Chapter 8: Mysterious Creature

"That's the last one."

A wolf lay down on the ground after I said those words. The body of the wolf has been struck by a sword. Which is obviously caused by me.

The quests I gathered are hunting wolves, gathering mushrooms, and killing some slime. Since I'm still a journeyman with silver rank, these quests are the only ones I can take.

I'm now in an open field where the rustling of the grass can be heard. The scenery is all green and relaxing to the eye. Before I took a rest, I took out my magical book.


Absorbing the dead body of the wolf right into the book. Apparently, this book can also hold the bodies of living things. Since this book can store tamed animals, I figured a dead one could also be put in it.

I heard the meat of the wolves can be sold somewhere in Wyourld City.

Heading back, I saw a crowd at the entrance leading to the Wyourld City. It seems something happened.

I went closer, seeing what the commotion was. Someone noticed me and suddenly started a conversation.

"Key kid! You're the one who talked to Merry and her brothers yesterday, right?! Have you heard anything new from them?" A bulky guy with a white beard asked me.

Sudden thoughts came to my head. However, I ruled out my thinking, as if denying the signs of what might happen to them.

"Yes, sir, is something the matter?" I replied meekly.

The guy pointed at the poster posted on the wall at the entrance. 'Required rank: Seasoned or above'. It's the same poster on the bulletin board of the guild hall. The picture shows the dark forest and the unknown cause of the missing cases.

I clenched my fist, expecting the worst. Knowing that I could've done something makes it more hurtful for me to accept the harsh truth.

"Thank you for informing me."

The guy is concerned about my words. However, I kept moving forward and made my way to the guild hall.




"Hello Christ, how may I help you today?" Reni greeted me with a smile.

Without saying a word, I gave the papers of the quest I did. Including the evidence that I completed them all.

"Thank you for your service. Here's your pay." Reni handed out a small brown purse with coins inside.

I gratefully took it with my hand and bowed to her. I left the guild hall and made my way to the shop that buys the meat of wolves.

After so many errands, I made enough money to buy equipment. I headed to a weapon shop and bought essentials to prepare.

Waiting for the sun to fall, I stayed at the inn, preparing all the things I'd need before I went.




It's nighttime.

Tucking my shoes on the ground, I'm ready to go. I silently sneaked out of the inn and made my way outside.

It's awfully dark, and you can hear nothing but silence. I'm using a black cloak to cover my face and not be seen.

As I headed my way to the gate entrance, a flash of light came my way. My figure was seen by the one holding on to what seemed to be a flashlight.

"Hey! What are you doing this late at night?" The one holding the flashlight said.

I looked carefully at him and realized that he was wearing the uniform of the guards patrolling the city.

I dashed quickly, hoping he didn't expect my moves. As I ran quickly, a huge figure suddenly stopped me in my tracks.

"Good evening, little guy, going somewhere." The guy has a huge body; he's wearing just a shirt. Exposing his arms to the cold winds the night has.

He doesn't have any weapons and is planning to fight me barehanded. I rushed in quickly and punched his stomach.

"Sorry," I muttered.

Landing a direct hit, I sent him flying to the building, making holes in the structure one after another.

Quickly escaping the scene, I successfully made it out of the city. Heading straight to the dark forest.

To be honest, I didn't feel anything when I heard the news. Merry and her brothers aren't that important to me, and it's none of my business what happens to the three of them.

However, if I had followed my intuition back then and taken the quest, I could've saved their lives. Just what have I been doing these past few days? Living peacefully instead of grinding my level. I won't grow at this rate.

That's why clearing this quest will make sure to give me a promotion and boost my ranks.

Staring at the dark, creepy forest, I make a stance while holding my sword in my right hand. My cloak makes a fluttering sound, and the silent hustling of the leaves can be heard.

I started walking inside, rolling my eyes around, and turning my head left and right. Observing and looking for any signs of movement.

This continued for a while until I arrived at a cave. It's dark, and nothing can be seen. I opened my hand and cast a low-fire spell. Inside, I see bones cleanly wiped off. I looked around and noticed a red cloth in the corner of the cave.

I picked it up and remembered that these are the clothes Merry wore yesterday. Realizing that my thoughts are correct, I tightly hold the cloth in my hand. I wish that this hadn't happened.

Suddenly feeling an intense bloodlust behind me, I quickly turned around and swung my sword.

Standing in front of me is a werewolf, bearing its claws and fangs.

I made the correct decision by swinging my sword in its direction.

The werewolf is intercepting my sword with its right claw. It raised its left claw and aimed it towards my head.


A burst of wind directed toward the werewolf has emerged. Sending the werewolf outside of the cave.

I stepped outside and looked down at the werewolf. Right now, I have the high ground.

"You low-level monster, killing everything you see. You're a vermin trying to survive using scraps, killing innocent people along the way," I angrily said.

I pointed my sword at the werewolf.

"Tonight, you'll receive my judgment."

The werewolf screamed loudly at me, roaring with all its might. I gave the appearance of not having any fear through my words.

It rushed quickly to my way. However, compared to the goblin king I once faced, this is a child's play.

I pierced my sword directly in its right chest. I made it fall to the ground and roll around due to the pain I inflicted.

Realizing my strength, the werewolf starred daggers in my way.

I blinked my eye, and it immediately turned into a shadow. Merging with the dark forest and trees, it made its way away from me.

Forcing my feet to move, I quickly followed the werewolf to the dark forest. Due to the darkness, I can't track any of its movements.

Raising my sword and putting it on my shoulder, I took a stance. I was swinging my sword at a fast pace. The trees slowly fell down one by one.

I slashed an area of at least 20 meters in radius, but to no avail.

I clenched my fist, regretting making the werewolf get away.