I will make you beg!!


"I got to the hotel room and still met Debbie on the bed, and she was looking at me.

"Why did you take so long?" she asked. I told her that it took me time to decide what to eat and didn't mention my little escapade with Alessandro. She gave me a skeptical look, always the cautious one.

She was always quick to give love advice and all that, and I was waiting to see where her and Cole's own will lead. It's not lost on me that they are really interested in each other, if her behavior at the club yesterday was any indicator.

I was still tired from the club yesterday and this little gym thing this morning, but I was used to it; it's exactly what I do at home, in fact, even worse. I went to soak myself in the bathtub in the bathroom, relaxing and letting it soothe my bones.

I got back to the room and put on a long sundress gown, did a light makeup, brushed my hair, and signaled to Debbie to help me with my hair. She divided the hair into two and weaved in one after the other. I looked into the mirror when she was done and thanked her."


"My bulge has gone down a little, but to someone like Cole, it was still noticeable. I didn't want to explain why my cock kept tightening in my shorts. I was also hungry, just like Alexis, so I ordered spaghetti Bolognese and went toward the elevator after telling the receptionist it should be delivered to my hotel room, along with two plates.

I got to my hotel room and found out that Cole was no longer there, and I was grateful not to have to explain how a girl made me like this. Our reputation was too vast with girls to be hooked by one like this. I would never have seen the end of it if I had been caught. I made my way towards the bathroom after making sure the door was locked, and I understand you want to know what is going through my mind at that very minute, so calm down, we are almost there.

I went to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and held my cock in my hand, stroking it slowly till it went back to its full length. I added a little soap to my hand and ran it over my cock, making it slippery and the experience ten times better. I rubbed my hand over the most tender part of my cock and groaned in satisfaction as I imagined Alexis running her tongue under my shaft straight to the tip of my cock. She did this thing with her tongue, swirling it over the tip and grazing me with her teeth, making me hold the walls of the bathroom for support as I was in fucking cloud nine. I imagined the way her butt muscles contracted at the gym today and how wonderful it would feel for me to sink my cock into her asshole and watch the muscles contract and tighten on my cock; it would be so tight and feel so good. The image I had in my head was fucking killing me as I jacked off faster than before. I pictured her on the floor of the bathroom on her knees while she finally took all my whole length into her mouth, and I put my hand on the back of her head and forced her to go deeper. I held her head down and throat fucked her; it felt good feeling my cock hitting the back of her throat and her doing her best not to gag on it. I was very close, and in no time, I spilled my seed on my hand and washed it off in the shower, then continued my bath and came out a few minutes later.

I had plans of going to the beach, but I didn't know if it was in the night or in the afternoon, so I dressed in casual clothes and called the telephone, and the receptionist picked up and told me it would soon be here."


"Mikky finally woke up and raised his head, kissing me on the cheek. "I know you are awake without looking at your face," he said.

"How do you know that?"

"Your breathing is different from someone who is asleep." I turned around in his arm to face him, and I told myself in my mind that I was a lucky woman.

"Do you intend to stay in bed all day with me? You have a lustful look on your face." I smiled at him as he was very correct, and I would love to feel him in me. It looks like it's been a very long time, and it's been barely a few weeks. I pecked him on the cheek and told him whatever he was dreaming of wouldn't happen today.

"Is that a challenge I hear in your voice? Good, we will see about that then. Let's see how much resistance you have for my hot body."

"I wonder who ever told you your body was hot; they are deceiving you, just packs of dry bones for six packs and a lean physique."

"Did you just indirectly insult my whole being, like my manliness? I won't react if that's what you want, but down there, we both know it isn't a pack of bones but a bundle of tender flesh that can cause you harm and pleasure in whatever way it pleases."

"You definitely can't be talking about what I think you are talking about; I was just putting up with you the whole time, nothing really special about it."

"Do not make me teach you a lesson this morning, but don't worry, when we get back home, I will make you beg for it... in your wildest dreams, Mikky."

He came out from the bathroom with a towel around his waist, droplets of water were coming down from his chest; he was glistening, and I would love to run my hands over him. He ran his hand in front of his towel and smirked at me; he would make me beg for it, like he had said.