Chapter 32 - Meeting Jane Foster

A/N: Hey Guys! I just wanted to leave a note here cause I wanted to apologize for not meeting the promised expectations in chapter releases. I think I replied to one of the readers that the releases in weekends will be double chapters. But as you can see, I'm unable to do so. I got ahead of myself thinking its easy but apparently it's not. I don't want to release chapters like eating candies because it'll affect the quality of the story. You know what I mean right? I prefer quality over quantity. So now, let's set the bar low and clean that expectation..but I'll try to upload chapters as much as I could.

Enjoy hehehe


Valentine Mansion, Virginia, Underground Laboratory

Faust was currently looking at the microscope waiting for the blood's reaction from a certain a chemical he created.

Behind him was a huge refrigerator with rows of glass syringes with purple colored liquid inside.

"Fascinating, who would have thought that spices use for cooking had an incredible effects strengthening cells. It wasn't obvious cause they weren't purified enough and in small amount." Faust murmured while turning his gaze at the computer screen.

"ALICE keep a record in this and save it in qualification 3 file folder."

"File Saved, Sir."

"Mmm, do we have a hologram technology?"

"No, sir but we can create one."

"How long will it take?"

"Five years and three months, sir."

"That's a long time. Is there any way we can shorten it?"

"We currently have insufficient data on such technology, sir. If there is, we can shorten it for approximately two years and seven months, sir."

"How about searching it online or hacking into some hi-tech facilities across the country."

"We can, sir but running a scan online takes a lot longer than designing and making the technology. If a target can be provided, the speed will increase by 500 percent."

"I have a two specific targets, but I don't know if you can breach them. Hmmm... set the target of scan for Stark Industries but beware of their security. They have a system like you. Employ discreet hacking and extreme ip masking to cover your traces. Let's see if who's better hehehe. Would it be Jarvis or you, Alice."

"Would you like to proceed now, sir?"

"Yeah, as for the second target. Set it to Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Just briefly scan if they have the technology in their database."

"Understood, sir. Initiating protocols. Progress is at 1%."

"Thank you Alice. Oh by the way, before I forgot, call Uncle Seb to place an order for the parts I've listed in my computer's note pad."



While Faust was busy studying cells, he didn't forget spending time on activities that are already part of his life.

He kept in touch with Malcolm and the others, always doing their hobby of extreme sports every Sunday.

From Monday to Thursday, he attended class and have an everyday spar with Angel afterwards.

Ever since he created his smartglass, he stopped going to the library anymore since he can just look up the information he needed online. Though he still misses it. He missed flipping through the pages, the smell of the old books, and the joy of browsing through the shelves.

One day, he couldn't help himself going to the library after class. He doesn't have any agenda in there, he just wanted to reminisce about the past and how he love to browse or search books after class. There's this kind of excitement in it that he couldn't explain.

As Faust was walking slowly down the corridor while reading the title of every book through his eyes, a book suddenly picked his interest.

The book was old and worn out but large rubber band manage to keep the pages from falling apart.

He picked it up and opened its contents. The letters shown are unfamiliar to him so he whispered a command through his smartglass to translate the language. It turn out that it was an ancient norse language with pictures of glyphs and statues.

Faust slowly traced his fingers to the letters translated by the smartglass.

"R-raaag.. naaa..rok" Faust said as he tried to speak the correct pronunciation but he was suddenly interrupted by woman's voice.

"It's Ragnarok, the end of the world's of God and Men."

Faust was startled so he suddenly turn to where the voice came from. He was stunned at the sight of a young Natalie Portman infront of him. He stared at her for while and the atmosphere became more awkward.

The woman cast a weird look at him and she hesitated a bit. But after a few seconds of deliberation, she brace herself and spoke up to him.

"Sorry, can I borrow that book if you don't mind? I just needed it for my research please?"

Faust remain still and didn't respond staring at her.

"Hey hey, are you okay? Can I borrow the book?" The woman wave her hands in front of him and raised her voice slightly.

"Oh oh, sorry no uhhh I mean yeah sure. Are you studying theology?"

'Damn, she's pretty. Sigh, to think that Thor would break up with her...Tch! What a lucky bastard.' Faust inwardly thought.

"Slightly." Jane replied.

"Huh? What do you mean slightly? Are you going to be a semi-nun?"

"What? No, I'm studying the glyphs. Norse religion and mythology is just part of it. I'm a senior student of Astro Physics."

"Right, oh here you can have it." Faust shrugged and passed the book to her.

"Thanks" Jane said while turning around to leave.

"No biggie, by the way I'm pretty sure I said it right."

"Said what?"


"You gotta do it with a strong 'R' in the beginning like the sound of an AK-47 rifle."

"Yeah, that's what I said."

Jane didn't want to waste her time arguing so she just rolled her eyes and prepared to leave but Fuast stopped her once again.

"Wait, wait... Look I know this may sound weird and I'm not trying to hit on you, okay? But hear me out."

Jane stopped and looked at him curiously.

"I have this hunch, that you will be a famous astrophysicist in the near future."

"Thanks, Nostradamus."

"No, I mean it. Come on, just in case it came true, I have a request."

"Go on.."

"Actually, two request. First, in case you needed an assistant in the future for your projects, please consider the name Darcy Lewis in the applications. She's my friend in highschool and she's smart so she will be of great help to your team."

"Okay.... What's the second?"

"The second thing is, if you ever feel something weird within your body in the future, remember to call me first."

"Okay... Hahaha Nice try." Jane rolled her eyes and started to walk towards the exit. She thought that Faust just wanted to get her number so she ignored him.

'He looks so good but he's quite weird. He's got some screw loose in his head. Sigh, what a pity.' Jane thought.

She even heard him shouting at her from the distance.

"~Thanks Ms. Jane Foster, I will count on you to that!!!"

'Really weird.' Jane shook her head while laughing at the bizarre encounter with Faust.

The she suddenly stopped her tracks and turn her head to look behind where she came from.

"Wait a minute, I didn't tell him my name, how the hell did he know that?"

Meanwhile, at the pathway heading out the campus, Faust was laughing his ass off.

"Hahahahaha, that was so much fun playing mysterious. No wonder Fury likes to do it."


After a short episode encounter with Jane, he went back home and continued his studies with cells.

There's this one particular cell that caught his attention.

It was called T cells which play a crucial role in the immune system. It was develop from stem cells in the bone marrow which helps immune system to protect the body from diseases.

After discovering it, he decided that it will be a good direction to start.

With a few months of testing, he discovered that T cells can be strengthened by one the ingredients he have which is ginseng. However it needs a large amounts of it and then concentrated into a liquid extract. Knowing this, a sudden thought suddenly comes into his mind.

'Maybe those Chinese alchemy pills I've read from the novels before have some basis after all. Ginseng was commonly use as ingredient in alchemy recipes and can even directly ingested, at least in those novels. Hmmm...So scientifically, ginseng made the t-cells gets stronger when a cultivator ingested it so they heal almost immediately. However, those ginsengs are thousands of years old and there's no way earth has that kind of thing. Still, ginseng might be the key.'

"Alice, order a large amount of ginseng online and have it delivered here. Order as much as we could."

"Right away, sir. "

"Ahhh I need to take a break.. This damn pain in the neck! Tsk!"

"By the way, what's the progress of extracting information from the targeted source?"

"30 percent from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division and 15 percent from the Stark Industries."

"Really? You haven't been discovered so far?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's good, wahahahahaha! In your face Tony! Also, I'm imagining what would Fury look like if he knew we were hacking them, hahaha that would be hilarious."

After laughing for a while, Faust ordered, "Maintain your pace and don't let them discover you."

"Of course, sir."

"Hmmmmmm, actually I have an alternative way to design a blueprint without the hologram technology."

"Do you wish to abort the current progress, sir?"

"No, keep them going. Can you install a designing program in my smartglass?"

"Yes sir, installing in progress.. 5%....20%...50%.....80%...100%. Program has been installed sir."

"Open it for me"

The program opened and rows of tools appeared on the corner his of his vision.

"See, I can do this without hologram hehehe."

Then he began to design a chamber the size of a person for his experiments.

If someone were to look at him right now, they will think he's going nuts waving his hands in midair like a lunatic.

He forgot that he's going to take a break until Alice reminded him.


In a mansion in Los Angeles, California.

A man in his mid-20s with a strange beard stirred up from his sleep and while rubbing his eyebrows from a hangover.

Suddenly, male voice sounded.

"Sir, an anomaly in our systems security has been detected."

"Really? Hsssss..the woman last night already left?"

"Yes, Sir. A few hours ago."

The man stood up from his bed and went to his kitchen wearing only his boxer's shorts.

He grabbed a pot filled with freshly brewed coffee from the coffee maker and poured it in his coffee cup. He inhaled the aroma first before taking a sip.

"There's something wrong in our system's security? Someone's stupid enough to try? What? A Kevin Mitnick wannabe?"

Then he went to his hologram table and said, "Jarvis, pull up the data. Let me see how this clown works his way in."

The table lit up and displayed a bunch of data in a hologram light. As he checked every corner, he furrowed his brows and said, "Hmmmm nothing seems to be out of place. Are you trying to prank me Jarvis?"

"No, sir. There's a small attempt of breaching our systems security that last 2 seconds and then it stopped abruptly. Every thing after that became normal. That's the anomaly I've detected sir."

"Don't worry about it. Some nerd probably tried to hack into our system but eventually stopped midway because he realized that he can't. Unless he wanted to be discovered where he was, he wouldn't keep attacking our defenses because he knows he will get caught by the great yours truly Tony Stark."

"So in conclusion, no one can breach our system Jarvis. It's impossible, period."

"Do I have a party to attend tonight?" Tony added.

"Yes, sir. Your schedule with an actress will start at 3 in the afternoon. You still have 2 hours and 43 minutes to prepare. Should I order online for your lunch, sir?"

"Uhh yeah, order a cheese burger for me please."