You like peppery food?? Is she pregnant??

# Alexis

What has come over Bella? This isn't the Bella I know, but before I pass out any judgment, I would wait for her to tell us on her terms. Till she is ready, because I don't understand any of the stuff that is going on. We always thought she was the one with a boyfriend among us, a rich one at that, and suddenly she broke up with him a month ago. We all know how much she loves this guy; she can't stop talking about him whenever she is with us. She couldn't even tell us immediately they broke up. Who knows what she is going through right now and just using her flashy lifestyle to cover it up.

I look at Debbie, and I can see on her face that she is likely thinking about what I am thinking. The ride in the car is so uncomfortable, the silence is choking. I wanted to have fun, not be here in this car looking like we killed someone and are on our way to the graveyard to bury the person. We arrived at our destination, and we got down from the car. I was very grateful that we did; at least, that is one step to knowing what Bella is hiding. I look at the airport again, and every time I see it, I just use it to forget how massive it is. We were going to Italy; it has been a long time since I went there. I think on a school trip or something; I can't probably remember or maybe it wasn't Italy; my brain is foggy, but I hope I would love it there.

For the sake of everyone, I faced Bella and Debbie and told them, "Bella, please, whatever is going on with you, and Debbie, whatever you are thinking, please put them aside and let us have fun. We came here to have fun, not sulk. If this is what you want to do throughout the trip, maybe I should go back to my house now and forget any of this ever happened and maybe prepare for the club because you are making this look like a waste of my time." They both look at me, and it was Bella that caved in first and smiled, but Debbie was still grumpy until I said, "Debbie, you know we are still going to know, so why make a fuss? It's just an airplane between us and the truth, and you know when you got an obstacle, you tackle it head-on. You can do it, baby," and that was how she went into a fit of laughter. Seriously, Alexis, is that the technique you want to be using now, right? Well, I would say you are right. Let's go have fun. Italy, here we come.

Since we didn't eat anything at Bella's place, I suggested that we order chicken and chips from the restaurant I was seeing since we still have like an hour before the flight. I am craving something oily and meaty. We all agreed to it, and I led the way to the restaurant like the cash madam I was pretending to be. We got there and took a seat, and I signaled to the waiter to come and take our orders. Debbie ordered chicken bone soup and rice ball, and I ordered my chicken and chips in peace. Bella ordered pepper soup with a lot of meat, and you know me; I would ask questions. So I asked her why she ordered it, and she said she had an urge to eat something peppery. I looked at Debbie, and she avoided my eyes because we both know that unless it is unavoidable, Bella runs away from peppery food. But I quickly shrugged it off, not wanting to spoil the good mood.

I enjoyed every bit of this restaurant's food; their food is good, and their bill is affordable. Maybe it is due to the fact they reside beside an airport, but I love this place. Even Bella did justice to the pepper soup, and that was when I truly believed she was craving something peppery. Even Debbie was not left out as she did her part also. While we relaxed, we checked the time and saw that we have just twenty minutes left. We paid the waiter, or should I say Debbie paid the money, and we left the restaurant with me carrying a bottle of water and gulping it all.

# Alessandro

After the two gluttons finished their food, I paid, and we left. They acted as if we didn't eat at home before we left for the airport. I had to look around if people were not watching us, but still, I was far from being embarrassed by them. I love these guys; they know how to be flexible and enjoy themselves no matter the situation.

On our way out, I thought I saw someone that I know, someone that looked familiar. It was the person's back view I saw and could not confirm if it was her because the guys practically dragged me out of the restaurant. But I brushed it off as me missing her because I don't think she can be here at this time. The someone was no other than Alexis. The girl has gotten under my skin, into my head, my body, everywhere. I have not been able to be with any girl since I met her. The one that even brought herself to me to have intimacy, I was not able to without thinking of Alexis. I finally had to pull out without completing that day because I could not picture her or imagine her as Alexis. I understand perfectly why Mikky found it hard to move on. The girl must have gotten under his skin for him to be looking miserable. We quickly walked toward the airport in case there is an emergency or something to pass across to us.

# Alexis

We also walked back to the airport and took our seat at the back as the front chairs were all filled up.

 Hope the guys won't find them just yet.