Alexis -I got a plan!!

# Debbie 


 "I had so much fun today ,when last have I had that much or even swim that fast and not just myself in the house??. 

Today has surely been an interesting day, even though it was just in the afternoon. Mr. Denaro was the last person I expected to meet in this place. I was shocked but quickly recovered from it. We got to our room, went inside, and changed into warmer clothes. I don't want to catch a cold.

# Bella

I was still shaken by the fact that I met Michael at the pool. Yeah, Michael like Mikky for short. I had to come up with how I was going to tell the girls about the one on the ground and another one already arose.

I faced the girls, mustering up the courage to just say whatever I wanted to say and come out clean. Alexis gave me that look she gives people when she knows what is about to happen. "Please, Bella, just spill it out and get it over with."

I just smiled at her, breathed in and out and said, "Mikky was my boyfriend that I dated and broke up with recently."

 " You got to see the look on their faces" .

# Debbie

"Wait, Bella, I don't understand. You mean that Mikky we met at the pool today was your boyfriend, or am I hearing wrongly? What caused the argument, and what went wrong? Because from the look of things, he is handsome and looks rich, so definitely not that. I know that you and Alexis were behaving weirdly, even though we all know the reason behind Alexis' agitation. I just could not place the reason behind your own."

# Bella

During the whole time Debbie was talking, Alexis just remained calm, not saying anything, as I was a hundred per cent sure that she knew more bombshells were coming.

I cut Debbie off and told her that I was not done talking and I was still getting to the reason for the breakup. when I am done speaking, she could ask whatever question she was to ask then. 

I looked at both of them again and told them that I dated Mikky for a while, and I was sure I loved him, and I even saw us building a future together until... They both gave me a stern look to continue, so I did until I found out that I was pregnant for Mikky. They both gasped, and I held up my hand to tell them I was not done and they should wait for me to finish.

"So, I found out I was pregnant, and I went to Mikky that morning and asked him in a conversation that, peradventure, any pregnancy comes his way, how was he going to feel. And Mikky told me that no pregnancy should come, as he was not ready to get married or even shoulder the responsibility of a father. I asked what if it was from me, and he told me he was still not ready, and if it was me, maybe we can even consider an abortion till we are ready. So I could not bear to abort my baby, so I didn't even bother to tell him that I was pregnant. I left his place that day and sent a message that I was no longer interested, even if it killed me."

They both sighed as they looked at me with pity in their eyes and came close to me and hugged me. We remained like that for a while, and I was relieved that I got it off my chest, at least I have people that care with me now.

It was Alexis that broke the silence, saying, "At least we now know why you look so robust," and we all laughed. Debbie squealed that she was going to be a great aunt very soon, and I gave her the stink eyes as that was the only thing she saw to say about the whole situation, and she stuck out her tongue at me and said that she volunteered to help me train the child. I smiled at both of them and thanked them for always standing by me at all times.

After our emotional times, Debbie made for the door, and Alexis and I quickly ran after her before she did anything foolish because from the look of things she was going to challenge Mikky in the next room, and it is not going to end well.


"I don't know how the two of you want to do it, but we are definitely going to have a talk with Mikky before today ends and if not we then I."

"Why would you decide to give birth to a child without a father? I know single mother life is awesome all the time, but there will come a time when the situation will call for him and he will definitely need to support himself. I don't want you busting your ass just to take care of a child and he is rich so even if he decided not to become a father, his money can be put into good use. Take him to court and have him provide for your child for the rest of his life. Forget all the badass bravado you are putting on, I know you love this guy so I pray that things work out and you get your man back."

# Bella

"What if he doesn't want the child?"

# Alexis

"Then we deal with him!!"

 " Nobody mess with my friend and try to get away with it".

 ' I know you feel that if you have told him, he might have ask you to abort the baby and that would have been hard on you and if we later told him and he want you to abort it,i promise you nothing of that such is going to happen because we are all in this together and we deal with him in the ladies style . 

 " You know what"

 ''I got a plan!! "