Chapter 21: Michelle Amberstone

Michelle Amberstone was born in Conheart City. The Conheart City she grew up in is peaceful, beautiful, and filled with happiness. Michelle's days were filled with love and laughter. Surrounded by friends and family, they always make the day joyful and full of excitement. Not a day ends that she doesn't smile. Her life was considered heaven.

But one day, the king became greedy and took everything from his citizens. The guards, who were supposed to protect them, destroyed all of their houses. Killed civilians who tried to oppose the king's actions.

All of Michelle's friends and families died at the hands of the kingdom of Conheart City. That's why Michelle wants to take revenge. In a dark alley, someone helped Michelle get back on her feet. The name of the man is Joshua Blackthorn.

He's a member of the shadow pledge; he taught Michelle how to fight. He also provided shelter, food, and clothes for her. Michelle's loyalty to Joshua wouldn't disappear.

To pay back the man who saved her life. That's the life Michelle Amberstone has right now.




Klay Panthor/Christ Skylar POV

We took the mysterious woman who attacked us as a hostage. Oh, my apologies; it's not hostage, but rather we tied her in a chair with ropes and will interrogate her. If she didn't give us any information, then I'll gladly end her suffering. And by that, I meant killing her.

My thoughts are so evil... Karma will be disappointed in me when we meet. I'm sure Karma became a murderer just like me. I mean, we almost have the same mindset. Maybe?

"Wake up," said Nova.


The impact of the slap can be heard around the room. It made a loud sound and must've hurt a lot. Nova slapped the mysterious woman in the face with full force through her palm.

"Hm?" The mysterious woman slowly woke up from the slap. She took it straight on, but it doesn't seem like it had an effect on her. Or so I thought.

"Ow!!" cried the mysterious woman.

"Good morning," said Nova sarcastically.

"Tsk, who are you people?" said the mysterious woman.

Without hesitation, Nova slapped her again with full force. Filling the room with an echo of its impact.

"We're the ones asking questions," said Nova.

I didn't expect this side of Nova; she apparently knows how to interrogate people, and it's scaring me.

"First, what's your name?" asked Nova.

"Heh, why should I give you my name? Huh?!" shouted the mysterious woman.

She's right; there's no benefit in giving any information to the people who infiltrated your base and captured you. But I'm sure that Nova has something on her mind that will make this girl talk.

"Urgh!!" The mysterious woman cried.

The mysterious woman cried in pain, which was a natural reaction. Nova broke her finger easily. It seems that Nova is the kind of girl who's used to torturing people.

"I can't watch," said Neerial.

I can't blame her, though. Just because she's a werewolf doesn't mean she doesn't have empathy. I gave her a pat on the back, and Neerial decided to step out of the room.

Now that I think about it, this mysterious woman is probably high-level; withstanding my spell alone can be used as proof. She took it head-on, and she didn't turn into dust. Similar to Neerial, who took my spell head-on and still survived.

Nova continued torturing her over and over. Breaking her fingers one by one. The mysterious woman has tears in her eyes due to the pain she felt. She continued screaming, but Nova didn't give any signs that she'd stop.

"Hm... This seems to be trouble. All of your fingers in hand are broken, and I don't want to touch your dirty feet," said Nova. "I guess I have no choice."

Nova pulled out a stick that looked like a magic wand and pointed it at the woman's fingers.

"Heal," said Nova.

A green light glowed at the hand of the mysterious woman and healed her bruise. Returning to the hand that she had earlier, before the torture.

But instead of happiness, a fear expression can be seen on the face of the woman. Trying her best not to let out a scream, she shakes her head slowly as if trying to reject what's happening.

"Let's repeat this, shall we?" said Nova.

Nova slowly touched the woman's finger and grabbed it tightly. She's getting ready to break it again.

"STOP!!" screamed the woman.

However, Nova had already broken her finger, and the woman screamed in pain. Filling the room with her painful voice.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you, haha," said Nova.

That's harsh; I'm sure that she meant to do that. The woman is breathing heavily and crying from pain.

"I'll talk," said the mysterious woman.

"What's your name?" asked Nova.

"Amberstone, Michelle Amberstone," said the mysterious woman.

"Amberstone, do you know a child you people have kidnapped named Seraphina?" said Nova.

"Seraphina? What does she look like?" asked Amberstone.

"She's small and has a strand of pink hair," said Nova.

"Pink hair? That kid was already taken to its buyer," said Amberstone.

At the word "buyer," Jonathan got triggered and grabbed the shirt of Amberstone.

"You sold our sister?!" screamed Jonathan.

"Brother, wait!" Screamed Nova.

Nova stopped Jonathan and held his hands to not make any rash movements. She is trying her best to persuade Jonathan to calm down. Deep down, Nova is feeling the same emotion as Jonathan, but she decided to hide it for a moment and focus on what she has to do.

"Big brother, I know this is something to be mad about. But nothing good will happen if you let out your anger on this woman. She's merely a slave," said Nova.

"Hey," said Amberstone. As if being offended by the words of Nova calling her slave.

Hoping this wouldn't get any worse, I patted Jonathan on the shoulder to help him calm down.

"She's right, Jonathan. You need to focus on what really matters and ask where your sister really is," I said.

"Yes, you're correct," said Jonathan, letting go of Amberstone.

I pulled out my magic staff and got closer to Amberstone. Jonathan and Nova questioned my movements, but I just waved at them, saying, 'Let me handle this'. I kneeled down and looked straight into Amberstone's eyes.

"Starting today, you'll help us find their little sister," I ordered.

"Huh? Who are you?" said Amberstone.

"It doesn't matter who I am; what matters is that you'll obey my order," I said.

"Ha! And why should I?" said Amberstone.

"It's your choice; if you follow me, you'll live; if you don't, you'll die," I said.

"Huh?" wondered Amberstone.

"Death spell: Binding Contract"

Death Spell: Binding Contract

This is the spell that I obtained when I killed the 50 adventurers. I obtained different kinds of death spells that can be used on my enemies. The binding contract serves as an unbreakable promise. The only one who has control of this contract is me; the other party is just my victim. Of course, this spell doesn't work if the other party is at the same level as me or higher. Disobeying the caster's orders will lead to certain death.




Michelle Amberstone, also known as the talented soldier of the shadow pledge, has fallen into the hands of Klay Panthor.

Her body is trembling and sweating due to fear and wanting to run. Sadly, she can't. She doesn't have a choice but to follow Klay Panthor's command. If she wants to live, then she'll have to follow his orders.

The obvious choice is to disobey Klay Panthor and die. But Michelle Amberstone has a goal. She has to repay the man who saved his life. She has to repay Joshua Blackthorn. Even if she has to follow Klay's every order.

The death spell has been cast successfully. A skull showing a green, nasty aura appeared in front of her and went inside her.

Amberstone couldn't help but let out tears from her eyes. She couldn't do anything about the presence of this individual in front of her. Her level is definitely outclassed.

Klay Panthor wiped the tears from Amberstone gently and touched her face. "Don't worry, I wouldn't give you unreasonable orders. I just want you to help us find the sister of these two," said Klay.

His words are kind, giving off the vibe of an angel that brings happiness to humans. However, his eyes are different. His eyes are filled with terror. Like he's ready to murder anyone. She's not looking at a human; she's looking at a demon in disguise.

Filled with fear, she couldn't help but utter words that she knew wouldn't get a response. But still hoping that it will.

"Help me..."