Beaten at their own game

# Bella

 What could we do than let them into the pool, not like we have a choice?

 Debbie told them that they were free to enter the pool at any time as they were entitled to it at all times. They all put their shirts on the pool lounger and leapt into the pool. I tried my best to avoid Mikky's eyes but the way he was looking at me made it impossible to avoid his eyes.

 Alexis swam to the rail in the pool and asked Debbie to come closer and whisper God knows what into Debbie's ears. I also swam to the rail and told Debbie that since she was so eager to allow them to swim then she should not just be standing there and should also be inside the pool already I asked her who Alessandro was to her and she told me that it was the guy Alexis was crazy about that she got a home instructor with and I wink at Alexis and told her to show him all the best move she got inside the pool now but she only frowned at me and didn't find it funny but I don't care because we all know she likes the guy and she is only pretending and judging from his look he is well built and handsome and I am beginning to wonder if he really needs a gym instructor or he just wants to toy with Alexis and as God will have it, he just happened to be Mikky friends which complicate things even more because with this I will never be able to get rid of him completely.

 Debbie just grinned and jumped into the water as if I had always known she was pretending not to be able to swim. So we all turned to meet the three guys looking at us as if we stole from them until Alessandro spoke up about whether we just going to stand inside the water all day or we wanted to swim and judging from the way he was always asking questions and answering them made me guess he was the boss.

 I looked at the others and told them..girls let's all put our differences aside and have fun today and we can think about what to do later because we didn't come here to rot away.

 They both nodded their heads and we all faced each other and said let the game begin. Alessandro went to the hotel official and asked him to get us balls and two baskets, a basket for the boys and one for the girls and the ball was placed at the end of the pool.

 The rules of the game were that four balls would be thrown into the pool in the two parties would race to it and take it they must not lose it as they swim to the end of the pool and the remaining two players would try to tackle his opponent to make sure he doesn't get to the end of the pool successfully and the basket with the highest balls wins as the hotel official will throw more than just four balls into the pool.

 They both went to each end of the pool and as Debbie was the best swimmer among the three of them she went for the ball first alongside Bella and Alexis went after the opponent as her balance is great and she is also a very good swimmer.

# Alexis

 At the count of three the hotel official threw the ball in and we went after it with Debbie taking the leads as if I knew she was the best choice for it, I also ran after Cole or whatever his name was and I bet they were not expecting how fast I was going to be as they thought I only stayed back because I was not good in swimming.

 I almost got to it and I got hold of his heels instead and I attempted to drag when I felt another hand on my leg and I looked at who it was, inside of going after the girls he went after me and dragged me and I also drag Cole but doing this kind of thing other water wasn't easy and from the look of things he could hold his breath more than me so I left Cole's legs and I watch as he swam away to the end but not before seeing the girls has gotten there first.

 I was thrilled that even if I failed to stop Cole and least we were leading the girls rush to the other ball I rushed to guard them as I saw Mikky advancing on them so I saved enough breath and went underwater and swam after Alessandro and instead of dragging him I went around him and snatched his ball and he was in hot pursuit as I swam for my dear life to the end of the pool and when I saw that I could not make it I leap out of the water and throw the ball at Debbie who was closer and she ran with the ball to the basket and threw it into the basket and as that was the last ball the hotel official came and counted it and we won and i came out of the pool and did victory dance, and the girls also join and we started screaming and dancing as we won the games.

 The guys came out of the water and were looking gloomy. Maybe this was the first time they got beaten by girls in a game.

# Alessandro

Can you believe that guys??

 These girls just beat us at a game, like Mikky you should have gotten a hold of Alexis better and now they busted our ass.

# Mikky

Shut your mouth, you could have swam better after her and gotten hold of the ball before she could throw it to Debbie and as far as this game is concerned only Cole did well among us.

 The girls went to them and gave them cocky smiles and they all went in the direction of their rooms as the girls threatened to play music when they got inside.

 Even the hotel official was grinning from ear to ear as he cleared the ball.