Chapter 8 - Misplanned

As Vers and Fury concluded going to the Pegasus Airbase, they suddeny drag Faust towards the car without asking his opinion.

At the backseat, Faust was furiously tapping his feet nervously. He was uneasy about his current situation as he cursed inwardly.

'Dammit! This is getting out of hand. This part was supposed to be where I happily part ways with them at the bar and go home since I've already established contact with these two. Yet....' He sighed in frustration.

"Uhm I hate to break the silence but can anyone tell why am I still here?" Faust asked.

"You already know too much, kid. Who knows, you might get abducted by those Skrulls when they've traced Vers back to you. So I have to keep an eye on you." Fury said trying to convince me.

Vers shrugged looking at me through the rearview mirror and said, "He's got a point. Besides, we're a team now, right?"

She elbowed Fury saying "Are we?"

Fury got the eye signals and said,"Yeah yeah, definitely."

He looked at them suspiciously and said, "Seriously, what are you guys up to, huh?"

"Look, kiddo. We're just looking out for you. Once everything settle down, I'll personally drive you wherever you want to go, deal?" Fury patiently explained.

"Ugghh Fine!!! Just let me page my guardian so they won't worry about me." He sighed helplessly.

Then Faust secretly sent a message to Sebastian with his pager that there's a change of plans and he will be away for while. He reminded him to keep their guys in standby in the Mojave Dessert.


While driving, Fury tried to summerized everything that's happening.

"So the Skrulls are alien races which infiltrate and overtake alien planets. And you're a Kree, a race of noble warriors."

Vers interjected, "Heroes. Noble warrior heroes."

"So um. What do Skrulls want with Dr. Lawson?" Fury asked.

"They believe she developed a light speed engine at Pegasus."

Fury looked at her in disbelief, "Light speed engine?"

While listening to their conversation, Faust couldn't help to interrupt.

"That kind of engine must've required an enormous amount of power source."

They both look at him with a questioning look.

"What? My IQ is 210. Atleast, according to the test. It doesn't take for someone like me to figure it out. Hey, eyes on the road."

"You remind me of someone I know, minus the playboy part."

"You mean minus the high ego part, as for being a playboy, heh! You'll never know." He said smugly.

Both of them seem to be in tacit understanding as they both knew who they are talking about.

"Plus the cocky part." Fury added.

"Hey it's called confidence, Okay?"

Fury shook his head in defeat and returned his eyes on Vers,"I've got to admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today and we got a genius kid right behind me."

"Thank you!"

"Ever know what sarcasm is?"

Vers shrugged and said, "Well, it's still early."

Then Fury asked, changing the topic, "How bout you, what do you want?"

"To stop the Skrulls before they become unstoppable." Vers replied.

Fury expecting to hear some more continued to ask.

"And...? Look, war is a universal language. I know a rogue soldier when I see one, you've got a personal stake in this."

Faust butted in and said, "He's probably talking about himself."

Vers laughed while Fury rolled his eyes at me.

Without them knowing, they've already arrived at the gate of a military bunker. Fury slowly drove the car towards the security checkpoint.

As a payback for dragging him into this mess, Faust decided to fool around a little bit.

When the car stopped at the intercom and the fingerprint scanner, they heard a muffled sound coming from it.

Kzzzz kzzz

"This is a government---"

Faust immediately opened his window and blurted out. "One cheese burger, one large fries and a large root beer please!"


Fury: "..."

Vers: "..."

"Oops! Sorry I thought subconsciously that we're in a drive thru, hehe!" Faust said feining an innocent look. But in truth, he was laughing evily inside.

After an awkward silence. The voice on the other side of the intercom sounded again.

"This is a government property, turn your vehicle around."

Fury immediately responded this time fearing for another prank coming from the kid.

"Nicholas Joseph Fury, Agent of SHIELD." He declared.

"Place your thumb on the pad. One moment." Says the voice from the security.

As the machine scans Fury's fingerprint. Vers seem interested and asked, "Nicholas Joseph Fury, you have three names?"

"Everybody calls me Fury. Not Nicholas, not Joseph, not Nick. Just Fury."

Vers continued, "What does your mom call you?"


Vers followed the question again.

"What do you call her?"


"What about your kids?"

Fury replied, "If I have them, they'll call me Fury."

Then Security Checkpoint's voice sounded, "You're cleared for access. Happy to serve you."

Fury was stunned by last statement but eventually said, "Thank you."

The gate in front of the scanner opens as their car drives down the driveway and into a tunnel. Fury continues to drive through the tunnel before reaching the end and parking beside another car. Faust, Vers and himself step out of the car and shut the doors

Fury stopped Vers before sizing her up. "Oh, hold up. You look like somebody's disaffected niece. Put that on."

Fury throws a grey baseball cap with SHIELD's logo.

Vers looked confused gesturing towards the logo, "What is this?"

Fury replied proudly, "It's the SHIELD logo."

Vers asked sarcastically, "Does announcing your identity on clothing help with the covert part of your job."

Fury countered, "Said the space soldier who was wearing a rubber suit."

Vers puts the cap on, and looks at Fury annoyed.

"Hey, where's mine? I want one too!" Faust protested.

"I only have one. Besides you don't need it. Let's just say that you're a trainee." Fury explained.

Then they walk over to the edge of the carpark, showing an airplane hanger full of planes set up similar to that in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. A security guard from Pegasus and two armed airmen approach them from behind.

Security guy asked, "How can I help you?"

"We're agents of SHIELD." Fury declared.

Then he hands in his badge to the security officer.

"What about the kid?"

"A SHIELD trainee, first time in the field operation." Fury lied with a straight face.

The security guy stared at Fury seemingly unconvinced.

Thankfully, Vers interjected.

"We're looking for a woman named Lawson."

Fury followed up, "A Dr. Wendy Lawson."

"Do you know her?"

The security officer hands back Fury's badge and directs them before saying, "Follow me."

The three of them follows the security officer but directed instead towards a holding facility.

After a while, it seems like the security has forgotten about them or atleast pretended they're not here that's why no one seems to be coming for them. They were incredibly bored sitting inside the office.

Fury is leaning forward, placing his elbows on his knees while Vers is leaning back against the wall with her arms crossed.

As for Faust, he was spinning while sitting in the office chair.

Unable to stand the boredom, Fury suddeny asked, "Are you familiar with the phrase "Welcome Wagon"?"

Vers answered, "No."

Faust said, "It means welcoming in happy and friendly way."

"Well, this ain't it." Fury said in certain.

"No shit, Agent Sherlock." Faust replied rolling his eyes.

Fury then tries to leave the room by placing his thumb on a scanner near the door. The scanner looks at his fingerprint before blinking red. Fury then sighs before reaching into his pocket to grab his pager.

When Vers saw this, she curiously asked, "Is that a communicator?"

Fury stands up, walk across the room and begins typing on his pager.

"Yeah..State-of-the-art two-way pager."

"I got one too" Faust fish out his own pager from his pocket before showing it to Vers.

"Who are you paging?"

Fury replied without looking at them, "My mom. Don't worry, I didn't mention you."

Faust almost laugh when he heard his lousy lie. He even manage to sneak a peek at his pager showing the text "DETAINED WITH TARGET. NEED BACKUP"

Vers stands up and walks towards the door and tries opening it with her fingerprint, before walking across the room to look at a map of the facility. At the same time, Fury then takes out his badge and looks at it carefully under the lights. He takes a piece of sticky tape, presses it against his badge before walking across the room and placing it on the scanner. When Fury begins walking across the room, Vers sits on the desk and watches him. The scanner reads the fingerprint before glowing green and opening the door.

Fury looked at them and said smugly, "After you."

"Impressive," Vers praised him.

"Passable, I was just about to do that." Faust bluffed.

"I bet you are, genius. You should see what I can do with a paperclip." Fury said in delight.

The three of them out of the room and went towards the elevator while Vers pressed the button for Subfloor 5.


After few seconds, the elevator rings opened then they went towards the records room by following the signs.

All of a sudden, an orange cat walks up towards them which stuns them in surprise.

"Hey, there. How are you?" Fury called in a higher-pitched voice.

Fury leans down to pet Goose but Vers stands back, observing the cat with a sense of deja vu.

Faust also kept his distance because he knows that it's a flerken which means this cat is the legendary 'Goose'.

He stayed in place because he wasn't sure if Goose decided to suddenly swallow him. To his relief, Goose stayed calm and he seems to be looking at Vers... and him.

'Shit, why he's looking between me and Carol?' Thought nervously as beads of sweat appeared on his head.

Fury continues to fawn over Goose, "Oh my goodness. Look at you. Just look at you. Aren't you the cutest little thing."

For a moment, he got distracted by Fury's baby talk so he couldn't help to ask.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Talking to the cat in high pitched tone? You sound like a grandmother being raped."

Fury glared at him then ignores him as he continues to scratch the cat under its chin, even picking it up.

But Vers continues walking through the corridor, Faust following her. They continue looking for the records and eventually finds the room. They turn around and watching Fury with disinterest.

"Aren't you cute? And what's your name, huh? What's your name? "Goose", cool name for a cool cat."

"Fury." Vers called out.

Both Fury and Goose turn to look at Vers. Then Vers nods towards the door

Fury said to Goose, "I'll be back."

Fury walks away from Goose and stands next to Vers outside a door labeled "Records". Not knowing that Goose was following them.

Fury rummaged through his pocket trying to find the tape he used for opening the door.

"Oh. Let me get my fingerprint out. Just let me unravel this puppy." At last, he managed to fish out the tape from his inner pocket.

While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear.

Fury was dumbfounded, "You sat there and watched me play with tape? When all you had to do was..."

Then Fury imitates Vers shooting the energy.

Vers said in defense while stifling a laugh, "I didn't want to steal your thunder."

Faust on the other hand laugh so hard, "Hahahahaha you should've seen your face hahahaha."