock could enter into your tight body i swear girlfriend if i didn't know better i had think you are a virgin but even at that you lose your virginity to a good size of cock not a huge one that you will clench your pussy on.

 Wow Debbie you are very good at talking dirty.

 Actually we all her even you are no better,do you know they was a time i wanted to consider doing a sex podcast like talk about sex experience on radio .

 And what stop you..

I thought i was not good enough for that as it was for experienced people and I don't think i am cut out for that.

 Debbie you are cut out for whatever you want to be if you believe in yourself.

# The door swing open

 Speaking of the devil thank god Isabella is here ,they look at her and shake their head as usual she us wearing an expensive cloth and heels.


Hi guys what sup ,you see you guys don't have to worry about what we are wearing to our get together because i just bought some mice cloth you have like to try on.

 Ohh alexis what did i tell you she was probably shopping as you can see i was right.

# ****Isabella

 Debbie stop talking as if shopping is a bad thing and when you have the money spend it on your self you might never get the chance to again.

 So we are going to the beach for the get together do not worry i have it all cover but you are still going to pay out of it though especially you Debbie.

 And we are going to rent an hotel room or villa for the few days we are using there and we are going by plane so you guys better go and look for your passport and get ready we are going by Wednesday night it is going to be a night plane and alexis you better take Friday off work and we come back on Saturday evening.

 Today is Monday so i expect that by tomorrow afternoon everyone is ready to leave so any questions.

 They both look at her with their mouth agape and just look at her in astonishment,it was alexis that recover first closing her mouth .

 Well that sure is a whole deal of information to deal with but as long as my money share is not expensive then there is no problem my boss would be glad to give me a break of a day,i can't turn down offer like this you should ask debbie .


Well figured i have been working hard to keep this company in shape that i have forgotten how to have fun.

 Alex ,bella let go to that beach and have fun and bang hot guys if possible. but Isabella you are not in that equation anymore i bet your boyfriend is satisfying you in bed.

 Debbie you don't know what you are missing better come into the word let me teach you.

# Debbie****

 Alexis can you imagine oo bella want to teach me when i am the one who taught her all that she know today.

 Debbie that is bygone now i am the boss and i call the shot . 

So Isabella i want to gist you about alexis she god a new boy friend and he is hot and rich alexis you didn't care to inform me about that....

 Honestly they is nothing there to inform you about and he is not my boyfriend but he is that guy that i told you both about.

 # Isabella

 Ohh that guy you fantasied about that you did a private strip show for.

 ( Alexis answered reluctantly)

 Yes is the one and he came here today and i got to become his private home gym instructor.

 Wow that is freaking hot ,your life is about to become interesting,i am not Debbie oo please don't save me the details when he finally plough into your Pussy or when he takes you on the gym bench gawd. i am jealous of you right now alexis .

 Isabella before you get jealous i am so famished let go out no time to order for take out. 

 They all went out to have lunch and Isabella gave them the bags she use to go shopping for them and left after that.