Chapter 35 - Margaret missing?

"Doctor Banner!" The professor called out to a man in his 20's who was peeking into a microscope.

"Doctor Murray, finally you are here. I just need some data from--oh you got company."

"Let me introduce you both, Dr. Banner, this Faust Valentine, my protege student. Faust, this is Dr. Robert Bruce Banner."

"Just call me Bruce like everyone else. Hello Faust, so you are the one who created HOPE for curing cancer." Bruce offered his hand while smiling at him.

"Uhmm Yeah, that's me hehe. It's so nice to finally meet you in the flesh. You are pretty well known in the school." Faust shook his hand as courtesy.

"Really? I'm actually embarrassed to hear that from you. I are so young yet you already achieved something meaningful." Bruce said shyly.

"I agree. Well, you two can talk while I prepare the data needed by Dr. Banner." Professor Murray said.

"Thank you, Dr. Murray." Bruce said gratefully

"No problem! Don't worry about it"

Then Professor Murray went to the other room to complete his task requested by Bruce.

Faust lean in forward and whispered to him, "Actually, it was an accident while I was studying how to strengthen cells."

"Doesn't matter. A lot of what we have right now are results from unexpected experiments." Bruce patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you, I hope that there's a chance that we will be able to work together."

"I hope so too. How's your progress?"

"Well, I'm in a bottleneck."

"I have a friend who is an expert in cellular biology. If you want, I can introduce you to her to see if you can get any advice."

"Really? That would be great!"

"Hmmm I'm pretty sure Betty was here earlier. It's just that, I'm not sure where she went."

"It's okay. Would you mind if I get your contact number? You could introduce us later on, you know. Grab some lunch somewhere so three of us would be able to talk about my problem. You could chipped in some insights while we talk. My treat."

"Nah..sorry man, I'm straight. I don't swing that way."

"What? You know I respect you a lot but what the Hell's wrong with you man! I'm not gay. I'm talking about going somewhere with your friend, the three of us? Talking about my wholesome problem."

"Ohh sorry.. I thought you were--"

"Don't say it. Don't-- or you'll regret it."

"Okay, my bad."

"You know what? I've changed my mind. Maybe, I'll just grab Betty's number instead. God, you're so hopeless when it comes to communication." Faust muttered.

"What's that?"

"Nothing, just let me have your friend's number please."


After meeting Bruce, Faust went to straight to the gym for his combat practice.

He was putting up more strength this time when jabbed at the punching bag. He could swear he really wanted to punch Bruce in the face for even thinking he was gay. No wonder it took years for him to have a girlfriend. The guy can't even put up a proper conversation. Good thing he held himself back.

'Maybe I should give it a go. I can still punch him since he didn't have Hulk yet.' Faust mused.

To his relief, he got Betty's number which was reluctantly given to him by Bruce. He thought maybe he'll punish Bruce a little bit by flirting with Betty. He wanted to see the look on his face when Betty became too close to him.

When he went home, Angel came up to him hurriedly with a grimface. She look too serious so he knew that something happened or something might've gone wrong.

"Boss, we got a big problem."

He suddenly felt uneasy.


"I got a call from Texas, they said your mother was missing." Angel said.

"What!? How?"

"Sebastian said your mother went to Sokovia to secure a deal with a client who paid hefty sum. It's an extraction mission from Sokovia to outside. But we lost contact with her team in the last 36 hours."

"Did you just say Sokovia?"


"Fuck!! Why would she go there? Give me a second, I need to think. Shit shit shit!"

"What about the company?"

"They are still doing their best in tracking the weherabouts of your mother. They went of the grid that's why the company was unable to locate them."

"Pack light, we're going to Sokovia. Since they can't find her through satellite, then we'll do it the hard way."

"We are? But boss, that's too dangerous for you. I thought you'd just order me to go there myself. Brawl and going into the field are two different things."

"No, I need to see her alive with my own eyes. Otherwise, whoever's behind this better pray I never find out. No matter who they are." Faust said with a gritted teeth.

He packed two pairs of clothes, three adrenaline serum, and his Skree Blade that is about to run out of energy.

He wasted no time and booked a ticket going to Sokovia with Angel.


Pentagon, in a secured office in Washington DC

A man in a suit was sitting behind a table while a document.

A sudden knock sounded outside his door.

"Come in."

A bald man with glasses walks in as he look outside before locking the door.

"Mr. Secretary, the operation was now commencing. The target was found in Sokovia and we've already surrounded them. It won't be too long before we capture the main target."

"Very good, once we have her, it'll be easier for us to get the alien technology. It will be essential for the Project Insight. It has been shelved for years in SHIELD's archive and now we can finally get our hands with a powerful weapon. I'm sure nothing will be able to stop us by then."

"But sir, Nick Fury might suspect us if we move hastily."

"Your job is not to worry about how Fury will find out, Agent Sitwell. You just need to do as you're told. Is that clear?!"

"Yes, sir. I'll handle this operation well and keep you posted."

"Alright, go on."

Agent Sitwell bowed slightly and turned around to open the door. He hurriedly exited the room while he could only blame himself for unconsciously question his superior's decision.


At the same time, in a Castle in Europe.

A man wearing a noble suit and is currently having his dinner with steak and wine.

Suddenly, a bearded man walked in bearing some news.

"Sir, we got some intel that Alexander Pierce was mobilizing his men. Their target is unknown."

"Hmm, it seems Alexander is in a hurry to bring some credits for our cause. However, we're both vying for the leader's position so I won't let him get what he wants."

"Should we mobilize our men too, sir? Maybe we can snatch his credit by getting ahead of them. I heard they are targeting the Valentine Family's Umbrella Corporation."

"Getting us involved too will just complicate our situation. It won't do anything good for our cause. But it doesn't mean I'm gonna let Alexander succeed. Book me a flight to New York as soon as possible, I'm going to need to meet someone."

"Yes, I'll do it right away, Baron."

"Umm now if you'll excuse me, I still got a wine to enjoy and juice steak to finish."

The bearded man nodded and bowed slightly before hurriedly ran out of the room.

"Sigh, savage people with no manners." He muttered.

Then he continue to enjoy his steak and wine like nothing happened.


A black four by four off road vehicle was speeding towards the city of Novi Grad, Sokovia.

"We're close, just ahead of us. Any plan how to track their trace?" Angel asked while driving. She was currently wearing her tactical vest. Beside her was Faust, donning a green jacket over a black shirt. He wore his usual tattered jeans and his smartglass modified to a sunglass.

"I still have no idea yet but, I had Alice to get the data from the company where they were last seen. We'll start from there. But first we need to find a place to stay."

"Got it."

Angel slammed the gas and drove 189mph so they can get to the city right away.

As they weave through the streets, they noticed a lot of protests on the road shouting to stop the war with their big placards.

"What a mess of a country." Angel couldn't help but chipped a remark.

"Trust me, compared to New York, this is heaven." Faust said.

"How do you know? You haven't been on New York yet?"

"Well, uhhh they uhh.. I just heard a lot of things."

"You sound so sure, anyway? Let's a find a hotel and order some food, I'm starving boss."

"Uhmm." Faust consented by nodding.

After driving for a while, they eventually found a hotel but the rooms are almost full and only one room with a single bed is available.

"I don't mind boss, it's not like we weren't living together. Besides, what can you even do to me?" Angel smirked as she chew the bubblegum Faust made. She was now having a habit on chewing a gum whenever outside.

"Really? Are you daring me now?"

Angel scoffed and said "I'm hungry boss, don't be pussy and hurry grab that room so we can eat or we won't even have a bed to sleep."

"Don't blame me if you find me in different posture when we sleep."

Faust booked the room for three days and they are just going to extend in case it'll take a week for them to find his mother.

Entering the room, they found the bed was bigger than they expected they check every nook and cranny if the room was bugged. Thankfully, they found nothing with the help of Alice as he look through the smartglass.

After unpacking their stuff, they went down to look for a place to eat.

They found a bistro near a small creek and ordered Sokovian specialty Chicken Paprikash. In just a few minutes, they finished the entire chicken with just the two of them.

"How's the taste Ms. Food Guru?"

"Well, better than normal baked chicken but nothing ever beats your Adobo specially the chicken type."

"Really? I like the pork more."

"Chicken is way more better boss. Consider it an opinion from a third party."

"Heh, wait til you smell 'Sisig'. I bet you'll be blackmailing me everytime."

"Really? Can you make some? "

"Nope, we're on a mission right now remember? Just wait til we finish this."

"That's a deal then. Since when did I ever blackmail you?"


"How could I, a loyal bodyguard and friend to you do that kind of ungrateful thing?"

"So we're friends now, huh?"

"It's not good keeping tabs on your friends boss."

Faust rolled his eyes and steered the topic to the matter at hand.

"Let's talk about our mission, shall we? We can't waste anymore time. Every second we stay idle, another bullet might've fired at them."

"So you are saying that if we walk around now like headless fly, they will be saved?"

"Errr..No that's not the point."

"I get boss. You are right that we need to hurry but you must keep your cool. In the field, if you panic, it could cost a life so stay calm."

"Sigh, sorry I just can't lose my mother. I can't lose my parents anymore. From the foster home, they've given me life and everything I need. I already lost my parents when I was a baby. I think I'm going to snap if ever something bad happens to them."

"I'm also concerned about your mother. Madame took care of me when everyone in the company was casting a disdain just because I'm a girl. They thought I was just a liability but she took the risk and have me trained with a first class facility. She respects me and I'll never forget that."

"Okay, uhm enough of this drama shit. We should get going. How about we split?"

"Sure, I'll go east to investigate their former rendezvous point."

"Then I'll go north where the last place on the radar they've disappeared."

Both of them nodded and stood up from their seat. They began their mission to search for Margaret.